Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5450: Nervous Li Tian

Standing in the corner of the ring, Li Tian said this sentence naturally. After hearing this sentence, many people couldn’t help looking at Li Tian in front of him. Many people didn’t know how to describe it. Own mood.

"What's so funny about this, now you are standing here in front of many audiences. If you don't want to be ashamed, you must act as mature as possible to avoid being ashamed." At this time, The old man who he had been talking before looked at the smiling immortals in front of him, and said impatiently: "Ningde, it's time for you to play."

Ning De, the man who laughed at Li Tian before, had a smile on his face and walked very slowly onto the ring step by step, looking at Li Tian arrogantly: "You guy is about to fail now, and you still have the mood to speak big. I really want to see if you can still say the same thing after being defeated by me.",

"Since I am standing on this ring, of course I never thought that I would fail so quickly." Li Tian smiled slightly, the immortal power in his body began to mobilize at this time, and the man in front of him was probably in the realm of spiritual cultivation. Around Samsung, it's pretty good among young people, but if you want to face Li Tian, ​​obviously you don't have much advantage in strength.

It's just that Li Tian can easily see their realm, but few people can see Li Tian's realm.

And before that, Li Tian had always been a **** by Ning Bing's side. In the eyes of many people, it might have been natural to regard Li Tian as a non-threatening guy. Will care about Li Tian's current strength.

Ning De was almost like this at this time. He was very confident of his own strength. Coupled with the rumors that had been circulating before, he didn't pay much attention to the man in front of him.

No matter how much Li Tian surpassed their imagination, he could only be an immortal in the realm of spiritual cultivation. Could anything else be changed?

And he now has the same idea, even if Li Tian is unexpected, he will definitely not exceed this limit, but everything does not exceed this limit, he wants to deal with Li Tian is not as difficult as imagined. .

On the ring, Li Tian stood on the other side with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at Ning De on the opposite side.

Both of them are brewing at this time. This battle is destined to not last too long. There is a huge difference in strength. Naturally, they will defeat each other in the shortest time. At this time, Li Tian also has the same feeling.

'Although Ning De's strength is only in the realm of spiritual cultivation, if it is delayed, it will still waste a little time. Therefore, the best way is to sell a flaw and let him take the initiative to come up. Then he can just use this opportunity to directly fight back, even if it is. Ning De could react, and he did not defend in a short time. ’

And Ning De’s thoughts at this time are not much different from what Li Tian imagined. Although this guy looks at Li Tian very little, he still has to show some serious emotions in the fight, and he is not very anxious at this time. To shoot, but to stand on the side of the ring and wait quietly. The duel between the masters is to find each other's flaws in the confrontation between the two sides. As long as one party can take the lead in revealing its flaws, then this battle may be Ended early.

Now Ningde is waiting. He believes that Li Tian can get to where he is today step by step by relying on Ningbing. Then he can definitely find a flaw in this guy. As soon as this flaw appears, he can Defeated Li Tian in just a few seconds.

‘Hmph, brat, what I said before seems to be very relaxed, but now that you look nervous, it seems to be very uncomfortable in my heart. He sneered and glanced at Li Tian, ​​who was a little nervous in front of him.

Indeed, Li Tian now seems to be really nervous. The whole person looks like there is no special place, but standing on the ring is trembling weakly, even his aura is not as good as before. Among the stability.

Ning De looked at it and shook his head with a smile: "If you think you really are not a player on this stage, you are now completely considering surrendering, and then you can leave here very smartly. Anyway, your reputation in New Moon City is already stinking. Now, even if you lose the game like this, no one will say anything. Why do you want to be strong here and let yourself suffer?"

"This is my business. It has nothing to do with you." Li Tian clenched his hands into fists, his face pretending to be calm, but his aura was constantly fluctuating.

On the other side of the referee's bench, the headed old man looked at Li Tian, ​​smiled and nodded, seemingly satisfied.

"Lao Wang, are you like this?"

"Just look at it. It seems that the rumors really do not have any credibility. Although this young man looks very ordinary, I believe that he will become the most dazzling presence in this game. It will definitely surprise many people. Right." The old man looked at Li Tian's performance and became more satisfied. It seemed that this young man was his apprentice, and there was no way to hide the affection in his eyes.

And under the ring, although everyone is outside the barrier, it can be confirmed through Li Tian's performance that this guy is indeed very nervous.

In an instant, many people in the entire New Moon City began to talk about Li Tian.

If their rumors about Li Tian were only limited to rumors, then it can be said that it is, very sure, this young man is able to get to this point step by step by relying on Master Ningbing, or otherwise. There is no such thing as nervousness on this stage. Looking at him now, it seems that he is not sure about the next battle.

Jin Linger snorted coldly, seeming to be a little strange about what happened in front of her. The little hand fiddled with her hair gently, and whispered: "Is this kid really that weak? Facing such a not very strong opponent I'm still nervous. Is it really luck to get here step by step? If it is really like this, then this kid's luck is really good."

Just as many people thought, Li Tian's current expression made them even more jealous.

Such people can advance, why can't they?

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