Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5330: Tricky guy

Li Tian is now using his spiritual thoughts to cover the entire arena as much as possible. He knows that Chi Chenzi must not disappear from his sight like this. There is only one possibility to be sure. The opponent is not good at it. An immortal with spiritual spells, but one who practices another type of spell.

At this moment, the top of the ring is filled with smoke, and it is difficult to see the opponent's appearance.

"We are still not able to determine where your opponent is. Maybe this guy is still on this ring at this time, but he just hides himself in a special way." Honghuang Qinglong said in a low voice, they are the only one now. What is certain is that the opponent is still on the ring, hiding in the dark watching their movements.

Maybe it only takes Li Tian to reveal a flaw, and the opponent can attack quickly.

Li Tian also knows that, so he has always been careful to watch out for Chi Chenzi.

Suddenly, a thick black fog rushed towards Li Tian.

This black mist looks darker than ink, and it exudes a very strange smell, like the smell of a corpse. The pungent smell hits his face, and Li Tian quickly noticed it. A thick black fog.

The Hong Zhan in his hand slammed a sword light, and disappeared the moment it hit the black mist.

In the sound of "chichichichi", Li Tian's attack was immediately disintegrated, leaving no trace.

His expression was a little dignified, step by step he stepped back and squinted his eyes: "It seems that the opponent this time is very difficult. Although this spell is not known yet, it must be extremely evil, and There is also a corrosive nature on this black fog. If it encounters it, it might corrode me."

Li Tian stepped back step by step, but Hei Mist advanced like an army, constantly approaching him.

Seeing that the distance between Heiwu and Li Tian is getting closer and closer, he now has no choice if he wants to continue to retreat. His skill is not a sunshine avenue, but an enchantment. Wanting to retreat again represents failure.

He tried to use the fireball technique to wipe out the black mist, but it had no effect.

"You don’t need to work hard here. This black mist has a terrifying swallowing nature. It can swallow all the energy and objects in this world. Even I need to be careful to deal with it, not to mention you. Those who don't understand, I'm afraid there is no other way." Chi Chenzi's voice rang in Li Tian's ear, as if he was laughing.

Feeling the stench and pressure from the black mist, Li Tian could only fight to the death.

He took out the two imperial wind techniques, and then quickly chanted the spell. The speed of the whole person was increased several times, his feet slammed on the ground, and he jumped quickly.

At the same time, it was another wind protection technique, which turned into a hurricane and fell on the ring.

Since Chi Chenzi’s voice can still reach Li Tian’s ears, it can only mean that this opponent is still on the ring. There must be something that Li Tian hasn’t checked yet. Use the hurricane to remove the dust on the ring. After a part of the dense fog dissipated, the devastated arena was exposed to Li Tian's sight, and Chi Chenzi's figure followed.

This guy just stood there on purpose and detonated the fireball technique, and then used a means to hide his breath, instantly giving people the feeling that he was dead or disappeared from the ring.

But in fact, Chi Chenzi had never moved on this ring.

"Yes, it's like knowing this so quickly. It's worthy of a man who can defeat Zhuge Yuntian, but my opponent is more difficult than Zhuge Yuntian. Don't think this is over." He sneered. , Clenched his hands into fists, and condensed a cloud of thick black fog, and then began to gather slowly, as if to merge some different colors together.

The attributes of these black mists seem to be extremely special, and under his compulsory means, they actually began to resist.

This integration process is very slow.

However, Chi Chenzi would not be particularly worried, because Li Tian is still closely following a cloud of black mist. If it weren't for his fast speed, coupled with the assistance of the imperial wind technique, he might have been affected by that now. A cloud of black mist was swallowed directly.

Above the ring, the black mist would swallow the holy stones under their feet from time to time.

I don’t know how these black mists came from. After swallowing these sacred stones, the sacred stones under their feet did not recover from the internal energy for a while, still maintaining the appearance after being corroded and swallowed. It made people sigh and surprised that the power of this black mist was so terrifying that it could not even be opposed to the strongest sacred stone barrier in the world?

"There is no point in escaping. Even if you just made a small mistake in this battle, the final result was defeated by me, but I don't need to make a mistake by myself. I can just stand here. Controlling everything, no matter where you are, there is no way to escape my attack." Seeing Li Tian fleeing frantically, Chi Chenzi gave a cold snort, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and said with a hint of disdain.

Li Tian ignored him, he still had a lot of imperial wind skills.

But the prices of all these things are not low. They are only available through his hard work these days, not only for this trial, but also for many things in the future. These imperial wind spells, so she wants to reduce her consumption as much as possible. If this is the case, she may need to defeat Chi Chenzi faster.

Their fighting method at this time was like a war of attrition. Li Tian didn't know what Chi Chenzi consumed, but what he consumed was these imperial wind spells.

Seeing the spells being used one by one by himself, Li Tian is really very painful now. For many people, the spells of Yufengshu are extremely precious, but they are now being used by Li Tian. It is used as a toy at will, and there is no desire to reduce the amount that he currently consumes. People have to wonder what the purpose of this kid is.

Chi Chenzi also knew that Li Tian was not consuming his immortal power, but he didn't stop it.

Even if a charm is a kind of auxiliary prop, it is not endless. Li Tian will soon consume all the charms on his body, and then he will release it.

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