Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6431: Not afraid of death

'The situation really does not allow you to be very optimistic here. If this matter cannot be solved well, I am afraid that the next problem will become more and more troublesome. If it really reaches that point, Even you can't do much. "The Remnant Soul of the Ancient God also reminded Li Tian at this time, why didn't the Heiwuchang here take the initiative to attack Li Tian?

The answer is also quite simple, he needs to mobilize the resentment and hostility in the Imperius Lock at this time.

All of these things are very tricky. Maybe it’s just a carelessness. No one can bear the consequences, and it may even cause life threats. These are very likely things. So at this time Heiwuchang has always been cautious, trying to solve these problems in any way, so that his future tasks can become a little easier.

But in fact, if Li Tian went out from here, he wouldn't be so hard here to fight against this guy.

Hostility and resentment, even Li Tian, ​​who often deals with such things, can’t guarantee at this time that he can persist in such a state. If he is confused, the consequences can only be A dead end.

And his powerful soul power, after he dies, will inevitably be used by the black impermanence. This Impermanence Lock has become a very terrifying killer in an instant. This is very likely.

So Li Tian at this time is also quite entangled.

He wondered if he could leave here by other means.

"Since you are going to leave on your own terms, then I don't need to bother with you here. This time I am the only one who will stop you. You don't have to worry about my other conspiracies. But even if you are going to listen to me, if you want to pass through this resentment and hostility, the price you need to pay is still something that you dare not to bear." With a cold laugh, the impermanence at this time sounds like It's like a superior king.

But Li Tian's life had already fallen into the hands of this guy.

This feeling is quite a bit of a villain.

"You just think so sure that I can't get past?"

"Of course, if a person doesn't even have confidence in himself, what qualifications do he have to continue fighting? I know you are very powerful, and I know that you are a very difficult opponent, but so what? , If you can really defeat me, you won’t stand here and listen to me so much. The reason why you are still waiting for an opportunity at this time is simply because you yourself are not sure whether you can pass this test. ."

"But I believe those guys above you shouldn't want me to die here. If they really wanted to kill me, then the counterfeit can do it. Why bother at this time? First let me go, and then let you kill me again. Isn't this a superfluous act?" Li Tian said with a mockery. After this, the guy in front of him became silent a lot. ,

It seems that Li Tian should be talking about the most important thing in this guy's heart.

He was also a member of that group anyway, and he must still know what's sleazy in it. At this time, Li Tian caught the handle so easily, and his face was somewhat dull.

After a while, he still sneered and said: "Give up, don't want to get any useful news from me. The above assessment of you as a young man is quite dangerous. Maybe you are right now. It is not a huge trouble for us, but as you grow up slowly, it can only bring us more and more troubles. Therefore, the elimination of you as a kid was determined long ago. A plan."

"If it's like this, let me see how powerful your cage is, and why so many people have failed." The moment Li Tian finished saying this, everything appeared in his body. When the fire comes, the Underfire itself is a kind of flame with very terrifying destructive power. If there is no corresponding ability, once it is contaminated with this kind of flame, the price is a dead end.

But Li Tian in front of him allowed the flame to burn on his body, and there was no expression of surprise or pain on his face.

Obviously, he has become accustomed to such a situation, and he is already real to the point where he can easily control the underworld. These powerful flames are like a good friend of his in Li Tian's eyes.

When he saw this scene, Li Tian suddenly leaned over and rushed down like this.

"Madman, this is really a madman." I couldn't help but said with emotion. At this time, the black impermanence had begun to get nervous. This young man had created a lot of miracles in the God Realm, which made so many people worried. What kind of troubles this young man will bring to himself when he grows up, that's why he has something like today, let him find a way to get rid of this kid here.

But looking at the situation before me, the problem seems to be completely beyond my imagination.

This kid jumped off so rashly, didn't he hear what he said before?

He said so much before, nothing more than trying to use Li Tian’s cautious mind to let this guy continue to waste time like this. If this happens, the space in the cage will definitely become less and less. At that time, Even if Li Tian is really strong in soul power, it is impossible to break through from it.

He originally thought he had succeeded, but after seeing Li Tian's serious refusal, his heart was somewhat relaxed.

But who knows, it was at this critical time that Li Tian jumped down.

This look really didn't show any hesitation at all, as if he was doing a very ordinary thing, such a spirit, it was completely that he didn't put the matter of death in his heart.

For Li Tian, ​​this may be just a simple thing that can't be simpler. To accomplish such a task, it seems that there is no need to waste much time.

"This guy, this guy is really not afraid of death at all. Even if he knows the entanglement of these hostility and resentment, he still jumped off, as if he was doing a very ordinary thing. Could it be that this is the value above? This kid, and why are they worried about this kid? If it's because of this, I can understand how they are so afraid of a young man now."

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