Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6445: Peripheral

Li Tian's battle can be said to have brought surprises to many people.

On the Mozu side, even though he knew that Li Tian had escaped from their palms, he had been doing everything possible to reverse this situation. It must be a huge disaster for this young man to stay outside.

But they have not been able to find a good way to catch Li Tian.

It's really because this guy is too cunning. If they want to catch Li Tian, ​​the effort they need to make here is not ordinary.

"What did you say, disappeared completely?" At this time, in the general mansion somewhere in the capital, a general looked at the soldier under his hand with a very gloomy expression on his face: "Didn't I tell you? What happened to this kid is very serious. Anyway, you have to catch this kid. How can you let this kid leave like this?"

"Of course we also know this, and we have indeed worked **** this matter, but there is really no way. This guy's anti-reconnaissance ability is really too strong. He has long known that we secretly sent people to follow. So, we have to use all kinds of blindfolds to deceive us along the way. In the end, we have no idea what is true and what is false, so this guy escapes."

"It's really a bunch of rice buckets, even such a person can't be followed. What do I want you to do?"

"General, what shall we do now?"

"What else can I do? Since people have disappeared, of course they can't appear in front of us casually. Since you can't keep an eye on this guy, you can be sure that others are the same. Since everyone is all at this time If you have returned to your original starting point, there is nothing to worry about. Then let's see what Li Tian is going to do." With a helpless look, this general is indeed very helpless at this time.

They wanted to use this opportunity to know what Li Tian wanted to do.

But looking at it now, this kid is very clever and didn't leave them the slightest clue. He just disappeared from their sight. Even if they have a high degree of confidence in their own ability, they are only at this time. There is no way to be able to choose the honest, this guy is too smart and too witty.

Maybe a long time ago, the series of things they did fell into Li Tian's control, but they might not even know it.

Now that it has become like this, the problem is of course serious.

But finding a way to solve this problem is something they must do now.

"Anyway, now that things have become the way they are now, we can only stand still, and rash actions will only expose us. It is definitely not suitable to do this at this time."

At the same time, many people like this happened.

Li Tian suddenly disappeared from everyone’s field of vision, just like the world has evaporated. This kid was originally closely monitored by them, but in a few short days after that, relying on various The blinding methods and terrifying methods of this disappeared from their sight.

Although it is more convenient to move into the void, this thing will also leave energy on the scene. Based on this energy, it can be judged where it went, which can be said to be ironclad.

Therefore, Li Tian is not an idiot to escape in this way.

Even if they want to use their own means to find where Li Tian is now, it is impossible.

At this time, it’s better to just assume that you don’t know what to do. Anyway, there are no one or two people who want to find Li Tian, ​​and everyone doesn’t know where Li Tian is. This saves them a lot of trouble. When Li Tian wanted to hide, they let this guy hide, but the God Realm was originally such a big place, and he still had so many problems.

He wants to cooperate with the demons, so no matter where he goes, he can't just disappear from the sight of people like this. One day this guy will appear again, and at that time he still wants to go from If they disappear from the sight of these people, this is not a very random thing.

And Li Tian at this time, of course, knew that he had completely thrown off his opponents.

But I still dare not relax my vigilance a little along the way. After knowing so many opponents and knowing what their goals are, then of course I start to become more careful at this time, whether I like it or not, in this matter All of the above must be 100% cautious and must avoid any mistakes in this critical time.

At this time, squinting at the scene in front of him, he said awkwardly: "It seems that we should have come to a good place now, and I don't know what this place is.

"This place should have reached the territory of the monster race. You can see a lot of stone tablets here. All of them are clearly written that the intruder is dead. This should not be frightening." The ancient god's remnant soul said. The sound came up.

At this time, Li Tian is in the periphery of the Yaozu territory. The Yaozu has a very strong awareness of his own territory. Usually, if a stranger in their territory rushes in like this, they too He would catch this enemy as soon as possible, and would do everything possible to know what the purpose of this enemy was. At this time, Li Tian was on the periphery of the Demon Race's territory.

Although this place is only the periphery of Yaozu territory, the severity of breaking into this place is not small.

"This is the best way. Someone should come to me soon. After entering the territory of the monster race, I don’t need to worry that they can find me. Even if they find me, it doesn’t make any sense. They dare not do anything here." Li Tian said triumphantly. He had been very careful all the way before, and at the same time he was thinking about how to find the whereabouts of the water ghost millet.

This senior disappeared like this, he knew that this must have a very close connection with the organization behind Heiwuchang.

Since it is an organization here, I believe that the demon kings here will definitely have a little understanding. It can't be said that such a powerful organization has developed in the Northern Cold Land for so many years, but they have a little news here. nothing,

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