Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5760: Angry

The scorching sun was shining, and this rebuilt Tianqi City had a particularly conspicuous brilliance.

But at this time, the entire Tianqi City up and down, all suppressed an indescribable aura. You can see that the expressions of many people on the street are all cautious, and Longhutang has dispatched a lot of troops. , Surrounded the entire Tianqi city up and down, prohibiting people from entering and exiting, and at the same time registering everyone here, and even the dome was opened again.

In Li Tian's room, it was heavily guarded.

"The speed of the killer is very fast. He chose to leave here as soon as he completed the task. We are still in a state of unawareness, so even after working hard to catch the opponent, To no avail." Chai Lei glanced at Fu Disheng, who was sitting at the table with a black expression like ink. It was a tricky thing to happen.

"We have also reacted in the first time. The opponents arranged everything in advance. They are obviously much better than those in Nanhuang and the Commandment Hall before. They are quick and swift and hardly leave us the slightest. Opportunity to react." Bai Xiaosheng also stood beside Chai Lei and said carefully.

At this time, in this room, almost gathered a lot of masters.

Situ Shangyan and Ningbing were of course also here.

Ning Bing looked at the body of Li Tian that was covered by the white curtain, clenching his fists tightly, no one knew what the big sister was thinking at this time.

The room was quiet, and the atmosphere was even more depressing than the entire Tianqi City.

After such a major event has happened, what they need to think about most now is how to explain to the two people of Crescent City and Shuiyuezong. After all, Li Tian is the dark horse at the Ten Cities Conference this time, and they are rare in Crescent City. At first sight, a genius was so powerful that they died in this way. Naturally, no one would think that this was suitable.

Fu Disheng sat at the table, looking at the corpses on the ground, his murderous aura in his eyes grew stronger and stronger: "It's been a long time. No one has ever dared to look down upon us like this. When I was still in Tianqi City, he secretly He sneaked in and assassinated the people we were protecting. Are all these guards outside eating dry food? What am I keeping them for? Drag me out and chop them."

"Big brother, isn't this great?" Bai Xiaosheng was taken aback for a moment. At this time, I can understand how angry the person in front of him is. If he had been before, he would definitely not make such a decision. .

"Why not so good?" Fu Disheng stared at the two of them with a straight face. The soldiers kneeling outside the room were all the most elite fighters in Longhutang. They were here to protect Li Tian's safety. Yes, life is worrying now.

"We have experienced a great battle before and have lost many elite soldiers. Moreover, our enemy has prepared everything in advance for this incident. Naturally, it will be more difficult to deal with than we thought. We cannot all blame these problems. With these young people, and at the time when they are employing people, the presence of these elite fighters will also be very helpful to our future actions." Bai Xiaosheng is also indefatigable, knowing that it may not be useful to say that.

Both of them knew about Fu Disheng's temper, and it was usually difficult to change things after the decision.

"According to you, this matter has nothing to do with people like them? If some of them neglect their duties and don't take their tasks seriously, this will cause this to happen. What should we do?" Fu Disheng With a sneer, there was a firm killing intent in his eyes: "What's more, when this incident happened, you and me and others cannot take full responsibility. We always have to let some people stand up and take the place of the dead ghost.

The implication is that some people must stand up and be responsible for this matter. Naturally, it is impossible for them to be the man in charge.

Since they couldn't become this back-hand man, these elite fighters in front of them had to pay the price for these things they did. This is life, this is the realm of the gods, and the weak and strong will always be the main theme here.

Ning Bing suddenly stood up, and a look of resentment flashed in his eyes: "I know who did it. At this critical time, he did such a shameless thing. Except for them, Nanhuang people, I really can't think of anyone. Will do it again."

"Don't do anything. We are already embarrassed now. If you take the initiative to find them, the problem may become more serious. Besides, the possibility of Nanhuang people participating in this matter is not at all Very high." Situ Shangyan saw that Ningbing was going to trouble Nanhuang people, and hurriedly took the girl's arm and looked at her seriously.

If this really allows Ning Bing to pick up this matter, then everyone from all walks of life will be involved in this huge vortex, and he still doesn't know what will happen.

"Aren't we just investigating in vain? Don't you know? Even if they are looking for it, there can be no results. Since they can complete these things in such a short time, they must be prepared in advance and may be Did you catch any handles?" Ning Bing stared at her, looking like her anger attacking her heart. Even the frosty cheeks that wanted to come to her were all red at this time.

She was really angry. In Tianqi City, except for the people in Nanhuang, who wanted to kill Li Tian, ​​who else would think of such a thing?

Now that Li Tian is dead, could they continue to wait like this? If you don't let Nanhuang pay a little price, how could you calm down your mood.

"I know you are very angry, but if you rush to intervene in this matter now, it will only make the problem worse." At this time, Fu Disheng also looked at Ningbing in front of him and said, "You treat him. I know the feelings, but we must calm down a bit. Although Nanhuang is not ruled out, the possibility of them forming this matter is still very small."

"Really?" Ning Bing stared at them, looking at them and said: "Are we going to assume that nothing has happened before? Are you all already weak to this point?"

She is very angry, she is already like this, these people are still planning to do anything that has never happened.

Isn't this just a joke?

People don't give you a face anymore, what are you doing to give a face?

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