Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6180: Shattered

Chapter 618o

"Kacha, Kacha"

Like a thunderstorm resounding across the sky, there was a constant sound like this. The cracks appeared in the sky more and more, getting bigger and bigger. Originally it looked like a thread, but now it has become A gully crack.

And there is more than just such a crack in the sky. What is certain is that what they can see next is that there will only be more and more cracks in the barrier, and the following problems will become more and more difficult to solve. Up.

Li Tian knew exactly what was going on, although he hadn't thought before, they would really come here.

I thought that I would still have to pay a heavy price today, and I might even really die in this kind of ghost place, but I didn't expect that this world is really an inexhaustible road.

"Nothing in this world is impossible to do. Just as you all thought of doing it, we naturally thought that you would do it." The little witch squinted at the Emperor Zhongwu in front of him and said: " You are indeed very bold this time, so in order to avoid any danger we encounter here, we also made some arrangements here."

"Interesting." God Emperor Zhongwu looked at the cracks that appeared above his head, and at this time he knew that the army of the Donggong clan outside had been defeated.

I thought that relying on the help of the Donggong family, they might be able to make this war less suspenseful, but at this moment, looking at the scene in front of me, what is left is probably only a very helpless confession. Still unwilling, this matter has already become this point, even if you don't want it, it will still be like this.

"I also think this is a very interesting thing. If it weren't for this kid who reminded me before, I might not have thought that you would dare to do this. It seems that after the extermination, you didn't seem to realize it at all. I am a guy who has been walking on a dangerous road. Over the years, he has been constantly changing and getting worse, making the already chaotic situation even more uncontrollable."

"It's not wrong. For me, the life and death of these people is meaningless. All I have to consider is my own business." The Emperor Zhongwu stared, and the cracks in the sky were getting more and more. When it gets bigger, what he can feel is that a powerful force is destroying the Luotian Formation, and at this time, the Luotian Formation can no longer continue to attack the people in the formation.

Because the outside world is beginning to be destroyed, we can only turn the powerful force against the outside force. Only in this way can we achieve our own stability.

But this will not last long.

After all, it is a prepared opponent. If there is no way to deal with a formation like the Falling Sky Formation, isn't it just being funny to come here?

The Emperor Zhongwu is indeed one of the most terrifying and bold guys they have ever seen for so many years. Everything can be done from this guy's hands. You never know what this guy will do in the next second. Such things come, but the situation in front of him must be quite severe for the Emperor Zhongwu, and it is completely impossible for him to feel the joy of victory.

"What I am more curious about now is what kind of helper you have invited over this time. Looking at the entire God Realm, there are very few who can compete with the Donggong family, and are willing to intervene in this matter. What's coming is that there are even fewer and fewer, and you, the Wu clan, are all involved in this matter. But if you are a relatively normal person, you won't believe this matter, right?" Zhongwu The God Emperor squinted his eyes and looked up at the crack on the top of his head. Although he felt the power, he still didn't know what his opponent was outside.

At this time, my heart was very heavy, and I was worried about how to deal with this matter next.

If you really want these reinforcements from outside to invade, how should you deal with these guys? Things have evolved to the point where they are now. There is definitely no way to retreat, and now I can only choose to attack by force. .

"I said before. You guys actually have a lot of weaknesses. These weaknesses are not even visible to you. When you do things, you think very one-sidedly. You always think about your own part of the interests, naturally. One day you will discover that you are here just like a tiny creature, with no effect. In this situation, if I were you, I would choose to give up." The little witch looked helpless at this. The Emperor Zhongwu said lightly: "Things have reached this point. Even you probably know it very well. It is impossible for you to continue to behave like this with your own strength."

"No, it's absolutely impossible. The Donggong family is a very powerful family. They said that this time things were pretty stable. How could it become like this? I don't believe that the outsiders have already lost, I don't believe it! "He roared, looking at the demon emperor who was fighting Li Tian in the distance, and said, "We still have the last chance. As long as we kill everyone here and take away the eyes of the dragon before this barrier is destroyed At that time, no matter how powerful they are, they can only be bullied by us for nothing."

God Emperor Zhongwu started to aim at Li Tian while talking.

"Do you really think that I am here to let you participate in other battles? Today, your opponent can only be one person, it can only be me. Even if you don’t want to fight with me, it doesn’t matter, but you It is absolutely impossible to want to participate in other people's battles from this time." The little witch held the staff in her hand tightly, staring at him and said.

This battle has reached the point it is now, and maybe just a small change may make a huge change in the overall situation, so even the little witch is a little worried at this time.

He knows that Li Tian's strength is not very strong here, but the exhibition of this young man is very important, and it is also very important to the future of the entire God Realm. If this young man is allowed to die here, it may be What kind of things will happen.

"Can you stop me? If I want to kill someone, how could you stop me?" God Emperor Zhongwu sneered, not worried that he would be delayed by the woman in front of him, there was no way. Started on others.

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