Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5281: accept the challenge

"Are you sure you don't regret it? If you really lose to me then, don't find any reason."

"Since I can survive, of course I have learned a lot in this battle. It is not so easy for you to defeat me." Li Tian waved his hand, and then set his eyes on the girl receiving him.

"Very well, since you agreed, it doesn't matter. I will find you on time tomorrow. Remember my name is Gongzutu. Tomorrow is your death date." He sneered and glanced at Catherine with a soft tone. A lot: "Captain Catherine, you can see, I didn't intend to hurt this young man, but since he has agreed to my challenge, I obviously can't retreat."

At this time, many people in the guild looked at them, and also did not expect that Li Tian would agree to such a thing at this time, but most of the expressions on these people's faces were exactly the same, with a somewhat unbelievable appearance.

They did not dare to imagine that Li Tian would actually agree to such a request, and it seemed that such a decision was just a small decision for him, and there was no intention to think seriously. At this time, they had to start to observe seriously. Is the young man in front of him really as ordinary and weak as he looks?

They are also looking forward to tomorrow's war with the massacre.

Although the guy Gongzutu is a complex surname, he has no background in the gods. He usually uses some tricks to cheat some resources from the young immortals, and then uses this to enhance his strength.

In such a vicious circle, his shameless reputation in Luoyang City spread slowly. Many people knew his methods, but no one really encountered those young people who were deceived. Willing to stand up, because although the means of public loss and massacre are despicable and the people are very nasty, but the strength is not enough, the resources that this guy has obtained through deception these years are not a small amount.

With his current strength, it is very likely that he has reached the level of five-star **** cultivation or even higher. Such strength is also a very powerful existence among these immortals, or among these bounty. Up.

Therefore, when she learned that this guy was going to take action against Li Tian, ​​Catherine's first thought was to stop this duel anyway.

This guy is already an old fritters. From the time she has been with Li Tian, ​​it is certain that although the strength of the kid in front of him is very strong, he is completely adorable.

Although such a guy possesses the realm of spiritual cultivation, there is no way to display his realm perfectly. Don’t look at the public loser in front of him. It doesn’t look like a powerful character, but if he really fights, Li Tian will definitely not Will be the opponent of this guy.

She asked in a low voice: "Are you crazy? How can you agree to other people's duel requests casually at this critical time? If you fail, do you know what the consequences will be?"

Li Tian smiled: "Of course I know that I pay more attention to the qualifications of this trial than any of you, so I will never lose to anyone before this, and I must not waste the resources in my hands too much."

"Then why do you still agree to the requirements of the public losers?" Seeing the public losers and tutors turned and left with a satisfied face, now Catherine is completely incomprehensible. What is this guy thinking about? If you lose to the public loser, you may later hand over your qualifications to the public loser. You need to know the players nominated by the city lord.

Even if their strength is not the most outstanding, their talent is not the most outstanding, but they can also become a very important existence in the eyes of these sects.

At this time, the best thing to do is to avoid fighting with them, but Li Tian has no such idea at all.

"If I don’t agree to this guy’s request, more people will put their hostile eyes on me. Since the public losers will challenge me with such courage, it means that he is very confident in his own strength. If I can easily defeat the guy in front of me, then I believe no one will want to fight against me." Li Tian's eyes showed a vicious look, I believe that as long as I can show my strength, these People should have no idea of ​​challenging themselves.

The best geniuses of those participating in the trials are at the realm of spiritual cultivation, but in Li Tian's current thinking, it is not so easy to defeat him in the realm of spiritual cultivation.

Catherine looked at his vows and smiled bitterly: "Are you really sure? Although I haven't fought against the public losers, I don't know the tricks of this guy, but I still know that this guy's strength may There are some differences from what we imagined. Are you really sure that you can beat this guy? If you are not sure, you should not make such a decision at this time."

"Don't worry, I have my own plan." How could Li Tian be anxious, but he has some spells in his hands. This time he can use these spells to see if his tactics can be perfect. It was revealed that his realm was already here, and the only thing missing now was a good opportunity to fully reveal his realm.

With the help of spells, this situation may change dramatically.

"I hope it is like this. If you fail in this duel, then your opportunity may be lost in this way. This is an opportunity we have won with our own lives. I hope you never waste it. A good opportunity." Catherine looked at Li Tian, ​​and then said in a serious tone: "I know your talent, and I also know that if you can become a personal disciple, you will have a better future."

Li Tian laughed mockingly: "There are countless masters in Luoyang City, and there are also many young geniuses. How can I become a direct disciple."

"Don’t think at this moment that you don’t have this ability. In my opinion, you are better than many people. You can always display your keen sense of smell in battle. This is not always The ability that anyone can have, my instinct tells me that you will have a very good future in the future." Catherine said with a smile.

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