Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5314: Memorial bell

Lu Xiu swallowed his saliva and looked at the memorial bell that shone with golden luster under the light. Even if the user was just a fairy in the realm of spiritual cultivation, the momentum emitted by this magic weapon should not be underestimated.

"How many secrets this kid brings, even a magic weapon such as Ji Youling can be obtained. Why should I join our Tianluo Sect? I now wonder if I should accept such a guy. "Nan Fengzhu frowned. He doubted whether the boy in front of him was a spy sent by the Zhuge family. If he was just an offshoot, why would he have such a terrible magic weapon as the Sacrifice Bell?"

However, what he meant was that Li Tian had no possibility of defeating the person in front of him.

After all, even if such a terrifying magic weapon as Ji Youling was taken out, no matter how terrifying Li Tian's strength was, it was completely impossible to change the situation in front of him.

No matter how powerful the trick is, it is just a trick.

But sacrifice to worry bell, but a terrible magic weapon.

"If it was really the Zhuge family's means, would you shut out such a genius? Although we don't know the secret of Ji Youling, we can give such a powerful magic weapon to such a branched child. There must be secrets that we don't know yet. What is the reason is that we can only think about it slowly." Lu Xiu looked at it, and madly injected his immortal power into the barrier.

At this time, many scattered immortals around, don't know what happened here.

Although the previous enchantment looks shaky, it is enough to find some people. Why do the elders of Tianluo Sect and the Lord of the City personally take action to strengthen the enchantment?

"No, that Zhuge Yuntian holds in his hands, but the Zhuge family's magic weapon sacrifice bell, the magic weapon that showed terrible power in the God Emperor War, it is very likely that the entire Luoyang City will be wiped out." A scattered fairy saw. With an exclaimed bell on the sacrificial worries that bloomed with a strange color, he began to want to turn around and escape.

Many people around ridiculed: "What are you kidding about, Jiyouling is the legendary magic weapon of the Zhuge family. Zhuge Yuntian is just a subordinate child. Will they give such an important magic weapon to such a small role?"

"That is, if a child of a branch can get such a powerful magic weapon as Ji Youling, why should he want to join the Tianluo Sect?"


"Captain, this bell looks weird."

"Of course weird, the magic weapon that showed terrifying power in the God Emperor Wars back then, known as the sacrificial bell of a leapfrog challenge to the artifact, do you think it is really so ordinary?" Catherine cast a white glance at Mengsk next to him, looking worried. Li Tian: "I don't know if he can survive this battle."

"He is already so unsympathetic. Why should you continue to worry about this kid? I should say that Zhuge Yuntian should kill him directly. An ungrateful guy like him is not worthy of our sympathy and worry." Mengsk looked at the ring. Li Tian of Li Tian is still brooding about what happened before. At the beginning, Catherine was close to Li Tian because of interests, and he accepted Li Tian entirely because of Catherine.

But later, Li Tian was betrayed by them without saying a word.

He also said that they were originally from two worlds, and it was impossible for them to become good friends.

Mengsk was very angry.

He could feel that Catherine was really good to Li Tian, ​​she really regarded Li Tian as her friend from birth to death, even though the starting point was not very good at the beginning, but as she learned about Li Tian little by little, The charm of his personality, even Mengsk, feels completely from the heart that Li Tian is a very reliable guy.

Although what happened after that completely proved his feeling was wrong.

"Even if he is unrighteous, we can't do this. Those of us who walk between life and death are most concerned about being loyal, isn't it?" Catherine smiled bitterly and looked at Li Tian on the ring. Muttering:'You must support yourself, and you must become the winner in the end. ’

The'terrible aura' is the most real thing Li Tian can feel through the'eyes' around him. The energy blooming from the worrying bell is like an unstable nuclear bomb, which may explode at any time. Each drop of blood was poured into the Worry Bell, and the aura emitted by this magic weapon became even more terrifying, and the scope of its spread became wider and wider.

A very sad mood radiated from the magic weapon, which really affected Li Tian.

His mood began to be affected little by little, and it was difficult to continue to maintain such a state of calmness.

"Try to calm yourself down, and try not to think about the strength of your opponent. If you can't continue to maintain such a steady state of mind now, you won't be able to use this trick with a sword to the west, and then face such a terrible magic weapon. You can't have any chance of surviving at all." Hong Huang Qinglong reminded Li Tian in his mind that at this time Li Tian's state was very bad and he had to stabilize his mind.

Li Tian smiled bitterly, speaking lightly, but it was not so easy to do.

The emotions emanating from the memorial bell affect Li Tian as if it were the substance, just like a mother's hands touching your cheeks, making him unable to control his emotions.

The fluctuations became stronger and stronger, and the green sword light behind him began to crack little by little.

Lu Xiu saw this scene in his eyes and sighed: "It is worthy of such a powerful magic weapon. It has already affected Li Tian's mood through his aura, and his tricks are being broken bit by bit. After the sword light behind him completely disappeared, the duel has come to an end. Facing Ji Youling, he has no chance of winning."

"Oh, I thought this kid was very good, but suddenly a better kid popped out. It seems that your previous wishful thinking was all wrong." Nan Fengzhu sighed and looked indifferent, but looked like It's the same in the theater.


The first green sword light was completely shattered and turned into energy and disappeared into the air. Li Tian's body trembled and his mood became more unstable.

"It seems that you are also infected by this sad emotion." Zhuge Yuntian looked at Li Tian, ​​who was trembling slightly, with a touch of excitement. Even though he was pale, he still smiled happily at this time.

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