Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5746: Seven Stars

"This is not something we little people can worry about. They big people naturally have the ideas of their big people. At this time, we can still do our own duties honestly. As for other issues, it seems like we It doesn't matter." Looking at Li Tian who was a little nervous in front of him, Sima Shangwu said lightly.

"Yes, these things will naturally be considered by the people in Tianqi City. What you need to think about right now is not these problems." Looking at Li Tian in front of him, Sima Shangwu smiled, and then turned his gaze to the other side. Looking at Ningbing in the distance, he said: "The two of you are now the only two aces we have left this time, and we will all watch your play in the next games."

Ning Bing smiled, she has now used Yundu Grass, so her strength has now been greatly improved.

The only difference is that he has not yet been able to improve his realm.

It was only half of the foot that bought the threshold of the realm of gods. If you need to continue to move forward, obviously you still have to make a lot of effort in the next period of time.

Even if it is an immortal grass like Yunducao, it can't be said that it can overcome all difficulties. After all, some things still depend on their own strength and level to change.

As they were talking, a light flickered from the sky, and then one star after another lit up in the sky.

Situ Shangyan's eyes widened, and she was shocked: "Seven stars in a row?"

"Seven stars and beads?" Li Tian and Sima Shangwu all had a look of incomprehension. Even if this situation seems to be difficult to happen, it doesn't seem to need to be so surprised. Looking at Situ Shangyan in front of him, just It seemed to be a **** of a ghost. Both of them didn't understand why this guy showed such an expression. Is this so-called Seven Stars Lianzhu really terrifying?

"You probably don't know. The reason why the Emperor of the Big Dipper is called the Emperor of the Big Dipper is not because he occupies the northern line, but because of the Big Dipper in the sky." Ningbing turned around and looked at Li Tian and Sima Shangwu in front of them explained, "This trick of connecting seven stars with pearls looks like a natural phenomenon, but it's actually because of the Emperor of the Big Dipper, it became like this."

"How is this possible? How could anyone in this world connect their tricks to the stars in the sky?"

"I know you two are very puzzled, but it is of no avail, because the fact is like this. This so-called Seven Stars Lianzhu is the biggest method of the Big Dipper God Emperor. Once he shows the Seven Stars Lianzhu, his strength will be greatly improved. The Emperor of the Big Dipper in this state can be called invincible. If you are not a very powerful master, it is difficult to restrict."

When they spoke, they had already seen the battle between the two huge shadows in the distance.

The shadow of the Emperor Beidou is very bright, but the yin and yang of the master is very dark.

These two shadows looked like a war between darkness and light. At the beginning, Shizu could still have the upper hand, perhaps because the strength of the Emperor of the Big Dipper had not been fully utilized.

But this situation now seems to be turned upside down as before.

The Divine Emperor of the Big Dipper, who was still at a disadvantage before, was completely imposing after the Seven Stars Lianzhu. He immediately suppressed the master, and the normal battle seemed much easier.

"Look, this kind of battle between **** emperors is actually quite rare. Many people want to know what the battle between **** emperors will be like, but they have never had the opportunity to witness it. Today we are very lucky. , You can actually see two powerhouses at the Divine Emperor level fighting here with your own eyes. This is not a good opportunity that everyone can have." Seeing Li Tian and Sima Shangwu's serious expressions, Situ Shangyan was also full. The proud face.

The wind was howling and the earth was trembling.

The terrible sight of the battle before him reminded Li Tian of a movie called Doomsday that he had seen on the earth. It was exactly a movie about the destruction of human cities after the doomsday. Everyone who saw this movie Everyone will sigh that the power of mankind really has no effect in the face of the power of nature.

But in front of him, Li Tian began to doubt again that the so-called power of nature here seemed to be a tool in the hands of human beings.

"Master, why bother to continue to work so hard? The battle between us has reached the point where it is now. You are a wise man and know that it is impossible for you to defeat me now, why bother Do you want to continue wasting time like this?" The Big Dipper God Emperor asked triumphantly while suppressing the Master in front of him with his Faxiang Heaven and Earth.

"Hmph, you brat, don't be too happy now. The battle between the two of us is now the real beginning. Do you think you can defeat me in this way?"

"Otherwise? Faxiangtiandi should be your last resort. Although the dome has been destroyed, if you dare to choose to leave here at this time, I will definitely seriously hurt you in the first place." Beidou The divine emperor was full of seriousness, and the pressure in his heart disappeared at this time. Before, he was worried that he and the old man in front of him were not at the same level.

But after the real fight, I realized that I was really better than blue.

It was indeed not the opponent of the master in front of him before, but time has passed, and now the situation is different.

As long as he defeated the old man in front of him, his mentality would not have the same pressure as before. These old guys living in the mountains and forests actually put pressure on many people.

"It's almost time to end this farce. Next, we still need to spare a lot of time to deal with the problems after this farce!" At this time, Fu Disheng also appeared here, looking at the Beidou in front of him. God Emperor, asked.

"It's true, this battle has lasted long enough, and it is indeed necessary to spare some time to deal with the next trouble." The Big Dipper God Emperor also nodded, and then said solemnly: "This A battle has already been the battle I wanted long ago. It is not easy to have this opportunity now, and I will not let you destroy it easily."

"Hehe, you don't have a lot of time now, you can waste it, but I can't just waste it like this."

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