Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5608: Triumph of experience

"Since it is a clone, it must be exactly the same as the main body at the moment of appearance. Before Li Tian transformed into a clone, we hadn't noticed it for a while, that is, this short period of time, let Li Tian's clone She hid the wooden sword in her hand, and when she appeared in front of Shuang'er, all Li Tian holding the wooden sword, how should she take action?" Murongzi had taken the lead in seeing the situation clearly early in the morning. .

Clone is a difficult thing to entangle, especially with Li Tian's method of leap in the void, his body and clone can transform their positions in an instant, making you never know who is the body and who is the clone.

Therefore, the most important thing when dealing with this guy is to write down Li Tian’s aura before the start of the battle, to know when and where this guy will appear, and how to attack. Only then can he seize the opportunity to a certain extent, and will not be disturbed by his clone, thus making himself at a loss.

It is a pity that this is part of the combat experience. Although Shuang'er is indeed talented in cultivation, it is estimated that few people in the God Realm have such a talent.

But it has always been flowers in the greenhouse, and has never really faced a dangerous battle.

Never encountered a cunning opponent.

Even Shuang'er will always make some mistakes in battle.

In a battle of equal strength, it is not only your skills and strength, but also whether you have rich combat experience.

Just like now, if she changes to Murong Ziqing, she will definitely remember what Li Tian’s aura is like long ago, and may even place some identity discriminators on Li Tian’s body. Small objects to determine the position of the body.

But Shuang'er couldn't do it.

Therefore, when Li Tian holding wooden swords appeared from the black hole one by one, she was already stunned.

"Why is it like this? When I looked at it before, there was no wooden sword. How come a wooden sword appeared on every Li Tian's body the moment he came out?" Shuang'er looked at Li in front of him seriously. Heaven, the wooden sword in his hand was tightly held, and the sword aura on it was lingering, just like a giant dragon about to be released, it may be released to swallow the world at any time.

Shuang'er was very nervous at this time. She knew that this battle was the most critical battle for herself to judge the gap with Li Tian.

Even though he was looking for a step down for himself, he didn't want to lose to Li Tian easily at this time.

Once she loses this challenge, it means that all her previous efforts have failed. In any case, she can't accept such a thing, so at this time, she also found some clues on these clones.

"Shuang'er is looking for clues on these avatars. Maybe you can really find Li Tian's body. It seems that this time the game is very interesting." Elder Yun Jin stood aside and said with satisfaction.

"Can you know which one is Li Tian's body?" Murong Ziqing's mouth raised slightly, his eyes filled with approving colors: "Surely you can't find it, right?"

Hearing Murong Ziqing's words, the two hurriedly looked at the ring to find out Li Tian's clone.

But they didn't last long before they let out a soft'huh' voice: "It's really strange. There must be some difference between this kid's body and clone. Why do I find no difference here? Even the two of us can't see at all, what is the difference between this kid's clone and his ontology."

"That's right, with the current strength of the two of you, you are helpless when facing Li Tian's clone, let alone a little girl with not very rich combat experience? Shuang'er's strength and talent have no flaws. , But the combat experience is really bad, and dealing with such old fried dough sticks is simply a disadvantage." Murong Ziqing said helplessly.

In fact, Li Tian's body didn't appear on the martial arts field at all. This guy just used a blind technique.

Before including Li Tian’s ontology, there were four Li Tians in total, and now there are also four Li Tians, but his ontology is not in the martial arts field at all. In other words, when he enters the void and leaps into the void, One clone was separated at a time, and within a short period of time, the same four Li Tian appeared on the martial arts field, giving people a feeling that he seemed to be no different from the clone.

But this is not the case at all. The reason they couldn't find the ontology of these clones in the martial arts arena is because Li Tian's ontology was not in the martial arts arena at all.

At this time, Shuang'er also had a nervous expression. She didn't want to lose the game like this, but facing these Li Tian, ​​who had no flaws at all, she felt a little helpless at this time. She roared, the wooden sword in her hand. Waving, the sword gas roared out frantically.

Suddenly, explosions sounded all around the martial arts venue, and one Li Tian disappeared in the explosion.

Just when Shuang'er was about to chop off a sword again, another Li Tian appeared behind her, and then pressed her left hand on her shoulder, and the wooden sword pressed against her throat: "If it is in the real During the battle, you are now dead."

"I..." Shuang'er's eyes widened. Just now, she had always focused her attention on these avatars, because she knew that there was a possibility of Li Tian's ontology. If Li Tian chose to suddenly If she attacked, she would have no way to do it, so every clone was very cautious, and she was sure that no clone was close to her, so what was Li Tian standing behind her?

"Don't think about it, you definitely can't think of the content here, because your combat experience is still too little. Facing some really powerful and smart opponents, there is no way to fight back." Li Tian smiled slightly, very Said calmly, Shuang'er had been completely controlled by his immortal power at this time, and was unable to exert all his strength at all.

In other words, this time the victory of the martial arts field ultimately fell into Li Tian's hands.

Many of the Shuiyuezong disciples who support Shuang'er all have disappointed expressions at this time. Their idols have lost this game inexplicably like this?

What happened here?

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