Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5786: Purgatory on earth

The sky gradually lit up.

The robber cottage still has a continuous fire. At this time, many small towns around all felt the strong flames on the mountain. There were even a lot of people who were brave enough to come here to see for themselves what happened. Up.

When they saw the robber cottage that looked like a purgatory on earth, they all froze in place.

Of course, here, you can still see many townspeople from Soochow Town. They are all looking at the burning cottage in front of them, but they are surprised: "The businessman actually did it before. All the robber cottages on Wuma Mountain have been leveled off. From this look, you can be sure that there must have been a fierce battle last night."

"I really don't know what's going on. The fighting between the two sides has become so fierce." A town resident said with his eyes narrowed at this time.

At this moment, a mighty voice came from behind them: "Hurry up and get out of the way, what are you untouchables still doing here?"

After this person said this, many people squinted their eyes and turned around. Behind them, a large-scale team appeared, which looked like a guard of powerful characters, led by them. It is a young man, and beside this young man are all very powerful masters. These masters are standing here at this time, all expressions on their faces are indifferent. ,

Seeing these people, these townspeople knew that these two people were definitely not so easy to deal with.

After the townspeople gave way, the young man looked at the burning cottage and said: "Damn it, who can tell me what's going on?"

"Looking at the way it is now, yesterday I was able to go to a fierce battle, which has become what it is now." A middle-aged man beside the young man asked, "Master, what shall we do now"

"There is such a battle here, will they..."

"It's very unlikely. Maybe they came out of the dungeon and caused this situation. I can't think of anyone around here who would make things like this. The surrounding main cities are all unwilling to kill these bandits. "Yes." The middle-aged man looked at the nervous young man, smiled helplessly, and said: "So I can say with certainty that these things must have something to do with those in the Guo family."

"Is it really like this? Why does it seem impossible for me to be like this? Although the Guo family is also very good, it seems that it is not at this level."

"This time there are a lot of masters in the Guo family. If it weren't for the traps they designed before to let them relax their vigilance, otherwise they would not be caught here. This time, although they were trapped and controlled by the immortal lock, But if they want to change this situation, it's easy." The middle-aged man said helplessly: "I think they should have left here last night, and they should have passed on the other side now."

"Get ready to catch them, take someone to chase them right away." The young man glared and snorted: "Should you also let them know? Our Yi family, it's not so easy to get thrown away."

At this time, Li Tian and Guo Xiangyi's group of people had already left this place far away.

They came from the other side before, so they left no trace at all, and left easily.

At this time, I didn't know that there were many powerful masters behind his ass.

Li Tian looked like a guest in the team, sitting in the carriage in the back few distinguished guests. Li Tian squinted his eyes and looked at the old man in front of him, and said, "Looking at your appearance, it should be a high-ranking member of the Guo family. A heavy master."

"What do you want to do with me?"

"I just want to see how powerful this team is. If we really meet a powerful player, we must be more careful this time." Li Tian squinted his eyes, looking at the old man in front of him, and said helplessly. : "If your strength is really strong, maybe we can deal with it easily if we meet some powerful master this time."

"I don't need you to care about my strength, but when I hear you like this, do you think you are better than me now?" Looking at Li Tian, ​​who was a little triumphant in front of him, he was old. But there are some who are not happy. Although this kid looks good, but I don't know why I always think this kid is too arrogant.

In Li Tian's body, he saw a lot of things.

This kid seems to treat all the enemies in front of him as a small character that he can deal with easily. Does he know what kind of strength he is?

"Although I still don't know how your strength is, it's only half a catty compared to me. If you give me time, I can easily surpass you. If you are like this, why should I become So nervous?" Li Tian asked with a smile, looking at the old man in front of him.

"Hehe, this is the first time I have seen a young man like you. Whenever I see this expression on your face, I really want to use my fist to let you know how great you are, in this world. There are a lot of masters, how could it be possible for a young man like you to grow up easily?" Looking at the arrogant Li Tian in front of him, the old man didn't know what to say.

This kid is really getting more and more arrogant now, he was very reserved when he saw himself before, but now he looks even more distinctive.

Li Tian squinted his eyes and suddenly said, "But I seem to have encountered something unusual. Something seems to be following us behind. Now we are going to start facing them?"

"How could it be possible to catch up so quickly?" The old man was also taken aback for a while, completely unable to believe it.

"Hehe, they can come to Wuma Mountain so quickly from Tianhu City, why can't they find us so quickly?" Li Tian stood up looking at the surprised face in front of him, "Or, they were before It seems that this kind of result has been guessed. Send someone to stop us on this road?"

"This is not impossible." After the old man thought for a while, it seemed that something like this might happen too. Is it really possible that he was lying in ambush here a long time ago?

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