Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5766: Hussein

"What you said is true?" Wang Xiaoer looked at Li Tian in surprise. He had said these things before, but he just wanted to make Li Tian happy, so maybe he would rest soon. The province of himself was unlucky afterwards and was worried by the guests.

But I didn't expect that I would be so lucky tonight. Looking at Li Tian's expression, it seemed that he was really ready to do something to him.

"Hehe, I never say anything that is not nutritious. Since I told you this way, I naturally want to help you finish it." Li Tian patted his shoulder and said, "You said so much before. I just want to make me happy, but I don’t know that I’m different from the guys you met before. I’m an approachable person. You have seen the guys under me. Not many people are really afraid of me.”

"You are a good person."

"Hehe, don't say I am a good person, how many truly pure and good people can live in this world? Whose body is not stained in this world?" Li Tian laughed at himself and grabbed. Holding Wang Xiaoer's shoulders in front of him, he said bitterly: "It's just that we can understand that when we have enough abilities, we can help others as much as possible. This is enough."

Wang Xiaoer seems to understand, it seems that this young boy is probably still inexperienced in the world, and he has never expected so many profound philosophy of life.

Compared with Li Tian, ​​who has gone through ups and downs, his life experience is not rich enough.

But at this time, there was a sudden screaming sound from the town, which seemed to come from the east of the town. It was the scream of a woman, which instantly made the whole silent town boil. The houses where the lights were turned off before, all lit up like stars, and the whole pitch-black town suddenly became brightly lit.

The men came out from the house shirtless, while the women slumped in the house waiting for the next story.

For a while, a depressed atmosphere permeated the entire town.

And Wang Xiaoer's expression instantly solidified at this moment: "Guest, you leave here quickly."

"Leaving here, why is this?"

"Although our town in Soochow is the foothold of many caravans, it is also a place where many robbers have always liked to slaughter. Every once in a while, they will send a horse team to our side to slaughter the townspeople and **** treasures."

"You should have your own guards in your town, why don't you fight them hard?"

"We have tried before. We can kill a horse team, but next time they will send more people, and they will get worse. These robbers are inexhaustible to kill. Instead of wasting them with them, It’s better to swallow your anger. This is also the rule in our small town." Wang Xiaoer looked at Li Tian in front of him with a face full of help. Living in this kind of border town, it is reasonable to be attacked every day. .

But Li Tian would not think that way. The people in this small town are simple and honest. Although their caravan came here during the day, they saw that many people had a very good attitude towards them.

But it was much better than the attitude of some major cities. He really didn't know what was going on.

"What is there to be afraid of? I have a hunting group in my hand. I will help you deal with this matter." Li Tian stood up and roared in a low voice: "Pharaoh, take your man, prepare to act. Up."

His voice is not very good, but he has a deep and undisturbed feeling.

In an instant, Head Wang, who was about to rest, came out of the post house.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

"Huss, it's Huss to come." Wang Xiaoer looked at the sturdy hunting group leader in front of him, and said worriedly: "This is a group of robbers from nearby Wuma Mountain. They have all the horse teams under their own. They are called hussars because when they train these people, they are basically trained according to hussars. These bandits are well-trained and are the most powerful group of bandits here. Even a professional army may not belong to them. opponent."

"Huqi? Hehe, I've heard a lot of these people's names, but today I have to see if they are really that powerful."

"Guests, please leave here with your own goods. These hussars will stay here for a while after they come here. They will not come to our side for the time being. It is enough for you to leave here at this time." Wang Xiao The second looked at the head of the king in front of him, and said with a worried face: "If you really act rashly, I'm afraid it will make the problem worse."

"Hey, what are you afraid of? Could so many of us still be afraid of a little robber? If they are really so powerful, why come to rob a small town like yours? Just put the target far away. The city of Tianhu would not be better." Although Wang Xiaoer said it seemed serious, in the eyes of Head Wang, it was obvious that these hussars were not taken seriously.

Li Tian's attitude was not as serious as they thought.

Perhaps the strength of these hussars is quite good, but if they are really inferior to them, if the time comes, dealing with these guys will still be easy.

It's just that he doesn't want to reveal his identity now, so naturally he can only leave this matter to these guys in the hunting group.

Fortunately, the head of the king in front of him was very confident, and he still did not take these robbers in front of him.

"Boss, don't worry, there is no problem with this matter being handled by us. I want to see how strong this group of bandits are, and dare to do it under our noses." Head Wang Looking at Li Tian in front of him with confidence, this guy's eyes were full of disdain, it seemed that he really didn't put these so-called hussars in his eyes.

"It's best when you have confidence, but the enemy you encounter this time is not easy. It's best not to be too arrogant. Calm down and figure out a way to deal with the enemy. This is the best choice." Li Tian patted him. On the shoulder, said: "I believe you have this ability, and the rest of the matter will be left to you. Don't let me down, otherwise I don't know what to say."

"Come on, just take it right, I will let these guys know what the end of the game against our hunting group is." Head Wang said, and then began to let out a low roar: "Small We are ready to fight, all get me up."

The sound resounded like thunder, resounding through the whole town, endlessly.

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