"Hahaha, now that you have reinforcements, you seem to be more confident than before. Before, you still couldn't believe that you could defeat me, but now with two helpers, you think you have the possibility of defeating me. It's a lot older, is it like this?" Master Yin smiled and looked at Li Tian in front of him, and asked.

"It's really like this. Although I don't know what kind of existence you are, I know it's easy to deal with a guy like you. Give me a little time. There is no problem with the three of us defeating you." Li Tian gritted his teeth and said, but the nervous consciousness in his mind at this time could not be easily erased.

Even if the little princess and Cao Yibing are here, it is still not that simple for them to defeat the Yin Master.

The fighting power of this guy is definitely not that simple.

After this series of battles, Li Tian knew a lot of things they couldn't believe. The fighting power of the Yin Master in front of him was far more complicated than he thought.

Cao Yibing flew directly into the air, and the little princess also went to the other side, and the three people surrounded the Yin Master in front of him.

"After all, what should we do now to make this guy in front of you pay the price?" Cao Yibing asked curiously, looking at Li Tian in front of him.

"I don't know, but now anyway, I can't underestimate the strength of the guy in front of me. Although I could delay a long time before, it was only because I was more cunning. Surviving and defeating There are completely two different extremes. It is really not that simple for us to defeat this guy in front of us." Li Tian said with a helpless expression.

"Hey hey hey, what are you talking about? Obviously we are facing such a strong opponent now. It should be necessary for us to cheer each other up, but why did you guy start at this time? I helped my enemy speak." Squinting and looking at Li Tian in front of him, the little princess at this time was also incomprehensible.

Shouldn't it mean encouraging each other to deal with opponents?

On the contrary, looking at the way Li Tian is now, it seems that he really regards this matter as a very indifferent matter.

"Of course I know that we should encourage each other now, but it is still very rare for me to do this." With a helpless smile, Li Tian said, holding the sword in his hand tightly, "When you really Once you are fully aware of what kind of powerful existence your opponent is, you can understand that many things are not as simple as we imagined."

He just said so calmly, and there was no complicated look on his face.

He knew very well that dealing with the Yin Master in front of them was not as simple as they thought.

This is a Yin Master who doesn't know how long he has been practicing. After the previous battle, Li Tian truly felt the powerful power in this guy's body.

Although they are three at this time.

But this state is just like the Three British Fighting Lu Bu, the strength of this Yin Master, they really want to defeat it is not so simple.

Maybe it was just a small mistake, maybe all three of them would die here.

Yan Ruyu looked at the three people, squinted his eyes and gritted his teeth and said: "Damn it, if I still have the power to fight at this time, I can help them deal with this guy if I can show my strength. "

"This kind of thing can't help us at all. We have already consumed too many cents when dealing with the clones. At this time, even if we give us more opportunities, it is impossible." Da Zhuang looked helpless. They were really exhausted at this time, with no ammunition and no food. They could only watch the battle before them, but there was no way to intervene.

Of course at this time, it is just that I can feel very helpless.

But there is simply no suitable way to change this situation.

Looking at Li Tian in front of him, Yan Ruyu swallowed his saliva and said: "We demon people up and down have always believed that human beings are just an existence that relies on conspiracies and tricks to get to the point where they are today. It seems that we are all wrong. The strength of this race is something that none of us can think of. In the face of such a race, if we still look down on them, we will only pay the price in the end."

"You are very smart. If you are still fighting as rashly as before, I believe you will die in my hands soon, but if you are more careful, you may be able to fight me for a longer time. , I think even if you are an idiot, you should know how you should think about this matter at this time." Smiling and looking at the three young people in front of him, the Yin Master was not very worried.

Countless skulls slowly condensed behind him.

These skulls are lifelike, and they look like real existence. In the depths of the eyes, you can see circles of blue ghost fires beating, looking very ghostly.

"There is not much time left for us. We still need to hurry up and save others. If too much time is wasted here, it will be completely impossible to complete the tasks in the future. When helping us, we must hurry up to deal with him at this time." When Cao Yibing spoke, his eyes were firm, and then he raised the sword in his hand and rushed directly.

The little princess also glanced at Li Tian, ​​and saw that this guy also had a determined look, obviously she didn't think she could truly fail in this state.

The wind was howling and the air was filled with the smoke of battle.

At this time, the Yin Master began to become more serious than before. He wanted these young people to truly realize their insignificance, and also let them know that it is impossible for them to win this. Fighting.

I have been waiting here for a long time, preparing for such a long time.

This is a war that concerns everything, and it is absolutely not allowed to fail at such a time.

Even if you want to go all out, let these young people die here.

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