Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5968: Dragon figure

There were no clues in this hall to tell them what a great place was here.

Everything here is so sparse and ordinary, for many people there is nothing special at all.

After Li Tian finished speaking, he began to focus his attention on the hall in front of him. After they turned around, they did not find any clues. It looked like an end here.

"Perhaps it was originally that simple here, but we imagined it as too complicated, and therefore we can't find any clues right now, are you right?"

"We imagined this place too complicated? It's not that we thought it was too complicated, but it was originally so complicated. Even if it really has reached the end, there may not be a little treasure in a place protected by this kind of maze. ? If it is really just to protect this ancient temple, then there must be some valuable things in this ancient temple, or some things that cannot be seen again, but obviously we have not found anything now, can we still think that this is really just that simple ?" Li Tian asked.

In the original situation of this kind of protection, there must be something shameful, or a lot of treasures.

But nothing is seen here.

"Maybe it was just taken away by someone else. After all, we were not the only one who found this place, and it has been so many years, what else do you expect?" After a sneer, Ximen Yechou said coldly. One sentence.

So many years have passed here, and there should be too many strong people here. Who can find clues here and take away the treasures here is actually quite normal.

Li Tian definitely didn't want to believe in such a thing, he believed that there must be no end here.

Ximen Yeshou was obviously unwilling to continue searching, but he persisted like this. He could only stay here and watch this guy turn around in front of him, looking for clues. He simply dismissed it in his heart.

If any clues can be found, it would be a miracle.

This kind of place seems to be a sparse and ordinary place. Even if there is any treasure, it should have been taken away by others now, but it is just an ancient temple in an underground cave, which is nothing to her. There are so many powerhouses in the God Realm, and no one can't make such a place.

Li Tian still didn't want to believe it and didn't want to communicate so much with her.

Even the individual insisted on each other's ideas like this.

But Li Tian finally won. After only a few minutes, he found a strange place. In the very center of this ancient temple, there was a broken floor with a corner missing.

This is a very subtle difference, so if you don't observe it carefully, you won't find it at all.

He had always focused his attention on the periphery of the entire hall just now, but he didn't expect that the key point was actually at his feet. It was just this missing piece, but he didn't know how to find it.

"See, there is something missing on this dragon picture, because before our attention was not on this, so we could not find out in time. Now that we see it, do you still think this is really what we imagined? Simple?" Looking at Ximen Yeshou in front of him very seriously, Li Tian said excitedly: "You have to believe me. I never feel that my intuition is wrong. I just said there must be something unusual here. of."

"Don't be so anxious and just make your own conclusion, OK, maybe this is a very ordinary broken floor, do you really think you have found the key clue here? I don't think so." Simon Ye Chou smiled faintly. Seeing the excited smile on Li Tian's face, he said faintly: "What's more, even if you really found a clue to go down, are you really going to waste time here?"

"How can this be a waste of time? I think anyone who encounters a situation like mine will definitely continue to investigate. Don't you wonder what is behind so many things?" Li Tian looked at this in front of him. Long Tu was also looking for where this incomplete fragment was. This place had completely aroused his curiosity.

He really wanted to know what it was after this heavy mystery.

What kind of things are hidden in this underground cave?

"Forget it, since you really want to study it clearly, then try it. If you die here, there is no hope for anything." Ximen Yeshou snorted coldly, knowing that the man in front of her had a very temperament. Stubborn, even if Li Tian has decided, there is no point in his own nonsense, even Murong Ziqing can't make this kid compromise, let alone himself.

Looking at the excited expression on his face now, I wish I could get into this world now.

Unexpectedly, Li Tian ignored the helpless Ximen Yeshou, and began to search.

However, they did not notice that the people in white and black behind them also entered the maze at this time. When they came here, they frowned, "It is true that there are bones, but it seems that it has been a long time. The two people who died before, did the two people who walked in front of us really entered like this?" The white-clothed man squinted and asked.

"How is it possible? According to what I saw before, these people shouldn't know where this place is. How could they find a chance to get in?"

"Maybe it's the same as you said. These two people are geniuses, and they are lucky. They just waited for the time and space to be chaotic, so they found a way out of the maze. If this is the case, we must be faster. , If they are one step ahead, then all the efforts we have made so far will all fail." The white-clothed man clenched his fist and said nervously.

They all spent so much effort, and finally got here, and now they find that they have been taken the first step, they are naturally very upset in their hearts.

If he could, he would definitely want to kill the two ignorant guys in front.

"Don't waste time, hurry up and find the turbulence of time and space. We have to catch up with the two guys in front." The man in black glanced at the man in white and said seriously: "Never let things fall into their hands. ."

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