Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5347: God Realm



Li Tian can only feel the pain in his heart. This is the most painful blow he has received since he came to the realm of God. At this moment, his whole body is like being thrown into a pan and exploded, and his bones are about to be destroyed. The pain is broken, the whole person just wants to howl loudly in pain, it seems that only in this way can I calm my mood and make myself not feel such pain.

Seeing Dongfang Shuo walking towards him step by step, he gasped and said, "Give me a good time."

"You have arranged everything so perfectly, you can say that many people have been counted in your plan. I can think that you must have thought and planned a lot of time before doing this. Is it over like this, you Just want to kill Lu Wenhui, is it just such a simple thing?" He looked at Li Tian in front of him, squinted his eyes and asked with a smile.

"Hehe, what choice do I have now? I am just a Sanxian who has just reached the realm of spiritual cultivation. Is there any chance facing an opponent like you?" Li Tian sneered, panting. Leaning against the wall behind him, looking at Dongfang Shuo in front of him lazily, he snorted, "If you are ready to do it, take advantage of it now."

"It seems that you have given up completely now, but I can feel that you are holding a spell in your hand now." Dongfang Shuo sneered, and as his voice fell, Li Tian felt At this time, my throat was strangled for life: "Although the charm is a good thing, the biggest drawback is also obvious. It must be activated by chanting the spell on it. Now you I can't say a word, how are you going to use this spell?"

Li Tian felt a little helpless in his heart. He was secretly preparing to use this crucial moment to overshadow Dongfang Shuo in front of him.

What he used was a cyan spell, the world is domineering.

He can instantly attach his own Red Slash to the strength equal to that of the God King's left and right levels, and can exert a very powerful destructive power in battle. Although it is only a buff spell, once it is used, he has no difficulty dealing with Dongfang Shuo in front of him. At least he can successfully escape from Dongfang Shuo's hands when he can't handle it.

But now, there is no way to recite the spell. He can only watch Dongfang Shuo pinching his throat, feeling his breathing heavier and heavier, but nothing can be changed.

"Look at what you look like now, didn't you still be invincible before? Didn't you still think that you can retreat after doing these things?" Dongfang Shuo stared at Li Tian fiercely: "I really didn't expect you Sanxian to have such courage to kill Lu Wenhui in front of me. It's all right now, I'm going to be unlucky with this."

Li Tian stared and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say a word.

His cheeks have started to turn red and he is about to die.

At this moment, Dongfang Shuo suddenly released Li Tian, ​​then snatched the charm from his hand, and took a look at it. It was a yellow charm, the Nine Heavens Royal Thunder Technique.

That is to say, this charm directly killed Lu Wenhui. Although it has something to do with Lu Wenhui's underestimation of the enemy, it can be seen to some extent that the destructive power of this charm is very terrifying. It is only because Li Tian is not a charmer at all. , Otherwise, if a spell master came to cast this spell, I am afraid that the entire Luoyang city would be bathed in scarlet lightning.

"Hehe, this is just right. You probably don't dare to kill me now. If I die, the anger in Lu Xiu's stomach won't know who should be vented when he comes back. It must be unlucky then. You guy, so you can torture me as much as you want, but you dare not kill me." After he could speak, Li Tian began to seem a little indifferent.


Dongfang Shuo's fist hit Li Tian's face heavily, causing him to fly upside down and fall to the ground: "What I hate most is you who don't know what is good or bad, don't you want to die? , I won't let you die, but I will make you worse than death."

He quickly read the formula, and immediately behind him, four fairy swords of different colors appeared, flying high into the air.

Like a fighter jet diving down, the speed suddenly increased. Before Li Tian had time to react, four fairy swords pierced his hands and feet, and nailed him to the ground.

At that moment, a real feeling that life is worse than death hit Li Tian's heart.

"These four swords are the methods I use to punish and torture people. Each sword contains a kind of energy. These energies are different, but they can make you feel the same pain as the energy source." Dongfang Shuo said with a smile. At this time, Li Tian had four fairy swords inserted in his body. Although he didn't die, it made him feel that life is better than death.

This kind of pain directly affects your mind and body. Under the double torture, even Li Tian, ​​who has been fighting for many times, can't bear it.

He was holding a small charm in his left hand, which was the most powerful charm in the world.

He knew very well that it was basically impossible for him to rely on others now, and Shuigui Guzi might not even know that Li Tian had torn his face with them, and that things had progressed to this point.

So now he can only rely on himself, in order to survive, even if he reveals his identity, he will not hesitate.

"There is no way, it seems that I can only throw out all my hole cards." Li Tian whispered, and then quickly roared. Following his voice, Honghuang Qinglong was slowly summoned by him. come out.

When that huge body appeared on this ring, it also brought a very dignified pressure to people, especially the appearance of this blue dragon, which made Dongfang Shuo somehow unable to react for a while.

Although the ancient sacred beasts have not completely disappeared, they have been rare in these years. At this time, witnessing a creature that is almost indistinguishable from the Qinglong will certainly be a little surprised.

But this was only a moment, Dongfang Shuo quickly calmed down: "It seems that this should be your other means. Are you ready to resist to the end?"

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