Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5706: Tian Kuixian

It was night, the wind was blowing, and there was a bleak feeling on the ground.

Li Tian didn't know why. He always felt that his whole person's mental state suddenly became strange after entering the night. He calmly opened the window, then raised his head and looked at the starry sky. ,

There is not much difference between the night sky of the God Realm and the earth. You can see the stars twinkling, and occasionally you can see a bright moon, looming in the dark clouds.

The entire sky is pitch black, like a huge mouth in the abyss, people can't help but feel a sense of fear in their hearts when they see this scene.

"What are you looking at here?" Ning Bing didn't know when he also opened the window. From a distance, he saw Li Tian sitting by the window and looking at the sky, not knowing what he was doing.

"I don't know, I always feel that I must take a good look at the sky today. It seems that something is awakening from my body. This feeling is difficult to describe." Li Tian thought for a while, this is indeed him. As I felt right now, I found that something in my head was awakening little by little. Then, the whole person's state began to become weird.

"What are you talking about alone? How do you feel that the whole person is different? What do you mean? How come I don't understand at all." Ning Bing stared at Li Tian in front of him. This guy never spoke before. There is no such incoherent language.

"I can't explain it to you very clearly. In short, I feel that my current state is very strange, but I can't tell you what is strange." Li Tian looked at the serious ice in front of him, but at this time he shrugged helplessly. Shrugging his shoulders, he couldn't even tell what kind of state he was in now. It seemed that the soul of the whole person was going to be sublimated at this time.

Ning Bing looked at Li Tian in front of him, didn't know what to say, but took a serious look at what this guy was going to do now.

At this moment, a bright star suddenly appeared in the sky.

At the same time, the powerhouses of the entire Tianqi City seemed to sense something at this moment.

The Emperor Beidou slowly came out of his room, looked up at the sky, and smiled: "It seems that the rumors are not false. This young man has actually realized the thirty-six celestial steles. , Let me see, it should be Tiankui Star that lights up now. It seems that he is about to understand the meaning of the Tiankui stele?"

Although Li Tian had comprehended thirty-six steles before, it was actually like memorizing a book. Although all the contents above have been written down, it is obviously not so short as a few days to comprehend them. Yes, it takes time and opportunity.

Today, it is obviously an opportunity.

The contents of the Tiankui stele, which was originally asleep in Li Tian's mind, were all revealed at this time. As for the reason, it is still unknown.

And at this time in the city lord's mansion, the two hall masters also looked at the Tiankui star lit up in the sky, and couldn't help but laughed: "I didn't expect that this kid actually attracted Tiankui star at this time."

"This seems to be a good thing. He is now in a state of severed meridians. There shouldn't be such a vision. But this situation still happened. It seems that things will really turn around this time. Bai Xiaosheng squeezed his chin and looked at this rare scene in front of him, knowing that this so-called motivating Tiankui star is actually very difficult for many people to encounter.

Even if it is to comprehend the Heavenly Stele, it will take some time.

And most of the comprehension will not produce such a terrible vision.

At this time, the light of Tiankui star in the sky has become more and more shining, and in a vague way, even the brilliance of the moon in the sky will be suppressed. It is conceivable how rumored such light is, even They couldn't help closing their eyes.

To be able to produce such an abnormal noise, it can only be said that the twinkling of Tiankui Star this time is much stronger than before.

"I didn't expect it, we just gave this kid a chance, and didn't think that this kid could do anything with this opportunity. I didn't expect..." Chai Lei smiled.

At the same time, the entire Tianqi City is big and small, but all the experts with some strength walked out of their rooms at this time and looked up at the stars in the sky.

Most people are whole grains.

Many people don’t want to see Li Tian become stronger again, but now they seem to have no way to realize their wishes. Before, they thought that Li Tian would become a useless person after the meridians were broken. Could it be said that this has created many miracles? Young people, do you have to create a miracle this time? If it is this person, then the strength of this young man is really terrifying.

The light of Tiankui star became more and more shining, and soon it was exactly the same as the light of the moon.

At this time, even though Li Tian was still in the room, he could feel the turbulence of energy all around him, and he felt like a lonely boat in a whirlpool. This feeling was uncomfortable, but He reluctantly insisted on holding on, waiting for a turn for the better.

Although I felt it before, Li Tian still doesn't know why this situation happened.

Ning Bing rushed out of his room and looked at him: "What's the matter, what happened to you?"

"I don't know what the situation is, but you have to keep a distance from me. I don't know if this situation will also affect you." Li Tian smiled helplessly, looking at Ningbing in front of him. At this moment, my body is just like being petrified step by step, and it has started to become stiff and numb. No matter how I move, my hands and feet are not at his disposal.

‘Damn it, what the **** is going on here, my meridians have all been cut off, don’t you want to let me go and continue to torture me like this? Li Tian raised his head. This is the true portrayal of his heart. He has given up enough things now. Could it be said that this **** fate is still unwilling to let him go and continue to torture himself like this?

He doesn't know, but in the midst of these energy turbulences, he is extremely frightened.

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