Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5335: Top four

The entire Luoyang city spread Li Tian’s name in just a few days. Many people know that such a young man easily entered the quarter-finals on his own strength. , And also defeated a guy who was good at sorcery and as powerful as Zhuge Yuntian, and was promoted to the top four.

In the next battle, Catherine's combat effectiveness was far from perfect as they thought.

Her opponent is also a guy from Xianyang City, but obviously the strength is far more powerful than her. Even though she has shown her strength as much as possible in this quarter-finals battle, she eventually lost to The opponent.

At the same time, the game system has also changed at this time. They did draw lots to determine who their opponents are, but everyone knows that it is not someone else who is secretly planning everything, it is Lu Xiu, so they also started Suspecting the fairness of this trial, there were only one or two people who were skeptical of this matter, but as the number of rumors increased, Lu Xiu's pressure gradually increased.

This kind of thing was originally passed to ten, ten to one hundred, and then the influence became larger and wider.

In desperation, Lu Xiu could only choose to draw lots in front of everyone. The remaining four were Li Tian and Lu Wenhui from Luoyang City, Zhang Dahui from Xianyang City, and Zhang Qiling from Donglin City.

The strength of these four people is very strong, and being able to gradually come to this point among so many candidates is certainly not ordinary strength.

Lu Xiu stood on the ring, squinted at the scattered immortals below, squinted and said: "Everyone has always doubted the fairness of our game this time, so this time our rules are a bit different. The opponent candidates for the trials are a real draw, and draw lots in front of you all. I believe you will not doubt at this time that there is something shady in this trial."

The following celestial immortals smiled chastely. Although they said that, who knows what Lu Xiu has done secretly.

However, after the incident this time, these people began to become cautious. The dignified City Lord began to take this matter so seriously. If they dare to talk nonsense down here at this time, who knows Lu Xiuhui If they don't deal with them, they will not be able to deal with an existence like Lu Xiu by relying on their current strength.

Li Tian looked at Lu Xiu in the ring, but he was very anxious, and now he has reached the top four.

What he is most worried about now is that he met Lu Wenhui in the draw today, what should he do? It is certain to kill Lu Wenhui, but how to leave Luoyang City after this is what Li Tian is most worried about now.

He knew very well that after killing Lu Wenhui, he would instantly become a wanted object for the entire Luoyang City.

‘Damn it, the good news is that something like this happened. I thought we had planned it before, but when it happened, I realized that what I had imagined before was all fantasy. Li Tian whispered in his heart. Now even if he wants to change this situation, it is definitely impossible. Now he can only face the next challenge.

Secretly praying in my heart, this time the four-finals battle, I must not collide with Lu Wenhui.

"It seems that this time, we can't be sure who our next opponent is. Maybe the battle between the two of us will be staged in advance." Lu Wenhui didn't know when he came to Li Tian, ​​squinting his eyes. Said: "Are you ready? If your opponent is me next, I won't give you any chance."

"Master Lu is really joking. As I said before, I always have my own principles in doing things. Lord City Lord can give me a lot of benefits. I believe that what I give back to you will never let you. Disappointed." Li Tian looked at the serious Lu Wenhui in front of him, only smiled lightly, squinted his eyes and said slowly.

Lu Wenhui looked at Li Tian as if he wanted to find some clue from the face of the guy in front of him.

And Li Tian, ​​at this moment, still only smiled.

"You better do this, otherwise I believe you are very clear about what you will end up with. There will be no place for you in the entire God Realm." He looked at Li Tian and snorted, then toe Left proudly.

Catherine saw the scene before her eyes and sighed helplessly.

Originally, she was still worried about this competition, but seeing that her current result is pretty good, being able to enter the quarterfinals has at least proved that the strength of these people is far enough to meet the requirements of Tianluo Zong. There is definitely no problem with their disciples, and what they need to do next is to compete fiercely among so many opponents and eventually become the champion standing on the highest peak.

Catherine failed, but she still cared about Li Tian and wanted to see how long this guy could last in the next battles.

She knows very well that Li Tian is a person who will not easily admit that he has failed. This time the game will definitely go all out. I have made so many mysterious things in the charm shop before, and there must be nothing in his hands. The stunts called out, this time the top four battles, may be Li Tian's final battle.

At this moment, a figure appeared behind her: "It looks like you have failed."

"Why are you here?" Looking at the man in the black cloak standing behind her, Catherine was taken aback and whispered, "Is there anything wrong?"

"Some things you may not know yet, but the next thing you need to be careful about is to keep a distance from Li Tian. No matter what, you can't let others see the relationship between the two of you." The man is not someone else, it is. Shuigui Guzi, long after he knew the rules of the top four this time, he knew very well that Li Tian's current situation might have become very dangerous.

In order to change this situation, now we can only implement the plan that is not yet mature.

It used to take a long time to make a more perfect plan. After all, Li Tian has extraordinary significance to Shuiguiguzi, but now he is a little at a loss. Faced with such a sudden occurrence, the only thing he can do now is The thing is to complete his plan as much as possible and make sure that Li Tian can be rescued successfully.

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