Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5866: source

"Naturally, it doesn't matter to me. If you don't say anything, I will just treat you as my enemy and kill you. It's such a simple thing." Li Tian shrugged and looked at his face with disdain. "But this matter is very meaningful to you. If you are not going to tell us, then you will face us alone."

"Okay, okay, you must not do it. I am not an enemy of you. I only need to send you a message this time when I come here. Since you have agreed to the Shuiyue Sect. , You should know what I mean by this matter." The man heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Li Tian eased his tone.

His own strength is not very strong, but his best part is that he can hide all his aura at this critical time, so that he can be a good person and silently observe everything that happens here.

I never thought of exposing it so quickly this time.

I thought that it would take a while for Li Tian to be aware of himself, but he didn't expect this kid to find out so quickly, and he was still a violent temper.

"Are you from Murong Ziqing?"

"That's right, but this time I just came here to tell you what your next goal is. This is the key to your leaving here." The man looked at him and said seriously: "You said you wanted to be here before. Come to kill Yi Zhongrong, now you should know that this matter is not as simple as you imagined. On the surface, it seems that it doesn’t need anything, but the actual operation is much more complicated. Isn’t that the case?"

Hearing this guy talking like this, Li Tian also nodded, agreeing with him in his heart.

It is indeed like this, it seems that there is no problem on the surface, but if it is actually operated, it will not be that simple.

Killing Yi Zhongrong is of course a very simple thing, but if you want to leave here, it is not that easy. After this Dongtianfudi came in, many of its own powers were all restricted, and they wanted to make things happen. It won't be so easy to leave here afterwards.

"That's true. I can now guarantee that I can kill Yi Zhongrong, but I can't guarantee that after I kill this guy, I can leave this place unharmed. This space seems to be a parallel space. If you want to get out of here, you can only choose to teleport. Array." Li Tian looked at the guy in front of him and said helplessly. He knew exactly what his current situation was.

It seems really not that simple to want to leave here, and the effort required here is really impossible to describe in a general way.

Moreover, this matter is very dangerous. After killing Yi Zhongrong, many people here will all be aware of this happening, and they may have to go through a little bit of interrogation when they leave here. Not to mention leaving here.

"Hehe, it seems that you should have been aware of this. You should have been looking for a way to get out of here safe and sound during this time?" He asked.

Li Tian shook his head, and slowly suppressed the momentum on his body, and looked around: "It doesn't look like this. I just entered here. I just know that I want to kill Yi Zhongrong, and then leave here safe and sound. Very difficult thing."

"So, at this very critical time, if I were you, you would talk to me about what to do. If you continue to do this without taking this matter as a matter of course, the next problem will naturally be fine. That's a simple solution." The man looked at Li Tian faintly, and then said: "And my purpose of coming here this time is to tell you how to leave here after this incident last night."

"It doesn't seem to be that simple at all. I have come here now. There are only two options to leave here, one is failure, the other is success, but neither of these two is suitable for me, I can only Find another way." Li Tian said helplessly, it is really not that simple to change the situation in his current state.

"Your purpose of coming here this time is to destroy the origin of the heaven and blessed land. The reason why this place can exist for so long is actually because there is still a very powerful crystal here. As long as you can get this crystal, all the rules here are Naturally it has nothing to do with you."

"You have calculated for so long, the purpose should be this crystal. If I think this place should be closely related to the treasure I found in the ancient tomb, right? What the **** is Murong Ziqing doing?" He widened his eyes and thought. The face became more and more curious about what this woman was doing. It seemed like a very huge mystery, and their purpose was also unpredictable.

"I'm here only to tell you what to do next. As for what role I play in this matter, I don't think you should think too much about it. I am just a small role, it is impossible to know. They have so much content." Reluctantly shrugging his shoulders, the man smiled and said, "I have a map in my hand. You can find where the crystal is based on the map."

"Since it is such a powerful baby, it must be protected by more powerful creatures. If I want to change this situation, it should be difficult. Will I be the opponent of that kind of thing by myself?" He questioned. Asked in a tone, there was also a little uncertainty in his eyes.

"Hehe, I don't think you need to worry too much about this matter. Although your strength is a little difficult to deal with those guys, it is not impossible to succeed." The man said.

"This is Tianhu City after all, and their guards can't be very strong." Canglong said on the side.

Places like Tianhu City are far away from Emperor Tiangao, so there are any great masters.

"It's not for this reason, but because not many people in the entire Tianhu City know this secret, so what you have to face is not a powerful enemy, but a very complicated formation. If you can't pass this formation Naturally, there is no way to take out the crystal. We have been preparing for a long time, but we have just researched out some small key points. As for how to pass, we still don't know very well."

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