Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5717: with full force

"I don’t have a lot of time for you. I don’t like to leave behind for my opponents during the battle. If you still want to survive, it’s best to concentrate all your attention now. Call it all by any means, otherwise you will have a dead end." Li Tian smiled, and patted Canglong's head with his left hand: "Help me press the line."

"I got it." Canglong is actually the Great Blue Dragon. It's just that after Tian Kuixing's vision, he also got the same power as Li Tian, ​​and his current strength has also improved a lot.

This person stood here, just like a world, extraordinarily domineering.

Li Tian smiled. At this moment, the spell in his hand flashed rapidly, like a flashing traffic light, bursting with dazzling light in an instant. At the same time, the entire arena inside, from the previous heat, became a Fiery purgatory.

The emperor of the Big Dipper watched the battle of economic manufacturers intently, and at this time he did not slap his tongue leisurely: "What do you want to say about this?"

"This should be the ancient spell master's spell in the rumors. If this kid's strength is a little higher, our enchantment may not be able to withstand such an attack." The power of this trick to burn Chibi, even Chai Lei and Bai Xiaosheng also followed with a sigh. It is really hard to think that this young man has reached this level. It can be said that the scholars have treated each other with admiration for three days.

I thought Feng Tianling had changed a lot.

It’s only now that they discovered that the biggest change among the young people they knew was Li Tian in front of him. This kid’s life is like a secret. You never know when you see this kid in the next second. What kind of powerful existence he will become.

"This trick also incorporates his own point of view. The ancient spellmaster's spells are very destructive, but the stability is very poor, and it is easy to cause damage to the enemy and ourselves." The Emperor Beidou watched with interest. In this battle, he explained at the same time: "However, Li Tian changed this and stabilized their spells, but found a balance in destructive power."

"Can he do this?"

"Although it's unbelievable, this kid did achieve this. This is probably the second guy who can make hands and feet on the spells of ancient spell masters in recent years." said the Emperor Beidou.

At this time, the entire arena is full of red fireworks.

The magma covered the entire arena, if it were not separated by enchantments, even the spectators in the auditorium would have been burned.

The guys who were badly injured before were transferred out by the referee in the first place.

They have no fighting power anymore, facing Li Tian's burning of Chibi, they will definitely be buried in the flames.

The remaining few people are not willing to admit their failures, so naturally they have to deal with Li Tian in front of them.

The magma on the ground is at least about half a meter deep, and it is still flowing. You can see that there are still many bubbles on the surface'gurgling' coming out. The current battle has reached an indescribable point. The expressions on the faces of several people at this time were a bit uncomfortable.

At this temperature, their bodies were already covered with sweat, and their clothes were all wet.

‘We should be at a disadvantage under this temperature. Although Li Tian is also in this environment, looking at her now, she doesn’t seem to feel very strenuous at all. A lot of sweat leaked out of Bai Ye's forehead, and the clothes on her body were sticky on her body. It is naturally difficult for a woman to tolerate such a situation.

She had thought of a lot of terrible sights before, but she didn't expect it to be like this.

At the moment when the spell of Burning Chibi appeared, this place became a sea of ​​fire, and the temperature here was like the red flame hell. These immortals, who are known to be hard-working, could not bear it at this time.

Several immortals with injuries on their bodies, although their bodies were still floating in the air at this time, they already felt a little shaky.

In this fighting state, it is obviously difficult for them to continue to maintain their state.

The temperature continued to rise, the water in their bodies was also madly flowing away, plus they were injured before, and at this time their minds became groggy.

"Under such an environment, your fighting conditions can be said to be quite bad. Maybe it's just a carelessness, and it may leave you in a disaster. If I were a smart person, I would definitely choose to give up at this time. ." Li Tian looked at the two people in front of him, holding Hong Zhan in his hands, standing on Canglong's head, looking at Bai Ye and the others.

Xu Zhou was in a remote place on the other side, and he was panting.

Sweat is like a chain of beads, constantly flowing down from his head.

"Do you think it's just such a difficult environment that can make us surrender at this time? It's just a daydream. Even if we bet our lives today, we will never give up like this." Bai Ye gritted his teeth and looked at Li Tian. At this time, it was the first time I understood why so many people wanted Li Tian to die. If such geniuses were not killed, the gap between them and this kind of people would really increase.

"Why bother to keep going like this? You all know that you have some injuries on your body. In addition to the previous battles, your body is already very tired. At this time, hard lips really can't bring you any help. ." Li Tian smiled and slowly raised his right hand: "But for me, this is not the feeling. I can show many strengths you can't imagine here."

"If you want to kill, please do whatever you want, but it is absolutely impossible for us to admit defeat here." After Bai Ye said, he took out a magic weapon. This magic weapon looks like a painting and calligraphy. Shanhe Sheji.

"Don't want to use such a magic weapon in front of me." Li Tian smiled grimly, and the void opened up. Almost in an instant, several fire dragons condensed by magma rose on the ground, opening his own With a big mouth, he rushed towards Bai Ye and others.

The scene finally reached its peak state at this moment.

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