Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6379: Leopard Gall

Looking at the soldier in front of him, Li Tian also smiled and said, “It’s okay. I can understand your current mood and feelings. If such a good thing is placed on me, maybe I will be like this now. Well, I don’t think there is any problem with this. On the contrary, this proves that you are all different from what I have in mind."

"Much...Thank you..."

"It just so happens that you are here. I just happen to have a lot of questions that I don't know. I need you to help me answer them." Li Tian looked at the young man, regardless of whether he was really willing to answer, and asked: "I'm curious. Yes, what’s the strength of the residents in this small town? A single person can slaughter all the people in a small town, and it seems that they will unite to resist, right?"

"It is true. At the beginning, the enemy quickly killed the two situations in this town, but it also quickly alarmed the others. They united almost immediately and became a common alliance. Contending with the enemy in front of him, the facts proved that their choice was quite correct. Under such tactics, they delayed for a long time, but unfortunately they still did not delay our reinforcements here."

"This is also a matter of reason. Since the enemy chose to do something in this place, it is very likely that they really have a complete understanding of everything here, and they can clearly understand the strength of these people here. What is it like? When you start naturally, everything that may happen will be considered." Li Tian smiled and said.


"You don't really think that someone can easily destroy so many demons here by himself? Besides, even if there is such a person, since he has such strength, why bother? I can’t live with the residents of such a small town. I know my strength is already very strong. This kind of thing is not as good as his law. Since it is a purpose to do this thing here, there must be something behind it. Another commander." Li Tian analyzed it very carefully, and he also knew that his analysis was absolutely correct.

Although it looks like Shuigui Guzi did it here, Li Tian knew very well that he had absolutely no motive for committing the crime.

Moreover, the injuries on the bodies of these people can also be judged. It is not the water ghost millet who did it, but another person. That person may have a very high level of disguise, and then disguised as the water ghost millet and came here. The purpose is to destroy the alliance between Li Tian and Demon Lord.

But if it’s just to destroy an alliance, it would be too presumptuous. Even if Li Tianzhen has nothing to do with this matter, it does not mean that he himself has any connection with this matter. If Jun insists on doing this, they definitely can't continue to undermine the alliance.

When thinking of this, Li Tian felt as if he was walking in the direction of a correct answer step by step. At the same time, he smelled some unusual smells, whether it was the previous expeditionary attack or the small town being slaughtered. These all seem to have a very stable development trajectory, but what is the specific situation that promotes such a situation, even Li Tian at this time is really racking his brains, and I can't think of it.

"Did you think of something crucial?" the soldier asked.

"I don't know if this issue is the key or not, but the only problem now is that I must hurry up to get this complicated situation in front of me." Li Tian squinted his eyes and touched the stubble on his chin. In the past few days, because I have not had time to take care of myself, some stubble appeared on the chin. If Ningbing sees this, I will definitely do everything possible to shave it clean.

At this time, he did have a very clear intuition, and this intuition also made Li Tian quickly realize what he was doing.

At this time, he can clearly affirm that he is developing in the right direction. If he follows this line of thinking, it may not be long before he knows what the enemy wants.

But at this moment, the sound of a horn suddenly came from outside.

Hearing the sound of this horn, Li Tian instantly stood up all his hairs.

"How is this going?"

"This is a signal for help, and it is also a signal for us to retreat. If there is no accident, they should have encountered the enemy. Now we are required to leave here immediately." The soldier said seriously.

Li Tian squinted his eyes. He looked at the situation in front of him, thought about it, and said: "If this is the case, lead the way ahead and the enemy will come prepared. We must hurry up to find reinforcements. If we are trapped by the enemy here, Maybe the whole demons will have problems up and down."

He was just a guess at this time, but what was worried was that the soldier in front of him suddenly turned around to help his companions, so that the problem could be difficult to solve. Here is a signal for help. When the reinforcements arrived here and saw Li Tianzheng preparing to leave here, what would they think? In addition to the previous things, they would definitely think that everything here was done by Li Tian.

But what Li Tian thought at this time was that he had to take this young man out of here no matter what, otherwise everything here would probably become the best method they could use.

After figuring this out, he almost immediately placed his left hand on the shoulder of the young soldier. He was going to use Void Leap to take the soldier away. This is the fastest and very effective method. Up.

But no one thought that he would fail.

At the moment he entered the void, he found that this place was trapped by a barrier. This barrier would not restrict your actions, but it would nail the surrounding space to death. This also put an end to it. Someone wanted to use the jump. The way of space leaves here.

"It seems that this time we are really in serious trouble. The enemy is prepared. This is obviously to force us to a dead end." Li Tian gritted his teeth and said, completely unexpectedly that his enemy would be in this way. At the critical moment, it is unbelievable to choose to use this method to make a shot. Who has the courage to make a shot in the field of the Demon Race?

This decisiveness and courage is enough to show that this opponent is definitely not a simple commodity.

Underestimating such a role, the price paid is often very heavy.

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