Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6017: A lot of pressure

The little princess and General Tian Ming are inseparable from the battle, and Li Tian still has no movement here.

"Are you not going to make a move? Although the tone of this little girl's previous speech was not very good, it makes people feel uncomfortable, but after all, you two are now in a cooperative relationship. You stay here and do nothing. Is it really good?" Ximen Yeshou also saw the little princess who was fighting hard, although Shen Luo Yin was a powerful magic weapon that suppressed the Tian Ming general in front of him everywhere.

But the gap between the two of them still cannot be made up with a magic weapon.

Although the little princess hasn't shown it yet, they all know that she is weakening bit by bit now.

At this moment, she was very much in need of Li Tian's help, and the situation in front of her definitely couldn't be sustained by one person.

The huge sword in Tian Ming's hand fell straight down like this. Although Shen Luo Yin had already opened a barrier before that to protect the little princess in front of him, it was still too late.

The magic weapon must be very powerful, but the magic weapon also has many things that cannot be done.

At many critical moments, there is no way for them to truly be like a human being and show this feeling of burning jade and stone. ,

Shen Luo Yin’s barrier was easily destroyed, and there was no even the slightest friendship. It was directly breached. In this process, there was no sluggish feeling. It was as if the momentum was broken. Easily broke through the barrier in front of you,

The little princess was completely stunned. Even if he is very strong, there will still be many problems when facing actual combat. This is a matter of reason.

Looking at the huge sword that was getting closer and closer in front of her, she was ashamed at this moment.

‘This **** guy has reached the point he is now, and he is still looking at him from a distance. Don’t you know that if you and I die, neither of you can deal with this guy? When the little princess is here, she can still feel that Li Tian in the distance is still not moving, although she now hopes that this man will help.

However, in the end he sighed: "Forget it, this guy is a **** at first glance. At this time, he is still thinking about other things. If he knew it was like this, he should have left early. ."

While speaking, the little princess slowly closed her eyes.

Although Shen Luo Yin was still struggling to support, the immediate attack was getting closer and closer. Everyone knew that the little princess was in a dangerous situation, and there was basically no chance of surviving.

But it was this short moment that actually made the little princess feel that this time has passed so long,

Countless thoughts flashed in my mind, and the hard advice of the demon lord before began to come to mind at this time. I told her not to leave the magic palace a long time ago. This world is very dangerous.

But the little princess, who had never gone out much, didn't realize that this sentence was not a joke, but a serious statement.

So that the situation now becomes like this.

I watched as I was about to die in the hands of others. At this moment, there was no other way. Is there any time in my life that is more helpless than this?

"Who told you that I am a counselor?" At this moment, a stalwart figure slowly appeared in front of the little princess, and the **** sword in his hand turned out to be the party behind him. In front of him, he abruptly resisted the attack of Pluto.

"It seems that you are still a little bit courageous." The little princess was panting. After a series of battles just now, she really felt a lot of pressure. Before, I wanted to cooperate with Li Tian, ​​but later discovered that this guy has a different attitude towards him. Very well, the little princess who is used to being held by the stars does not bother to continue communicating with this man. In her eyes, she naturally regards the man in front of her as a very humble creature.

Even at this point, I still have the same thought in my heart, thinking that the man in front of him has no fighting power at all, and naturally he does not need to communicate with this man.

"Really? I only showed a little bit of courage when I said that. Otherwise, I will let you go now and let you be smashed by the giant sword in front of you. Would you feel satisfied? "Li Tian smiled and turned to look at the little princess who was sitting on the ground behind him in a panic. When he spoke, he actually released the giant sword in front of him.

As soon as he pulled out this sword, he heard General Tian Ming let out a cold snort.

"The two young dolls are still arguing here now, and I will let you both die here today." The giant sword was not completely offset by Li Tian, ​​when the red sword in his hand did not continue. At the moment of resistance, the giant sword fell down like lightning, and the violent wind roared, as if it wanted to swallow the whole world.

Seeing the giant sword in front of me getting closer, the little princess roared: "You bastard."

"Don't cry, even if your master is in front of me, you two will die here. You dare to enter the heaven and **** like this. I will tell you today what kind of place it is. "When Tian Mingjiang spoke, he suddenly felt a pain on his face, and immediately after his huge body, he staggered back.

In front of him, there was Li Tian's figure, which was just a kick just now, forcibly kicking Tian Ming general in front of him.

The little princess was still very angry. Seeing this scene, the curiosity in her heart suppressed her anger, and asked: "You...what kind of magic weapon are you, how did you do it?"

"Damn it, you kid has been hiding your strength before. Why do I feel such a powerful force in your body?" At this time, General Tian Ming was also full of shocked expressions, and the white energy on his body started unexpectedly. It appeared more quickly, but to their surprise, a small hole appeared on the face of the Heavenly Pluto.

On her face, it looked as if it was a trace of a pimple.

But this small trace is like a tarsal maggot, no matter what he does, there is no way to repair the wound, it has always been like this.

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