Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6341: force

"If I say that, I really want to know what kind of benefits we will get if we cooperate with you? You have already said this before, and if there is no benefit for us, it is really impossible to justify. Yes, isn't it?" The smiling appearance revealed a little threatening taste. At this time, Li Tian knew exactly what he was doing.

He must know what the purpose of this guy in front of him is.

Intuition tells him that these enemies in Outland have wasted so much time here, it is definitely much more complicated than they thought, just because they know too little intelligence, and they can’t come up with anything better at this time. It’s just something to prove.

"Even if I tell you some things, you can't understand it. People like you will disappear in the long river of history one day. Why bother about these small things?" Wen Tianxiang said: " Of course, if you choose to cooperate with us today, what you need to do is very simple. It is nothing more than betraying your race and becoming one of us. You can live forever and gain powerful strength. Not tempting enough?"

"It sounds like a good choice. In this way, we can get rid of these faint names on ourselves and become a real strong, but if it is me, I am afraid that we cannot agree on such a thing. , If even one's own race can betray, then what else in this world is worth cherishing." Yan Ruyu sneered, and suddenly an energy sword condensed in his hand, unexpectedly preparing to commit suicide like this.

Even Li Tian was only skeptical before, but never thought they would actually do this.

After all, the demons are a race that is quite confident in themselves. Regardless of the fact that the situation in front of them is indeed a bit complicated, the demons, even in this situation, will definitely not think that they can’t find a solution. They will still do everything they can to find a suitable way to change the situation. Therefore, neither Li Tian nor Wen Tianxiang had thought of this problem.

Seeing that he was about to succeed in suicide, Wen Tianxiang just moved his fingers, and a beam of light came directly, extinguishing the energy sword over there.

He is as stable as Mount Tai, and he is still the same as before. There is no serious expression on his face: "I told you very clearly before. It is impossible for you to die in front of me. This is The task assigned to me above, if I can't even do such a small thing, how can I explain to it? If I were you, I would never do such a stupid move."

"Even if you stop us now, what can we do, do you think this is over?"

"Otherwise, what else do you want to do in front of me, or do you still naively think that you can all accomplish your goals in front of me." Wen Tianxiang looked at Cao Yibing's face With this stubborn appearance, he knew that the geniuses of these demons were not easy to deal with, and it was very important to keep them alive, and finally dragged them to this place. If they were to die like this, it would be one thing. This is a pity.

But the situation in front of him still made him feel a little unusual.

What if these demons really want to die?

Of course human beings don't need to be afraid of this. He has seen many human beings. Most human beings are greedy for life and fear of death. As long as they can survive, they will definitely choose to live.

No matter how difficult the conditions are.

No matter what the price is.

This is humanity.

This is their instinct.

Survival is the most important thing for mankind.

It was precisely because of this that it caused so many things to happen in the future that allowed humans to occupy such a great place in the God Realm.

It's just that it's different now, and many things have completely changed, and many things need to be changed at this time.

"Well, don't you really want to know, what is the purpose of our bringing you here? Then I will tell you, anyway, you can't leave here." Wen Tianxiang stood up and waved Waved, a lot of soldiers appeared around, all of them were wearing white armor that wrapped the whole body. These armors looked a bit similar to those of aliens in science fiction movies on Earth.

When seeing these battle armors, Li Tian didn't feel more curious.

"See, this is the enemy you need to face this time. Before, it was just a few little monsters, some little monsters. They won't really become your stumbling blocks, but our expeditionary force can It's much better than you think." Wen Tianxiang looked at the army around him with satisfaction, with a smile on his face, just like looking at his own masterpiece.

"It's weird, why these soldiers can't feel any breath of life in them. They are like robots. They don't have the breath of life that any creature should have, but since they can stand here and act, they can't really be. Is there something that is dead? Is it something I don't know?" Li Tian whispered while looking at the expedition forces in front of him.

Tang Feifei also said at this time: "Be careful. The opponent in front of you does not seem as simple as we imagined. If you are not careful at this time, no one will listen to you even if you cry."

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. The only thing I am curious about now is how these guys do it, why don't these soldiers feel a little breath of life? They are like Something dead."

The atmosphere became very strange at this time. Li Tian was not alone in doubting this. Yan Ruyu and Cao Yibing were also suspicious of this matter.

None of what they saw before their eyes was true.

The feeling of these expeditionary troops really didn't look like any creatures, but more like robots without any thoughts, completely lacking the characteristics of living organisms.

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