Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5577: Shuiyuezong Again

In the evening:

The moon slowly rises in the sky, and Elder Yunxiang and Elder Yunjin are standing at the gate of the main city guild, looking out the street from a distance: "Where have these two guys been, it has already arrived at this time and they haven't come back yet? Could it be that they forgot Did we remind you before?"

"Probably not. Ning Bing has always kept time. Even if Li Tian really forgets, she can't forget it. Since these two haven't come back so late, are there any dangers? Shall I send someone to respond?" Elder Yun Jin thought for a while, and asked with some doubts.

Elder Ruxiang also frowned and didn't know what to do.

"The two elders don't need to worry. I think Li Tian was overwhelmed on the road and missed the best time. Ning Bing had a good relationship with him, so naturally he didn't want to ask this guy to make mistakes alone, so he had to make mistakes together." Feng Tianling walked to the back and said with a low smile: "Of course, this is just a personal guess of mine. I can't know whether it is true or not."

"Master Tianling, as the eldest son of Lord City Lord, you should pay attention to your own proportions. You can say some things, but you can't say some things. I think what you should learn the most in the City Lord Mansion these years It can be said, what kind of things can't be said, right?" Elder Yun Xiang sneered, staring at Feng Tianling in front of him.

If they were in the New Moon City, they might give a bit of face, after all, they were in Fengjie's territory.

But what is this place?

Shuiyue City is the site of their Shuiyue Sect. If they want to deal with Feng Tianling, it is simply a matter of grabbing them, and after finishing it, they can also remove all traces of them and let Feng Jie couldn't find the real culprit at all. This is the power of Shuiyuezong. What kind of things can't be done on their territory?

Feng Tianling also didn't expect that the two men's attitude towards him would turn out to be a big turn of 180 degrees. They were polite with him before, but since arriving in Shuiyue City, all this has changed.

‘Sure enough, it’s just because this is Shuiyue City that makes you feel more confident in your heart, so you dare to talk to me like this? 'Feng Tianling sneered in her heart, but at this time she didn't dare to really fight with the two elders. He just smiled awkwardly: "I just guessed casually. After all, the two of them haven't come back so late. It makes people wonder where they went."

Elder Yunxiang and Elder Yunjin both glanced indifferently and did not respond.

Just when the two of them started thinking about this matter, the voices of Ning Bing and Li Tian finally came from outside.

"Elder, I'm really sorry, because some things on the road delayed a little time, so Master Ningbing also delayed with me, this time I blamed me, it was all my responsibility." The first time I entered the main city guild, Li Tian was sincere and straightforward to admit his mistakes. He knew that because of his own reasons, the entire team's action time had been delayed a lot, not to mention the impact after that.

Elder Yunxiang wanted to say something, but seeing Li Tian like this, what else can he say?

As the saying goes, reaching out and not hitting the smiling faces, Li Tian immediately took all the problems on himself as soon as he came in, and he still had a grinning face. Where could they say anything?

"It's just a few small things. Just pay attention next time. Shuiyuezong has strict rules. If you are late for this kind of thing, it is best not to happen again, lest the Sect Master will be a little unhappy and take your breath away." In front of the two people, Elder Yun Xiang smiled helplessly and whispered.

"Thank you Elder Yunxiang."

"Don’t thank me, but it’s just a small thing, and your attitude of admitting mistakes is very positive, even if we are not good at saying anything about you, but we are really good at saying something, waiting for Shuiyuezong to avoid such things from happening. Lest some unnecessary troubles affect your cultivation, but it is a big thing, and it may even directly affect the winner of this ten-city meeting. Therefore, I hope you two can pay attention to it."

"Don't worry, Elder Yunxiang. Today is really an accident. We didn't expect it to be at this time, otherwise we would have returned." Ning Bing stepped forward and glanced at Feng Tianling, who was standing behind with a gloomy expression. You don't need to think carefully to know that this guy must be speaking badly about them behind the scenes, but how could the two elders be deceived so easily?

All of a sudden, Feng Tianling's purpose was directly torn, and naturally he would not give a little bit of face.

This also made Feng Tianling very ugly, so that's why he looked like this at this time.

After Li Tian and Ning Bing both voluntarily admitted their mistakes, this matter would have ended directly.

"Elder Ruxiang, when shall we leave?"

"Of course you are leaving now, but you don't need to hurry. There is also a teleportation formation dedicated to the Water Moon Sect in this main city guild. We can use this formation directly." Yunxiang The elder said lightly, and then turned to lead the way.

Elder Yun Jin also turned and left, but before that he still patted Li Tian on the shoulder and said, "Let's not take this as an example. If there is another one, it won't give you such a big face."


Feng Tianling saw the two elders leave, and then walked forward and said coldly: "This time you are really lucky. The two elders did not pursue this matter. Otherwise, according to the rules of the Shuiyue Sect, you must be It's going to be bad luck."

"Even if it is Shuiyuezong's strict rules, I am not a member of Shuiyuezong, and their rules are not in my body." Li Tian looked at Feng Tianling in front of him with a look of disdain: " But you, be careful when you speak. As the so-called misfortune comes out of your mouth, maybe we won't care about so much with you, but when you participate in the Ten Cities Conference, I think you should be more careful so as not to follow bad luck. "

"Just take care of yourself."

The attitude of the two people at this time is not very good, they look down on each other, and the tone of speech is quite bad.

Fortunately, Li Tian didn't put his mind more on the guy in front of him, but squinted his eyes to look at the two elders in front of him, and followed them forward carefully.

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