Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6226: Old antique

The magic palace in front of me looks like the ancient capital of China, full of traces left over from a long history.

Outside, the vermillion walls are all towering high, and you can see standing there are many demon soldiers wearing black armor and masks on their faces. These people are all demon warriors who have been uniformly trained. Their own strength may not be considered very strong, but with the help of this formation at the foot of the Demon Palace, their combat effectiveness can be increased to a geometric multiple here.

Therefore, this is the most core place in the entire magic capital, and it is also the most difficult place to break.

"When you get here, you have to be more careful. You should have heard of it before. There are many powerful experts in the magic palace. Of course, there are some more terrifying people in it. They are all from a long time ago. The antique-level powerhouses that survived in the history of the People's Republic of China. These people have always been the trump cards of our demons, and they also have very strange tempers. The Cao Zhen you met before was one of them.

"Such a strong man is still alive?"

"Hehe, just like the strong in your organization, many people seem to have disappeared for a long time, most of them have already died, but can you really say that they are dead? At this level of strength The strong, unless they really want to fight with others to die, it’s really not that easy for them to die. After all, they already live the same life as the world." Sword Spirit just smiled indifferently. At first, this kind of question sounds weird, but it is like this.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the God Realm, the powerhouses I see now may not be the real powerhouses.

Those characters who were dominating one side in the ancient times may not really be dead now, maybe they are still somewhere, silently observing the development of this world.

However, the strength of these people in the Demon City really surprised him.

I thought that the power of the magic city was just the way he imagined it. Although there are many veteran-level powerhouses guarding this place, I really didn’t expect that there are still so many old antiques living here. of.

If this is really a war between the demons and humans, if none of the strong men among humans takes action, it would be a devastating disaster for them. How many people can survive in the end?

"I know what I should do at this time, but what I want to know is, will these powerful people still intervene in this time of government affairs?"

"You can rest assured that although these seniors are still living in the magic palace, they rarely interfere with the government affairs of the demons. They believe that the father can make a good decision." The little princess smiled. Looking at Li Tian in front of him, he said, it is obvious that these powerful men before were also seen by the little princess, and they naturally became fascinated by them and learned something about them.

No wonder the little princess can have such an achievement at such a young age.

The father is the most powerful existence among the demons, the devil, and there are so many powerful senior masters around him, if he can't grow into a real genius in such an environment, there will be some I can't explain it.

In comparison, Li Tian seemed to be the poorest among these people.

These people are all relying on the powerful people around them, or relying on their own techniques to slowly become stronger, but Li Tian is not like this, he himself is the next strongest person. I didn’t find any attribution in the God Realm. Even now, it’s just a stray immortal without a discipline. It was in this state that I had grown to the point where I was now. It’s just that. From the above, the achievements made by this young man still feel incredible.

If you were a young man, you might lose hope in this state, and then you would become a little bit decadent.

But Li Tian didn't look like that. Even if there were so many enemies in the God Realm, he still worked very hard to make himself a little stronger.

After entering the magic palace, you can feel that these formations at the feet of the magic palace have different functions. The dense arrays are all arranged in a complicated manner. It is precisely because of the existence of these formations that this place becomes an indestructible fortress.

"My father may already be waiting for you. When you see my father, you should be careful when you speak. If you still speak the same way as before, I am afraid that your father will not agree to your request. If you choose to If you kill here, then you want to regret it, and you can't find a chance to regret it." The little princess smiled and said as she looked at Li Tian in front of her.

Although this possibility is very small, it does not mean it will not happen.

This time Cao Zhen’s statement, it is estimated that the entire Demon Race will feel incredible because of this incident. As the king of the Demon Race even made such a choice at this time, I believe many people have regard to the Demon Lord. What exactly is his attitude is still holding a skeptical attitude.

"I see. Let's go in. It makes me very uncomfortable to stay here." Feeling the pressure around and the divine thoughts that continue to pass, it seems that these old antiques did not expect that even humans could enter this way. Locally, under the current scenes of humans and demons, there is no human being able to enter here at all, and even powerhouses at the Divine Emperor level are not qualified to enter here.

But today suddenly there appeared a young man like this, a young man at the pinnacle of the realm of gods, and it is inevitable that these old antiques who had no opinion on anything would begin to pay attention to this matter.

‘I didn’t expect that after so many years, I would still be able to see humans in the magic city.’

'Although the strength of this young man is not very strong, it seems to be a man of creation. If this young man can be given a little time, he will definitely become the most powerful person in the gods in the future. Such a young man , Shouldn't you choose to kill it early? How can such young people survive? ’

At this time, the old antiques are all full of doubts, and they don't know what is going on in front of them, why suddenly a young man has appeared here.

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