Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5997: death

The shadow of death was getting closer and closer to him. He knew this very well. He knew very well that his current body was slowly disappearing its original vitality, and his own fairy power was slowly disappearing.

In this process, anyone will feel very suffering.

Li Tian now feels the same way, feeling that he is in an endless torment.

"Haha, don't push away the two of you here. Do you think you can leave from here? It's just a joke. Even if your current strength is exactly the same as when you were at your peak, you want to leave here. Extravagantly, let alone your current state, you actually want to leave here." Shaking his head with a mockery, the man in white raised his sword: "Since you two are ready to die here, I will now To fulfill both of you."


A sword aura was released and came directly towards the two of them, Li Tian hurriedly blocked it.

But this powerful impact also made him fly upside down, vomiting out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this scene, Ximen Yeshou rushed forward and held his shaky body: "How are you? It's okay, you must not have an accident. As you said before, you must live with me this time. Leaving here, if you die, I still..."

"Go away, what are you still doing here? You are not the opponent of the two of them. If no one else knows what happened here today, even if the two of us are dead, we will die." Li Tian clutched himself. At this time, the blood was constantly surging up, like a fountain, even if he wanted to swallow it, it started to become very difficult.

Looking at Simon Yeshou who was still in front of him, he wondered if this woman was going crazy.

The situation in front of us, but any normal person can see that the two of them have deeply reached a desperate situation. Under such circumstances, if they want to leave here alive, there must be no way to do it. Something up.

And even if they can leave here alive, it is impossible for two people to leave here.

The two enemies in front of them are still staring at them here, there is not much time left for them, and they must hurry up to make a choice.

"I won't leave, how could I let you stay alone and deal with these enemies in front of you? If you really want to deal with them, let me..."

"Don't be stupid, you know what your strength looks like, and you know what my current state is like. Although the two enemies in front of you are not very powerful, they can't be changed by you alone. I can already feel the danger coming. I can only kill these two guys with tricks that I dare not use easily. As long as I can kill these two guys, I believe that Higan Flower will have no interest in us. Up."

"This is true. If you can kill any of us here, you won't continue to be the target of Biganhua. We will die on your behalf, but unfortunately, you think you two How many possibilities are there now to achieve this? We are here to watch your every move, what you want to do, what is thinking in your mind, we all know clearly." Hear Li Tian After speaking like this, the expressions on the faces of the people in black and white all flashed a touch of tension.

Knowing that this young man can constantly create a miracle, now none of them dare to say that they can control the situation in front of them.

If this young man suddenly thinks of a solution at this critical time, then they will feel really helpless.

"Hehe, look at how nervous you are, you should be very worried, but you don't need to worry, what you want to see next is my true state, even in front of the people I know most. Dare to use this trick easily, because once this trick is used, I will become a real demon. No matter what kind of powerhouse you are, there will be only a dead end." Li Tian vowed to look at himself. Simon Yeshou in front of him: "If you believe me, you will leave here immediately and wait for me outside. I will leave here alive."

"Don’t think I don’t know that you want me to leave here, and then you can face these two enemies by yourself. I won’t do this. I will never leave my companion again. of."

"I know that you are still worried about what happened before, and I really want to change your mind. Therefore, I think you must leave here now. If my strength is very strong, even you I really abandoned me in this kind of place, and I can also leave here on my own ability. If I can't do such a thing, it can only prove that I am not strong enough. Isn't it like this?" Li Tian stared at the two people in front of him, and the smiles on his faces became more gloomy at this time.

"Don’t think that your expression can scare the two of us. We all know what your background is. The situation is like you, a young man who can create miracles. I am afraid that there is no solution. The way, unless you can make your strength stronger in this short moment, strong enough to get rid of the power of the other side flower, only you can do this, and today can you defeat the two of us. "

"Quickly leave here, the rest will be left to me." Li Tian pushed Ximen Yechou away, and then slowly stood up. At this time, his eyes began to slowly close, and he was also very natural. Earth entered the realm of Xinruzhishui. At this moment, he felt that the whole world had begun to become clearer, and he seemed to know his current situation at this moment.

Around him are all black death breaths, these breaths are constantly approaching Li Tian, ​​swallowing his vitality.

When all the vitality in Li Tian's body disappeared, what was left would naturally be a dead end. No matter how powerful you are, it is impossible for you to continue to live under such circumstances.

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