Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 577: Cotton palm

The swordsman behind took advantage of the situation and continued to attack Chen Qiaozhi in front of him.

Tang Xiaolong over there is also more panic after the war.

The blood-stained machete in his hand slashed at the swordsmen beside him lifelessly. He ignored the blades of those swordsmen, and just cut down one by one.


One of the swordsmen slashed Tang Xiaolong's arm from the left.

Tang Xiaolong endured the pain, his whole person suddenly seemed crazy, grabbing the opponent's swordman by the neck, and then yelling and squeezing the swordman against one side of the wall.

The swordsman was dumbfounded, and he still didn't understand what was going on, but saw that the machete in Tang Xiaolong's hand slashed the swordsman's neck with a single blow!

Scarlet blood spurted from the neck of the swordsman’s aorta like a fountain...

The eyes were raised and opened wide...then the machete in his hand fell to the ground with a creak and died!

Tang Xiaolong cut his throat with a knife and died.

The remaining swordsmen were slightly stunned when they saw the blood stains all over Tang Xiaolong's body, especially when they saw this guy with red eyes, like a mad cow.

After all, they are human, and even individuals have to be afraid of death!


"Damn, come back if you have the ability..." Tang Xiaolong seemed to be mad, screaming with blood all over his body, and the **** machete in his hand was still waving there, a pair of people desperately Posture.

Facing Tang Xiaolong who was crazy, the swordsmen of the Duanmu clan hesitated slightly.

"Useless things!" Hearing a gloomy roar suddenly roared out of the blood monk's mouth.

"Retreat all to me." But seeing the blood, the monk suddenly said angrily.

When the swordsmen heard the words of the blood sovereign, they hurriedly helped the injured brothers around them and retreated.

After all the swordsmen retreated, the blood monk with a grinning smile, step by step towards Tang Xiaolong.

Tang Xiaolong was stained with blood at this moment, and he didn't know if the blood stains belonged to him or the swordsmen of the Duanmu family. He looked savagely and cautiously.

At this moment, seeing the blood monk wearing a blood-red robe walking towards him with a grinning face, he suddenly cursed and said: "You fat man! I killed you!"

With a roar, Tang Xiaolong, regardless of his physical injury, raised the blood-stained machete in his hand and slashed at the blood monk bravely.

A weird smile appeared at the corner of the blood monk's mouth, and his smiling face became terrifying in an instant, with murderous intent on his face.

"court death!"

He said, the suddenly chubby body was bullying Tang Xiaolong like a fast rolling ball.

It is undeniable that this blood monk who is one of the four elders of the Duanmu family is definitely not built!

Only by the speed of his move, he was already superb.

The blood monk who was originally wearing a blood-red robe, when he attacked Tang Xiaolong faster than lightning, like a thick blood, rolled towards Tang Xiaolong.

Tang Xiaolong was originally on the offensive, but when the blood monk suddenly attacked him like a storm, he was really taken aback!

Never thought that this low fat man in a blood-red robe would have such a high level of martial arts!

The machete in his hand was offensive and defensive, lay in the middle, blocking the blood monk's offensive.

But seeing the blood monk attacking quickly like thunder, seeing Tang Xiaolong's machete in his hand, a grin suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his chubby palm suddenly pushed forward.

A huge invisible palm suddenly hit Tang Xiaolong's chest.

Tang Xiaolong was shocked, his body dodged quickly!

The strong palm wind wiped Tang Xiaolong's cheeks and shaved his cheeks with fiery pain!

It is conceivable that the palm of the blood monk is so strong and domineering!

Tang Xiaolongguo, who tried his best to avoid the palm of the blood monk, was really surprised!

I couldn't help cursing inwardly: What kind of role is this **** fat man in the Duanmu family? It's so powerful?

Tang Xiaolong didn't dare to attack rashly at this moment, holding a **** machete in his hand, panting heavily, and staring at the blood monk firmly.

"Good boy, can hide from my palm!"

"Try me again!"

Mianzhang: One of the famous skills of the blood monk!

This cotton palm is weak and windless, but if it hits a person, it is extremely powerful. A person who hits the word cotton palm will surely break a few veins! If someone who hasn't practiced hits this palm, he will definitely be killed on the spot.

Tang Xiaolong just now felt this deeply.

Imagine that Tang Xiaolong’s cheeks were irritated by Ling Li’s palm. How terrible it would be if it really hit Tang Xiaolong!

Therefore, Tang Xiaolong at this meeting was also extremely cautious, never daring to attack again.

I saw him standing with a sword, and suddenly slashed Huashan towards the blood monk with a force.

The blood monk didn't even evade, his left hand stretched out slightly, and the strong wind wafting from the broad blood-red sleeves made Tang Xiaolong's sword slightly slow.

Then the blood monk suddenly turned his right hand!

"Take me another palm!"

The sound came out, but the cotton palm in the right hand suddenly pressed towards Tang Xiaolong's chest...

A vicious palm was attacking Tang Xiaolong.

Tang Xiaolong was shocked and wanted to dodge, but there was no way. The blood monk's attack speed was really fast beyond the imagination of normal people.

Isn't this? Seeing that the blood monk's fierce and domineering palm hit Tang Xiaolong's chest hard.

Chen Qiaozhi on the other side saw Tang Xiaolong's eyes and was about to be hit in the chest by the vicious blood monk. At this moment, he couldn't help crying out loudly, "Little dragon, be careful..."

But with this cry, he was still a step too late!

The **** monk's right hand slapped Tang Xiaolong's chest with a fierce palm!

If this palm was really hit, Tang Xiaolong wouldn't have his heartbeat broken!

At this critical moment, but seeing that Tang Xiaolong is in danger, since he can no longer escape this trick, he can only resolve the intensity of this palm at this moment!

Tang Xiaolong suddenly blocked his chest with his sword...

Slammed down.

But seeing that blood monk's fierce cotton palm hit the back of Tang Xiaolong's machete...


The sharp machete couldn't help the fierce heavy blow, and a machete was folded in half, but what about Tang Xiaolong? After the machete in his hand blocked part of the palm of his palm, he was still stunned by his spare power!

A wow blood spurted directly from his mouth, and the scarlet blood spattered from the corner of his mouth.

But he didn't fall down, just stepped back a few steps... his face was as pale as dead gray!

The hand holding the broken knife was also trembling slightly... The blood stains from the arm slowly stained his wrist...

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