Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5593: Ok i accept

Whenever he saw the girl in front of him, he thought of many orphans left over from the war.

They were very kind and made no mistakes themselves, but the war took away many very important things in their lives, so that their minds and personalities began to undergo earth-shaking changes at this time, and some people even because of this. It became a murderous demon.

This is what happened frequently on the earth before.

Tragedies and tragedies are usually the most common factors that induce a person's inner darkness to be punished.

At this time, Shuang'er was the same as those orphans in the war. Because of Luoyang's army, the entire town was wiped out. As a result, she lost her hometown and her grandfather.

Now I can only be forced to leave the land where I live, and run out to find my parents.

In fact, it was just because there was no safer place to stay in the original position, so I could only choose to leave the original place.

And now she wants to challenge Li Tian even more.

But Li Tian didn't want to face such a poor girl. It's not right to win or fail.

"Do you want me to prove to you that my current choice is wrong?" Li Tian sighed helplessly, and asked with a helpless smile on the young girl in front of him.

"I never felt that there was anything wrong with my current choice. Only you guys would be naive to think that everything I did was wrong." Shuang'er snorted coldly, still reluctant to admit that she was there. At this time, he was controlled by the inner demon, but some of the qualities of this girl had not changed, and that was this stubborn character.

Once you have identified something, it is absolutely meaningless no matter what you say.

Elder Yun Xiang next to him said: "Li Tian is about to participate in the Ten City Conference. This is a very important time for him to prepare for the competition. You must not be distracted. If you challenge him at this time, isn't it just to make him uncomfortable?"

"Didn’t you always want to prove that my current choice is wrong. Only by following your wishes can you truly make yourself healthier and stronger? Now is a good opportunity for you, if you can If you defeat me, I will obediently follow your arrangements and slowly cultivate, but if you can't defeat me, I don't need you to take care of my affairs."

"Li Tian, ​​what's going on, I feel like you have something with each other."

"You think too much, what can we do? It's just that after entering the fantasy fairyland before, I found that this girl's cultivation method was wrong. I think if this goes on, her heart will breed demons, which will affect her growth. , It’s just that she doesn’t want to believe my words, and coupled with the fact that I have achieved such results, she really wants to challenge me to prove that I am the wrong person.” Li Tian shrugged, Said helplessly.

"Since you want to prove that what this girl said is wrong, at this time, you should stand up bravely and meet the challenge of this girl. Use your own strength to prove that this girl is indeed That's wrong, otherwise, what reason do you have to ask her to change her cultivation path?" Feng Tianling on one side finally caught an opportunity, so he could not die.

Li Tian glanced at this guy irritably. He was too lazy to talk to you before, but now he wants to trouble me?

"Li Tian, ​​if you really feel that your previous choices are not wrong, and that you still have a clear conscience, then accept my challenge. As long as you can defeat me, I can live according to your arrangements. "Shuang'er looked at him solemnly, with a determined look in his eyes, even Li Tian began to waver a little bit.

This stubborn girl definitely couldn't rely on a few words, so she let her give up her current practice method.

But Li Tian himself knew very well.

She continued to cultivate in this way, indeed, a very terrible heart demon would appear in her heart, and at her current age, she definitely couldn't restrain the heart demon.

‘What should I do, are you really going to work with this little girl? But it always makes me feel a little unbearable in my heart, why should I care about this with a little girl? Li Tian muttered in his heart.

Elder Yunxiang saw the two entangled people here and said, "Whether you are going to fight or not, I am not able to control you now. It all depends on your own ideas, but if you are really ready, our Shuiyue Sect can provide The arena of the game."

Li Tian nodded: "Thank you, Elder Yunxiang."

"Well, you can continue to discuss here, Master Tianling, Ningbing, let's leave first."

Although Ning Bing wanted to stay and figure out what the relationship between Li Tian and Shuang'er was, even Elder Yunxiang said so. She definitely has no reason to stay, she can only watch seriously. Li Tian also wanted to see some clues from his face. A woman's sense of smell is always very keen. If you can see something from Li Tian's face, maybe that's it, to find the key to the matter. Up.

But obviously, there is nothing coming from Li Tian's face.

This guy still has a calm face, maybe a little bit tangled.

Ning Bing looked at it and could only leave helplessly.

Soon, there were only two of them left in the fairyland of fantasy.

"Are you unwilling to let go of the hatred in your heart like this? Your grandfather asked you to follow me and leave, hoping that you can find your own parents in the gods, instead of relying on hatred to motivate yourself to become More powerful, I really regret that I sent you to the Shuiyue Sect at the beginning. Maybe after these few months have passed, you may forget your hatred."

"There are some things that cannot be forgotten. Even if you did not send me to Shuiyuezong, it is something I remember, I will still remember it clearly. This is something that no one can change. Even if it is you, It's impossible to change." Shuang'er still replied firmly.

"Whatever you think, but I will not agree to your request this time."

"Then watch me become a demon."

"It must be like this?"

"It must be so."

"Well, I promise you." Li Tian finally compromised. He really didn't want to see that the girl in front of him became a demon controlled by a demon.

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