Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6173: select

Looking at the old man in front of him, Li Tian's heart also began to become a little suspicious.

He didn't know what kind of choice he made at this time was the most correct, but he was a little bit embarrassed.

With so many innocent people on one side and Situ Ningbing on the other side, it would be a relatively difficult task for him to make a correct choice at this time.

"You should also know that this matter is actually very difficult for me to decide. Even if I know what is right and what is wrong, it is still difficult for me to find a suitable way to accomplish what you want. Question." Li Tian squinted at the old man in front of him. If it wasn't for this old man to be the test here, he would even suspect that this guy was here to make fun.

The question raised by the old man is really not that simple to make a choice.

But if you are a normal person, you don't know how to choose at this time.

Is it because you have to give up so many lives because you are alone?

"Of course I know this is a difficult choice for you, but it is for this reason that I am here to ask such a question, otherwise I would naturally not tell you so much." Smile Looking at Li Tian in front of him, the old man seemed to be serious now, and said, "So now you need to make a choice."

Li Tian looked around, then looked at the old man in front of him.

The Eye of the Devil’s Dragon is indeed a very serious matter for many people. Even Li Tian is quite clear about this matter. Once the matter reaches that point, many of the next problems will pass them. imagination.

But now, the old man in front of him has said such a problem.

This is obviously a combination of fish and bear's paw.

"You also know that sometimes everything has your own helplessness. I know you really want to give yourself one more choice, but it is a pity that you have no more choices at this time, you can only look like this "Looking at the tangled look on Li Tian's face, the old man here said lightly, with a serious tone, as if he already knew what he was thinking.

Li Tian still didn't say anything, or didn't say that he didn't know what to say now. This problem seemed simple, but in fact it was really difficult to find a good solution.

In her heart, she wanted to save these innocent lives in the entire God Realm, but now Situ Ningbing's life and death were in front of her.

"I can only choose Situ Ningbing."

"Really? If you choose this way, I don’t know how many people will die in this place because of your choice. Isn’t there a little guilt in your heart? Such a thing is born in In your body, even you will feel unfair. You are so inexplicably dead because of a decision of others. Shouldn’t it be someone who chooses more?” The old man saw Li Tian’s answer. There was no unexpected expression, and there was no disappointment in his eyes.

He just asked indifferently like this, as if he still wanted to know how Li Tian thought in front of him.

"It’s actually very easy for us to know what’s going on, isn’t it? Situ Ningbing is my only support for survival in this world, even if the whole world is destroyed, as long as the whole world is destroyed. It is enough to have Situ Ningbing by my side, but if I were to sacrifice Situ Ningbing to save others, such a thing would definitely be unacceptable." He squinted and looked at the old man in front of him. He was very decisive. Speaking of.

Perhaps this appearance is indeed a little stingy, taking his own problems seriously.

But in the longer term, there seems to be no problem at all.

This kind of thinking about yourself instead of just thinking about the kindness of others is actually a kind of so-called hypocrisy. There is nothing in this world that can feel happy regardless of oneself.

If Li Tian was allowed to sacrifice Situ Ningbing for so many people, maybe everything would go smoothly in the next period of time. Just sacrifice Situ Ningbing and the problem would be very simple.

However, the next life of the player Li Tian will be a very tragic one. The woman he loves most in his life disappears. As long as he is still a man, he will know what to do.

If Situ Ningbing was sacrificed for others in this way, Li Tian would not be glorious for the rest of his life. If this happens, he still does not know what he will become in the future. If he hates mankind like this, then Sometimes it may directly create a more terrifying existence, so such a choice is definitely wrong.

Regardless of one's own problems, but to think about giving everything out of one's own body, this is an expression of hypocrisy in most cases.

People live in this world to survive better. Kindness only makes one's heart more peaceful, but it doesn't make oneself fall into a state of embarrassment, even if it is like this, one has to help others. It seems silly.

Situ Ningbing is Li Tian's most important existence in this world, and he must be unwilling to make the decision to injure Situ Ningbing.

"It seems that you now know what to do. Now that you have made such a choice, have you ever wondered what the consequences will be if you do this? Can you bear such consequences?" He laughed There was a sound, and then slowly stepped forward, patted Li Tian on the shoulder, and said, "If you make the corresponding choice, you have to pay more. Isn't it like this? You want to protect your lover in your heart , You have to know what price you have to pay."

"If I don’t want to take this responsibility, I’m here this time to prevent the Eye of the Dragon from falling into the hands of others. I have never considered myself a good person, but if I need to pay any price , That’s really embarrassing, I’ve always disliked being responsible.” Li Tian said angrily, looking at the old man in front of him with a firm tone.

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