Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5790: Hidden master

"Boy, if you want to survive, it is too late to hurry and disappear from my front. Although my temper is not very good, I can't kill anyone who is caught." For his own Li Tian, ​​the child squinted his eyes and said, "The smart thing about smart people is that they know when to do something."

"According to your statement, if I were a smart person, I should have disappeared from you honestly at this time, as if nothing happened, is it like this?" Looking at the guy in front of me Li Tian slowly raised the corner of his mouth, and asked with a smile: "But today I can't let you hurt these people here."

"What can be changed by you alone? Or you really don't naively think that you alone will be my opponent?" The child looked at Li Tian in front of him. He had already decided many times before. , The guy in front of him is an ordinary person with no immortal power. The existence in this team is estimated to be a very simple subordinate.

Naturally, such an undergraduate can't have any great level.

It only takes a little bit of time for him to get rid of the boy in front of him.

Guo Xiangyi sneered in his heart. He had always doubted Li Tian's strength before. The real strength of this kid is completely different from what he showed. Many people may think this when they saw Li Tian for the first time. He is a young man who can be killed easily, but after they really fight, they will understand that this young man is much more difficult to deal with than they thought.

Before Li Tian said about beauty tricks, she didn't take it seriously.

These robbers on Wuma Mountain have existed for so long, and the network behind them can be said to be very complicated. It is not as simple to clean them up as they imagined. Even if there are conflicts between the leaders. Wouldn't give them the slightest chance, could it be possible to change this situation with a Li Tian?

At that time, Guo Xiangyi would definitely not believe it if he was killed.

But now she feels that this may really be a task that can be accomplished. Although I don’t know why things do not need to be done by myself later, it is safe to say that the destruction of the cottage in Wuma Mountain must be the same Li Tian has an inseparable relationship, and this young man must have played a very important role in it.

"Don't think about it at this time. The next battle is very complicated and dangerous. We must kill the enemies in front of us in a very short period of time. If the young city lord of Tianhu City catches up, we will even want to If I want to leave, I'm afraid it won't give us that chance." Seeing Guo Xiangyi who was standing not far behind him was still looking at this side, Li Tian shrugged helplessly.

Now that the situation has reached this point, it is natural to hurry up and find a way to change this situation.

They must kill the enemies in front of them in a very short time. Although it is said that Yi Zhongrong sent three people this time, if they are only one-on-one, Li Tian will not take it seriously, but if they really fight, There are also some quite difficult characters, at least if they are not willing to defeat them so easily, then even Li Tian cannot defeat them quickly.

"It seems that you are determined to do the right thing with us today, even if you bet your own life?" He looked at Li Tian in front of him and snorted.

"How do you know that I am destined to die when I fight you? Maybe when facing you, I can easily kill you. How do you know that my strength is below you?"

"Maybe you can deceive others, but if you want to deceive me, it's not that simple. Do you think I can't tell? You guy is just an ordinary person, and now I'm talking so much with me here but just thinking Want to procrastinate?" Looking at Li Tian in front of him with a smile, he felt like a strong man above him, and Li Tian in front of him should be a small character who abused and killed at will.

Seeing this guy's serious expression, Li Tian sneered in his heart.

It seems that the rupture of your meridians is not a bad thing. At least let your current strength become unpredictable. At the beginning of the battle, your opponents cannot find your true ability. This is a very The important thing, in this way, you can easily defeat the opponent, after all, the opponent does not know your details, but you will know a little more.

"Well, there is no need to waste time with me here. After talking with you for so long, it's almost time to kill you little guy. If you are not ready to let go, I will go all out next."

"It seems that neither of us is going to give in today. Since it is like this, let me see what you are capable of. If you really have the ability to kill me, you can try it, but I think It seems that you are unlikely to have this ability." Looking at the kid in front of him, although Li Tian didn't know the name of this guy, he also knew that the next battle might be a lot more difficult.

After all, he has concealed his identity here. These are all members of a large family. If he knows that he is the rumored Li Tian, ​​he might do something else.

Therefore, in this battle, he must not be able to fight according to his previous fighting method. It is not so easy to find a way to make himself look more like another person. There is no red cut, no red The Wing God outfit, Li Tian in this state is almost incomplete, and it is not as simple as imagined to want a quick fight.

'Although it seems to be very challenging, but now I am really not happy at all. Facing such an opponent, I still have to retain my strength. In this state, I still have to defeat the opponent very quickly. This is simply... ...'

He thought helplessly in his heart, and then slowly summoned a fairy sword: "It just so happens that I don't have any patience now. Let me start like this. Let me see what the strength of you so-called masters is. What's the extent of this?" He said, as if a unique pick was released from his body.

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