Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5294: Strong

The public loses and the Tu is a little confused.

He asked himself that his speed was in the same level, and he was already a very fast person. Usually the enemy was killed directly without even seeing his shadow. Such a rapid body technique was in the entire **** realm and **** cultivation realm. Almost none of the people can find one. In the future, he is also destined to become a strong existence that everyone is afraid of. However, when facing Li Tian today, he was a little bit stunned. ,

He had clearly determined Li Tian's position, and even figured out how to make Li Tian be defeated by himself in an instant.

But at such a critical time, the young man in front of him ran away.

That speed surpassed the imagination of a public loser in a short moment. He would never have thought that a kid in the realm of **** cultivation could exert such a terrible speed in such a short period of time, and he could not even notice it with his strength. Just how fast Li Tian was, it might just be spent in front of him, and then Li Tian completely disappeared in front of him like this.

'How is this possible, there may not be many people in Luoyang City or even in the God Realm with the agile speed of mine, but in front of this kid, I actually felt my own slowness, even before I started. He just fell out of my face like this? He looked at his hands in surprise, then squinted his eyes and sneered; "But even this way you can't change anything. You are doomed to fail. There is no doubt about this."

"Really?" Li Tian's voice came from behind him. The Hong Zhan in his hand did not know when it had become a charging cannon. At this time, the energy in the barrier disappeared little by little. It was absorbed by the charged cannon in his hand, and slowly condensed into a whirlpool-like shape, as if to swallow everything around it.

The Gongzutu looked at the weapon in front of him, and once again he was surprised: "Is this... is it a firecracker?"

"Clearly more advanced than that."

'boom! ’

The energy of the charging cannon blasted out.

Gong Shutu's face sank, and he quickly read the formula, his body flashed quickly throughout the enchantment, and his **** always followed the energy of the charging cannon, just like a tarsal maggot, very difficult to entangle.

The energy above, even if it is a public loser, now he dare not really go up.

He didn’t know how Li Tiandie did it, but he knew that this energy was really terrifying. He converted part of his body’s celestial power into this impact energy, and even the surrounding energy was assimilated. Even he has to dodge the power of energy, but this power lasts for less than he thought. As she dodges, the energy decays little by little.

"It seems that this trick should consume a lot of your energy, right now I want to see what else you can do?" When the energy of the rechargeable cannon was probably exhausted, the public defeat did not continue. The meaning of running away, but turning to face Li Tian, ​​raised his left hand, waved the finger tiger towards the charging cannon, and he wanted to completely wipe out the energy in front of him.

Then launched a counterattack.

Although this cannon is not very lethal, it would not be good if Li Tian can continuously fire such energy cannons. He does not have much power to escape, especially when there are all such energy cannons in the enchantment. Even if he had two more legs, I was afraid that there was no way to dodge it. The way he faces now is to face it directly, just kill Li Tian directly.

However, at the moment Thaksin believed it was right, the change happened.

Those energies were indeed decreasing sharply. At the moment when Zhihu completely wiped out the energy of the charged cannons, a raging fire suddenly rushed out like a fire dragon that broke through the bamboo, followed by a fireball that covered the sun.

These fireballs are all countless small fireballs formed in the explosion, falling from the sky.

The expression of Gonglutu sank, and his face became serious in this short moment: "I didn't expect you to have such a charm on your body. No wonder you didn't have any nervousness in this battle."

Although he said it was very relaxed, he still felt very difficult when facing it.

The power of these fireball techniques is very huge, even if it is just one or two small fireballs falling on him, it is not a taste, not to mention that these energies have always been wrapped in energy cannons before. When Li Tian was charged, There was still radiance everywhere in this enchantment, and he didn't notice the existence of these fireballs at all, waiting until the moment when the energy was exhausted.

These fireballs rushed towards the face like a fire dragon.

He thought about the possibility of a lot of failure, and never thought that the final result would be like this.

Do you really want to lose to this Li Tian today?

No, absolutely not allowed.


The sound of explosions kept coming from his body, one by one, fireballs fell on Gongchutu's body, torturing his body bit by bit.

No matter how timely the reaction of the public loss to the massacre, it is impossible to completely offset the energy of the fireball technique in front of him in such a short time, so he can only use his body to force it down.

Fortunately, the energy of these fireball techniques is only in the realm of gods and disciples, far not so powerful.

But after undergoing this wave of attacks, he still felt a little bit of powerlessness.

In the next second, Li Tian was already here to pursue the victory, and the charged cannon in his hand turned into a red sword, with a blood-red sword light flashing in the air with a dazzling demon and strange light, and slashed fiercely.

Many of the audience around the arena covered their mouths and couldn't believe the scene before them.

That tyrannical public loser, is he really going to lose to such a young man today?

"From your perspective, is this battle over?"

"Although Li Tian's series of attacks have successfully made the public loser feel uncomfortable, it is not so easy to defeat him. The spell of the **** disciple realm, even if it is such a large-scale hit, will only make the public loser suffer. It's just a slight injury. If he wants to persist afterwards, it may not be impossible." Tian Luozong's man looked at and said lightly.

Although his tone was very plain, there were already a lot of strange colors in his eyes.

Throughout the ages, someone who can use his own tactics and spells so perfect, I am afraid that only Li Tian in front of him.

It is so easy to accommodate these different techniques.

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