Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5664: Demon Rod Method

Li Tian was alone, alone in the Shuiyuezong's Dongtianfudi, and he could see through the 36 celestial steles.

And in just a few days.

Although seeing through these celestial steles did not change Li Tian's strength in an instant, this knowledge has been stored in Li Tian's mind, and one day it will be inspired.

Once released under certain circumstances, what kind of impact it will bring is no one can say clearly.

But now there is no doubt that this knowledge is certainly not harmful, and it will definitely make Li Tian stronger.

So Feng Tianling should have fundamentally changed his physique this time, and his talent has also been improved, but in essence, he still got far fewer adventures than Li Tian, ​​and there is no Li Tian. For Tian's early cultivation and forging of the gods, there is definitely no way to surpass Li Tian, ​​currently it is only stronger than before, and within a few days he has cultivated to the realm of gods.

In Li Tian's opinion, there may be nothing, but in the eyes of other audiences in the arena, this is different.

Many people thought that there was no suspense in this battle. Before, in the courtyard of the team on the New Moon City, Qiang Wudi personally abused Feng Tianling, and the attacker Feng Tianling did not fight back. The strength and combat effectiveness are terrible. It can be seen that the gap between the two cannot be clearly stated in a word. Many people also believe that in this competition, Feng Tianling has no chance of winning.

Who knows, at this critical time, things have undergone such a change. Feng Tianling's strength has changed from the realm of **** cultivation to the realm of **** spirit in just a few days.

This makes the battle very interesting.

The battle between the two gods was probably the first fierce battle at the Ten Cities Conference this time.

When Feng Tianling held the fairy sword in his hand, he was already full of confidence: "Everything you did to me before, now I will return it to you without any errors. I will make you regret it. I do those things."

"I think this kind of thing, if you are really angry, you should also go to Li Tian and the others for trouble, instead of coming here to find me trouble, after all, it has nothing to do with me." Qiang Wudi shrugged He shrugged his shoulders, squinted his eyes, and said, "I just tried to force Li Tian to make a move before. Who can think of that guy, from beginning to end, he didn't mean to make a move."

"This is not important to me. What is your purpose does not make any sense to me. What is important is that you have done this to me. In return, of course I will also use this method to Let you pay the price, if you feel helpless, just feel helpless, but today’s battle, I will not let you off easily, I will make you regret knowing my name.” Feng Tianling As he said, the fairy sword in his hand was swung, and the tornado's momentum became more violent in an instant, followed by the release of blood-red sword aura.

"Yes, there are very few young guys with such strength. Although we don't know whether Feng Tianling's decision is right or wrong, the sword energy of this kid has really reached a very terrible way. To the point, if you are not careful, you may really be hurt by the sword aura." Bai Xiaosheng touched his chin and looked at the sword aura with approval.

These sword auras seem to be ordinary, but if you really treat these sword auras as simple sword auras, then you are really looking for a dead end.

Now the battle is completely different from the previous battle in the courtyard.

When he was in the small courtyard, Feng Tianling was just a young immortal in the realm of **** cultivation, while Qiang Wudi was an immortal in the realm of gods. The gap between these two people was like a chasm. Overcoming, unless you have a very powerful spell in your hand, and it can be released in a short time, otherwise you want to rely on the **** cultivation realm to defeat an opponent in the **** realm, it is indeed a daydream.

But now it's different, these two people are now the strength of the gods realm.

Especially Feng Tianling, the changes in the past few days can be described as earth-shaking, the whole person doesn't know what it has become, but even Bai Xiaosheng can't help but sigh the power of this sword aura.

This kind of sword qi completely abandons other attributes and is specifically used for destruction.

The speed of sword aura is very slow, but it is not so slow that it can easily dodge the past. The most troublesome thing is the immortal power in this sword aura, just like a battle of extreme compression, when you At the moment of touching these celestial powers, the originally extremely compressed celestial powers will instantly release themselves, thereby generating huge destructive power. ,

Even Qiang Wudi, who is at the same level as Feng Tianling, dare not easily compete, right?

"Very good idea, abandoning defense and speed, and completely pursuing everything I have on the destruction of power. This may be a bit paranoid, but it is also a good way." Chai Lei also nodded and commented. Said.

At this time, Qiang Wudi's hair was already frantically fluttering.

He held my iron rod tightly in his hand, and then his eyes widened, and there was a golden light in his hand. Then, the iron rod in his hand turned golden at this time.

Just like the rising sun in the same round, the light became more and more dazzling, even covering the blood red sword energy on the opposite side.

At this time, Chai Lei and Bai Xiaosheng almost said at the same time: "Fuck the magic stick method?"

Both of them were very surprised. Obviously, they didn’t expect to see this long-lost magic wand technique in the body of the Southern Wilderness. This is really the tip of the needle against the Maimang. This battle will also be It became extremely exciting.

As for Li Tian, ​​he also heard it at this time. When he knew that Qiang Wudi's trick was the magic wand, he was not surprised.

It is said that this set of magic wand method seems to have disappeared in the gods for tens of millions of years. Now it is born again, what does it mean?

Could it be that not long after that, the entire God Realm will be followed by a huge shock, and everyone will be unable to avoid this terrible disaster?

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