After Qiang Wudi left the courtyard of the New Moon City, he did not return to the nearby courtyard, but passed towards the other side of Tianqi City.

The layout of the entire Tianqi City is divided into four parts, which are entertainment area, slum area, noble area, and commercial area.

Just like the streets on the earth, these four districts separate the entire Tianqi City. The so-called slums and noble districts are just like the concept of a ring and suburbs on the earth.

Those who were able to live in the noble district were all well-known in the entire Tianqi City.

The so-called entertainment area contains a lot of things. Everything you can't imagine can be seen here, and the things you think of are definitely owned here.

But again, this kind of place is where rich and capable talents will come.

Otherwise, you will just be able to turn around at the door to see how those local tyrants play games.

At this time, the direction Qiang Wudi went was the noble area.

The moment he entered the noble quarter, his steps became much faster, but in just a few minutes, he came to a very luxurious yard, Xiaosheng knocked on the door of the room, and looked around cautiously. After making sure that no one around saw him, he cautiously pushed aside the yard and walked in.

The courtyard in front of it looks very spacious and beautifully decorated, just like a paradise.

There was no light in this house in the east of the courtyard.

Qiang Wudi walked in like this.

"How is the result?"

"Li Tian didn't make a move. I am afraid it is a little difficult for us to investigate clearly. This kid is much smarter than we thought. He knows what my purpose is this time. The previous rumors were so different. At this time, he chose to do it with me, but I was beaten to the ground." Qiang Wudi looked at the talking shadow and replied.

"This young man is indeed a lot smarter. Those people who had killed him repeatedly before, every time they thought their mission was going to be successful, but at the last moment, it was not easily cracked by Li Tian? This young man? It seems that there is no threat to people, but when you really want to deal with this young man, you will understand that his threat is much more than many people you think."

"Senior, what are we going to do now? This kid's strength is completely unclear. No one knows what changes have taken place in his body during this period of time. Is it necessary for us to deal with the Ten Cities Competition like this? "

"Don't do it for the time being, our people are already dormant here, we just need to wait for a good opportunity to take action, but Feng Tianling, it seems that a little accident happened, I want to arrange some people to investigate it. Right."

"Senior mean?"

"No matter how much a person changes, it is impossible to change his own essence. Among Fengjie's two sons, Feng Tianling is the smartest and the one with the least mind to do things, but have you ever noticed that since After the Young Heroes Conference in New Moon City, this person's personality completely changed, and even Feng Tianxiang's city mansion is not as good as Feng Tianxiang's city mansion. Do you think this is Feng Tianling before?" The shadow moved his body. , It looked like he had pressed the hat on his head, but his voice was still hoarse.

"You mean, this is not Feng Tianling?"

"There is a possibility, but it is not very likely. What I am worried about is that Fengjie's bet on this kid is too big and terrible. If this factor produces a butterfly effect, it may make us original His plan was affected, so at this time we naturally have to send some people to investigate what Feng Tianling did during the time in New Moon City."

Li Tian thought about it before that Feng Tianling's changes had some problems.

But I would never think that all of this would have anything to do with the events of the previous Young Heroes Conference.

He simply believed that Feng Tianling became like this because he was jealous of himself, and his mood deteriorated and became uncontrollable. This was the reason why Feng Tianling became like this.

But other things have not been considered at all.

As for the dark figure in front of him, he obviously had to think more, and seemed to have a strategizing feeling.


As expected to be the master of Tianqi City, the courtyards arranged by Longhutang for them here are all very luxurious. After Li Tian came to his room, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It is really good to have money.

This room is just like the bedroom of the ancient emperor on the earth. Of course, the area may be a little smaller than that, but the things in it are definitely not inferior. There are even many gadgets, all of which are very expensive in the gods. The expensive thing is really a small sparrow, but it has all the internal organs, not to mention that it can't be regarded as a small sparrow.

It should be regarded as a very luxurious sparrow.

Sitting on a table made of an unknown tree in the living room, Li Tian eagerly called the ancient god.

"Something will wake me up."

"Senior still remember what happened last night."

"Can not remember."

"It seems that this little witch's methods are really terrifying. Even a strong man like you can't withstand such an attack." Li Tian felt a little hairy at this time, and even the remnant soul of the ancient **** was recruited. How terrifying is the strength of the little witch?

"Did it happen last night, something I didn't know?" The Remnant Soul of the Ancient God also noticed something from Li Tian's tone, and immediately asked anxiously.

"Some problems have indeed occurred, even I myself can't believe that the strength of the little witch I saw in Broken Cloud Mountain Range before turned out to be so terrifying." Li Tian muttered to himself, while Slowly in his mind, he told the Remnant Soul of the Ancient God all the things that happened yesterday.

And after listening to this guy for so long, the remnant soul of the ancient **** was silent for a long time.

"If I were in the peak state, I might have a little chance of winning against this little witch, but now I am just a remnant soul, and naturally there is no good way to face such a little witch." The Old God's Remnant Soul's tone was full of helplessness, and obviously he was also very jealous of this little witch.

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