Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6246: Big demon

Chapter 6246

"Oh, I have forgotten such an important thing." Suddenly, Li Tian, ​​who was walking on the road, stomped his feet, patted his thigh, and looked regretful.

I really have become a lot of idiots now.

At this critical time, the most important thing is forgotten. Naturally, the safety of the water ghost millet is probably because the subconscious thought that since the tree demon is chasing itself directly, then the water ghost millet must be no problem. So he didn't expect this incident for a while. After the tree demon left, he thought of the water ghost millet.

But think about it at this time, it seems that things are not as dangerous as they thought.

Shuigui Guzi's strength has risen to a very high level anyway, although the specific level is currently unknown, since he has entered the territory of monsters in such a grand manner, it is definitely not that simple to think about strength. It's really not that easy to deal with him. Since this is the case, there is really no need to worry about this person's safety today.

Suddenly, there was a slight tremor in the air.


A huge figure fell from the sky, like a big mountain smashed down, and even the ground shook at this moment.

This is a giant beast with tiger stripes on its body. The body looks like a tiger, but I don’t know why this tiger has a little human appearance now. It is walking with both hands now, with eyes in the eyes. It was even more fierce. At this moment, I was carefully observing every move around me. Did I sneer and said: "This human being is clearly here just now. Why has it been so long? Time disappeared?"

The breath spit out from the nostrils is white mist here.

Looking at the molten water on the ground, it is not difficult to imagine that there must have been a battle here before, otherwise it would be impossible for it to become what it is now after so many years of snow accumulation.

But I don't know why, I didn't even see the shadow of this young man just now.

To say that this young man's skills are high, and he is not so strong that he disappeared from his front so quickly, this is not something that anyone can do.

"Haha, Tiger Yu, it seems that you really have suffered a loss of no culture." At this time, another person appeared here.

Although he is a human being, he has a very strong aura of a monster. He is obviously a big monster. He can be transformed into a monster here. The tiger fool he calls is obviously one of the big monsters.

"Chi Sharon, do you also want to intervene in this matter?" Hu Yu snorted and looked at Chi Sharon in front of him.

The Chi Salon wearing a red robe looked really indistinguishable from human beings, but the monstrous demon on his body could be seen far away. This was a real monster master.

And the monster beast that can be transformed into a humanoid must be a big boss.

Huyu is three meters tall and looks tall and mighty at this time, and Chi Sharon is definitely of that kind of short class even among humans. Standing in front of this big man, his momentum is not inferior in the slightest. , Vaguely there is a feeling of pressure.

As you can imagine, this is definitely not a simple role.

"Hmph, this kid has the rumored eye of the dragon. We have been waiting here for so many years. We just want to find a chance to get the eye of the dragon? Because of the intervention of the demons, we Unable to do it, now this kid has come back again, and has to challenge our monster beast, if this is the case, then teach him a lesson." Chi Sharon sneered.

Although the Eye of the Devil Dragon is a treasure of the dragon clan, it is not only coveted by humans.

These monster beasts wanted to get it a long time ago, but even if they were strong, they couldn't participate in the robbery.

"Interesting, it seems that these big monsters will all have to do it this time. This kid is just a fairy in the realm of gods. Can he really survive?" Hearing the words of Chi Sharon in front of him, Hu Yu's face also There was a touch of disdain. It might have been a small thing at first, but so many big monsters followed suit, and the problem was different.

"And I've heard about it before. Behind this kid is a witch clan. If you want to talk about the witch clan, it also has a deep relationship with our monster clan. Let's do this...."

"Huh, but it's just the only witch clan left, even if it is very strong? Wasn't the witch clan going to the sky? In the end, it was not nearly annihilated by humans, but now it's just a witch clan. There is nothing to worry about." Chi Sharon sneered when he heard Huyu's nervous look, and said rather uncomfortably: "And I really didn't expect that there are people like you Huyu who are worried in this world. Well, it's just a woman of the witch tribe, do you really think what this woman of the witch tribe can do to you?"

"It's better to be careful about this kind of thing, in case we..."

"Hmph, if you don't have the courage, you can naturally not participate in this matter, but I must kill this young man. If such a young man is not killed, it is also a very important thing for us. Great loss." Chi Sharon was still very satisfied looking at the nervous expression on Hu Yu's face in front of him.

This time the big monsters all shot, in order to **** the magic dragon from Li Tian.

Although they are monsters now, they are big, but if they can really grab the eyes of the dragon and use them to break through to a higher realm, once they enter the realm of the gods, they may have to get rid of their monsters. Some problems have arisen, and it has become a real powerful existence between heaven and earth. Whenever you think of such benefits, who can miss it?

Hu Yu glanced at Chi Salon, did not continue to say anything, but turned around and jumped directly into the air. Obviously, he felt that there was nothing to find here, so it would be better to find another place to see where Li Tian was.

And Chi Sharon also sneered and left.

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