Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6004: The Eye of the Dragon King

The man in black knew very well that after Li Tian in front of him became a demon, his current combat power was terrifying. It was not that simple to deal with the young man in front of him.

If possible, he would rather not fight the young man in front of him now.

He knew that the gap between his state and Li Tian in front of him was really huge, even if two people joined forces, it was not necessarily Li Tian's opponent in front of him.

"How is this possible? How long has passed since this guy has turned into what he is now. I can't believe that this is the real thing that happened in front of me." After the man in white was rescued, the whole person After stepping back a lot, he carefully looked at Li Tian in front of him, with a face full of doubts: "I don't know what words should be used to describe this guy's changes like this."

"It's very strange. It was not the opponent of the two of us before, but now it can make both of us feel very difficult. This is this young man. I have already killed this kid directly, and the breath has been cut off. Who knows that it has become like this now." He shook his head helplessly, sighed, and looked at the way in front of them, none of them knew what was going on.

"You should know now, where is the combat effectiveness of the two of you inferior to me? If I were you, I would treat it as if nothing had happened, and then try to disappear from me. Of course, we will definitely not give you this opportunity. Now that the memorial ceremony of Bianhua has already begun, we must not waste time now and let the two of you die here, so that we can also start the road of reincarnation."

"Do you think I will give you this opportunity?" the man in black asked.

"Opportunities are never given to you by others, but they are won by themselves. Smart people can always find a suitable opportunity at a suitable time. For example, you may not be prepared to give me a chance, but for me Saying that I can easily control the situation in front of me, I can do whatever I want, but you can't do that." Li Tian sneered, and then slowly split into one clone after another in his body.

The gap between these clones and Li Tian is not very big, and there is no problem with dealing with these two people.

He stood there and looked at the two people: "You want to buy time now. I think there are still many people in this place who know that the enemy we will face next may be even stronger, right? "

"You don’t know where you are now, or what kind of enemy you will face next. You think you can control the whole situation now, but you don’t know at all. You are here like a tiny ant. "Looking at the swearing young man in front of him, the man in black here is also very angry, but now I am starting to feel very difficult to deal with a clone like Li Tian.

It is conceivable that the terrible combat power displayed by this young man at this time is really something that people like them cannot imagine.

The two people looked helpless, facing this young man, they really felt this feeling of powerlessness.

And Ximen Yeshou felt that his whole worldview had collapsed at this time, and how strong this man was in front of him, he could still maintain such a calm face in the face of this situation.

And before, it was impossible to deal with these two people alone. ,

Now you can rely on your two clones to completely suppress the two people in front of you. Although it is impossible to quickly defeat the two of them, this powerful suppressing force is enough to make them feel Desperate.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe how this young man can be so strong, is this **** devil really so terrible?"

"The devil is known as the proud child of the sky. Do you think this name is just groundless?" He sneered, looking at the surprised white man next to him, and said: "Now whether we two will survive is an unknown number. , I think according to what we did before, now there is probably only a dead end."

"Of course it may not be like this. I know that there is another way to open this place. The method you used before is just what they have left. If you are willing to cooperate with me, you two can continue to follow me. , If you really find any treasure next, it will definitely not lose your benefits. Of course, you can also choose to refuse. In this case, what will happen next, I don’t think I need to tell you two. "

"What do you want to know?"

"Where is this place, what is your purpose here?"

"It's very simple. Our purpose here is only the eyeballs of the Devil Dragon King. It is said that after the Devil Dragon King was killed by the Heavenly Sage, he dug out his eyes and sealed them. If anyone could get this eye, Then you can get the power of the magic dragon. It is only a matter of time to dominate the entire God Realm. You should be very clear. If you change to the present, they are all terrible to describe. The opponent." The people in black have no reservations. They know very well what their current situation is, and they dare not continue to waste time here.

Just need to say a wrong sentence, maybe there is only a dead end, the man in front of him is not going to leave them the slightest way to survive.

Unless they are willing to tell all these things they know. ,

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple, but we have been looking for this place for many years, but there has been no result. This place has always been a place that many people dream of, but there is no way to find it." Looking at Li Tian in front of him, black Yi Ren said: "This time, this place has reappeared, leading to the integration of many places in the Northern Cold Land, and it lasted a long time. I think it should be so many years, the most likely chance to find the eye of the Demon Dragon King. Up."

"You really want to survive, and tell me all these things honestly." Li Tian looked at the guy in front of him and laughed, obviously expressing his satisfaction with the result.

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