"Of course they know that something has happened in the Broken Cloud Mountain Range, and they may not know it much later than us, but the reason why they did not come is only because their interests have not been involved at all so far. For Broken Cloud Mountain Range They don't really understand what's happening inside, so it's normal to choose this kind of onlooker attitude." Hearing Li Tian's puzzled appearance, Remnant Soul slowly explained it alone.

In this **** realm, the highest status is of course the **** emperor.

Some of these **** emperors live in seclusion in some unknown places, but there are also a few people who now occupy the best main cities in the entire God Realm, and there are some main cities under their alliance that belong to the alliance.

In addition, although some of the remaining main cities also have trades, they are still fighting in secret, and each other wants to destroy each other's interests.

The current situation in Luoyang City is already very bad. Because of the Broken Cloud Mountains, the main city guild here has not started serious publishing tasks and recovering resources for a long time. This has also made Luoyang City’s economy start very fast. The overall strength of Luoyang City is declining rapidly. This is a good opportunity for the surrounding main cities.

They can take advantage of this opportunity to draw all the talents from Luoyang City to their side, and they can be a very powerful weapon after a period of training.

These are many potential rules. Although they have not been clearly stated, everyone is well aware of each other. As long as their own interests are not involved, no one is willing to help Luoyang City.

Therefore, for so long in the past, Lu Xiu relied on himself and Tian Luozong to barely persist.

"These are things that many people know. They just didn't say it. Even if it is the main city of the God Realm, the relationship between the city lord and the city lord is not as simple as you think, although there are still some gods on their heads. The emperor, but the relationship between each other is not as good as that of the imperial court. This kind of divergence is very serious, leading to the existence of many factions. Several **** emperors have been thinking of unifying the entire **** realm, but every time, it is a terrifying battle. "

Li Tian understood a little at this time. It's not that no one knows about the Broken Cloud Mountain Range, but that no one is willing to help them. It is entirely up to Luoyang City to handle the problems on its own. .

Unless it is, the problem here has been serious enough to affect the interests of other people, otherwise it is impossible for anyone to stand up and help Lu Xiu kill the beasts in these mountains.

And Tianluo Zong, also because of the reasons for the trials, but also wants to open up a sphere of influence of his own in Luoyang City, so he will make such a blood base.

It's a pity that their suzerain may have never thought that what happened to Broken Cloud Mountain would be so difficult to deal with. Several elders came together and there was no news, and even a week passed without any news.

"That's why I told you that you must be careful at this time, because you are truly isolated and helpless."

Li Tian nodded and moved forward.

Shuigui Guzi held a compass in his hand, which looked like a long history. It was painted with symbols that even Li Tian didn't know. It should be something in the God Realm, so he didn't know it at all.

"This compass can guide us in the right direction." Shui Gui Guzi looked at Li Tian who was standing next to him, smiled slightly, and said softly; "Although this decision is a bit crazy, since you have made such a decision Decided, I definitely want to go with you. I hope my strength can help you a little bit."

"I don’t know how to respond to what you said. After I came to God Realm, I was unaccompanied. I thought I might never meet anyone I knew again. You stepped up to help in times of crisis. This kindness is something I will never forget in my life." Li Tian shook his head. Although the strength of Shuiguiguzi is average in front of Lu Xiu, it is also what Li Tian currently knows. Among many people, the only one is willing to stand up and help.

"Don't both of you talk about these silly things here, quickly see what it is." At this time, Catherine's voice came from the front, and it was very clear into their ears.

Li Tian and Shuigui Guzi's attention was quickly drawn over.

What appeared in front of them was an armor. A lot of blood stains could be seen on the armor. From the dents and cracks on it, the master must have fought a desperate war with their enemy. The enemy's own opponent dropped his heavy armor and ran away. It is estimated that he might not be able to leave this mountain range at all.

Li Tian squatted down, glanced at the symbol on it, and said solemnly: "This is the signal of the Guards of Luoyang City, and looking at the blood stains on it, you can almost tell that it should be something that happened in the last few days. ."

"In that case, we have now entered the very dangerous environment you mentioned before?" After listening to the other side of the water ghost Guzi, the expression on his face slowly became dignified, now that he saw this one. Armor, that means the name is by their side, and maybe Lu Xiu is also alive.

Faced with these people's questions, Li Tian didn't answer anything, but looked at the armor in his hand very seriously.

Although the price of this piece is already very shabby, the simple news from this armor can still make Li Tian easily judge some problems. It is now certain that the owner of this armor is indeed Luoyang City. The Guards, and judging from the ranks above, shouldn't be a simple soldier. Thinking of Lori's smile before, he was certain that Lu Xiu and the others had encountered an ambush.

"Lu Xiu and the others should have encountered an enemy here. It hasn't been a long time since this armor was dropped here. It can be judged that it was dropped recently." Li Tian looked at it for a while, and then solemnly said: "Above The traces of the sharp claws can also be seen. This beast may not be the one-eyed orcs we saw before. It is certain that there should be more terrifying beasts in this mountain range."

This is undoubtedly a terrible news for them.

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