Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5457: wanted

"Hey, have you seen this? The outfit on this guy looks very strange, do you feel that this thing seems to have been seen somewhere?"

"What's so strange about this? There are so many strange people in this world. You can't say that you see a strange guy, and you think you must know him. The kid in front of you seems to be in harmony with him. You can't fight with your arrogance. Such a strong man looks at the young people in the entire God Realm. Among these young people, there are very few existences. What nonsense are you talking about?"

"No, don't you think that this guy on the stage is similar to the guy named Li Tian who made a lot of noise in the entire God Realm some time ago? He seems to be fighting in this way." People still didn't want to give up like this. He looked at Li Tian on the ring very seriously, and said solemnly, "Don't Li Tian own the equipment and the sword in his hand?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Li Tian died a long time ago. Hasn't the news been announced by Luoyang City today? I was caught some time ago and has now been killed."

"Such a guy who can kill the city lord and run out of Luoyang City should already be terrifying to the point of indescribable. How can such a strong person be caught so easily?"

There are different opinions, and some people believe that Li Tianzhen has been killed now.

But there are also some people who believe that Li Tian did not die at all, but lived in the God Realm in another way or identity. This is beyond doubt.

At this time, the armor worn by Li Tian and the sword in his hand have successfully made many people suspect that the guy in front of him is probably the rumored Li Tian. Even if they are very reluctant to believe it, it is true. It's too similar. ,

And there are not one or two people who have this idea.

A powerful aura instantly enveloped the entire ring. This was a completely different aura from before. It was even more dignified and stronger. Two pairs of feather blades stirred in the air. When the hurricane approached Li Tian, ​​they quickly gathered.


The hurricane rubbed the blade fiercely like gears, bringing up bursts of electric light and flint-like splashes, but it could not affect Li Tian's body at all, and there was even no possibility for him to move his body. .

After the full liberation, Li Tian now has an absolute superiority in combat effectiveness.

"I didn't expect you to hide your identity all the time. Many people were still wondering what your identity was. I didn't expect you to be the famous Li Tian." Jin Linger hurriedly gave two purple-winged golden cicadas. He greeted him back, and at the same time propped up an enchantment in front of him.

Li Tian's two pairs of feather blades suddenly stretched out towards the outside. The two hurricanes that were still raging instantly turned into turbulence and slammed into Jin Ling'er's barrier.

Only a burst of crisp sound was heard, like instant noodles being crushed bit by bit, the barrier in front of Jin Linger was being destroyed bit by bit, and the previous energy turbulence had all been washed away Dissipated.

"My name is Mu Zitian."

"You don't have to cover up. There is almost only one person in the entire God Realm with such equipment and such a fighting method, and this person is what they call Li Tian, ​​even if you keep covering up here. In any sense, they won’t believe it.” Jin Linger smiled slightly, looked at Li Tian in front of him, and said solemnly: “I think you wanted to hide your identity before, until the finals. Your true level, but I didn’t expect to meet me, and I almost caught my chance."

"I have underestimated the enemy a little bit. It seems that this period of cultivation has also made me think that I am stronger than everything." Li Tian showed a faint smile, squinted at Jin Linger in front of him, faintly Said: "But it won't be like this anymore. I won't give you a chance anymore. Be prepared to be defeated by me."

"It is a great honor for me to be able to make the master who can defeat the immortal realm go all out. In fact, I still really want to know what you used and what methods. Even a strong like Lu Xiu will be killed by you."

"I said that I am not a Li Tian, ​​my name is Mu Zitian."

"What are you worried about? Luoyang City has now cancelled your wanted. They declared that Li Tian who killed Lu Xiu is dead, but everyone knows that this is just a step down. In fact, Li Tian He didn't die at all. Killing Lu Xiu can still be safe and powerful from Luoyang City. Such a guy's strength itself is very terrifying, so how could he be easily caught."

"You seem to be very confident with that guy, but it's a pity that I don't have a good relationship with that guy, otherwise I will help you relay these words." Li Tian sneered, and the red sword in his hand suddenly changed shape. At the same time, instead of the powerful coercion madly suppressing Jin Ling'er in front of him, he no longer wanted to continue entangled here, even if he heard what Jin Ling'er just said was a little excited, he still had to keep calm now.

He was forced to use such a fighting method in desperation, and now he can only think about it, if there is a problem, it is best to rely on Zhuge Yuntian and leave this ghost place.

In other words, Murong Ziqing will probably help herself.

After all, he was regarded as a very important element in helping Murong Ziqing deal with the Shuiyue Sect link. If he died in New Moon City like this, Murong Ziqing's plan would also fall short, and he would definitely not stand idly by.

"I said, I won't give you the slightest chance, so you'd better get serious at this time, otherwise you will fail later, don't blame me for not reminding you this fellow." Li Tian snorted coldly and charged. The cannon began to frantically absorb the surrounding energy, just like a bottomless pit, absorbing all the surrounding energy frantically. At the same time, in the center of the charged cannon, a white ball of light was gradually growing.

Jin Ling'er's expression sank. She knew very well that once Li Tian released this charging cannon, it would definitely destroy the world.

Because this is the sky dojo, this guy is already so frantic, doesn't he keep his hands? Anyhow, I am also a weak woman.

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