Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5986: Greed

"Why didn't you mean to go in at all to see what was going on? If it's someone else, you can't help it now." Ximen Yechou turned around and looked at Li Tian in front of him with the same face A face full of doubts.

Such a treasure mountain is full of various treasures, and everything you want can be found here.

No matter how calm the person is, a greedy look will appear in his eyes.

As long as you are a normal person, you will feel a little bit uncontrollable in such a scene and want to step forward and tell you all the things in it, but Ximen Yeshou has seen Li Tian before.

This guy's eyes have always been normal and very calm.

It's as if everything happened in front of them, and it seems that it has nothing to do with them, and people's moods don't follow other weirdness.

Ximen Yeshou himself knew that at the moment he did want to go forward and get these treasures, he didn't doubt it at all, but now Li Tian's eyes are clearly fundamental. Never thought of it.

"For me, even if these things are really treasures, they don’t make much sense. I don’t need treasures, and I am not interested in these things here. Therefore, even if the best things are in front of me, It doesn't necessarily make me feel very excited." Li Tian just smiled faintly. These treasures look very good, but they are not as good as Li Tian's eyes.

Now there are few things in the God Realm that can excite Li Tian in front of him.

He still has an ancient **** relic that he has not been able to explore clearly, because his strength is not strong enough, so this treasure has not been able to be opened early.

When one day, if he can find what he wants in the ruins of the ancient gods, then he can gain even more powerful power, but it will look more magnificent than the Baoshan in front of him.

"that's it?"

"That's it, not to mention that it is definitely impossible to be such a thing after this stone gate. If I am correct in my guess, once I rush forward in the first time and want to get something good from this treasure mountain, first There is a dead end in a moment, and there is absolutely no possibility of surviving. I have no doubt about this." He smiled faintly, and said vowedly.

The Baoshan Mountain in front of you does not seem to be dangerous. After all, you have passed the Shimen test, and then giving you such a gift is a reasonable thing for many people.

Therefore, most people have no way to see whether it is dangerous or safe when encountering such a situation, let alone control themselves.

As long as they can’t control themselves to rush forward at this time, the result may be unimaginable. Perhaps it is reasonable to let them die in this way. After all, the secret behind Shimen is No one can tell things clearly.

"It seems that you can calm down and think about things at this time. I thought you would rush forward after seeing these things. I didn't expect you to be able to control yourself not to think about it." Simon Ye The corner of Shou's mouth rose slightly, looking at Li Tian in front of him, and said lightly.

"What's so hard to control? The big scenes I have seen have gone too much. What kind of places have not been seen before, do you really think I will be confused by the Baoshan in front of me?" Li Tian snorted. If the scenes in front of him were enough to surprise him, then he is not the Li Tian of the year.

"Let’s wait and see here. If this is really a trap, it will take a long time to reveal his true colors. If this is really a treasure mountain, you can get some things you need, but I don't think there is anything you need among these things." Li Tian smiled, looked at the Baoshan in front of him and said, in their opinion, they already knew what was going on with this Baoshan.

This is likely to be an illusion, or a trap, as long as you accidentally move forward, it may be a dead end.

While the two of them were still in theory, the Baoshan in front of them suddenly began to become illusory. This feeling was like a phantom in the water. Suddenly the feeling of being dropped by a stone, slowly began. Disappeared.

What appeared before them were countless bones.

Looking at the scene before him, Li Tian said: "It seems we have guessed right. This Shimen is just a cover. The Baoshan behind the Shimen is the real killer move. After trying hard to open this Shimen, many people think All of his ideas are to get things on Baoshan in the first time, and the fate that this brings can be imagined. There is only a dead end."

"It's like this." Ximen Yeshou nodded, looking at the many bones in front of him, his heart did not tremble violently, so many people died in this place.

"Look, no matter what kind of strong you are, if your state of mind cannot find a suitable balance, no matter how strong you are, after all, you will still be unable to escape God’s punishment. These people want to come. I just didn’t believe that I would die someday, so I did it, but I didn’t expect that the final result would become the way it is now. They all became a skeleton.” Li Tian shook his head helplessly and sighed. Taking a breath, took a step forward slowly.

"Why did they die here?"

"What we saw before should be just an illusion. Once you get close to Baoshan, you will fall deeply into this illusion. No matter how powerful you are, there is no way to get out of this illusion. As a result Naturally it is a dead end." Li Tian looked at so many bones on the ground, and he almost thought of why it was like this.

They probably never thought that the treasure mountain behind this Shimen is not a treasure at all. The level of the treasure in this place must be greater than the so-called Baoshan.

Can control the dragon and wipe out so many powerful creatures, even the strong one who can kill even this ancient Black Dragon King, might store so many treasures here?

For people of his level, these treasures actually have no meaning at all.

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