Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6460: Tit for tat

Electric shock!

This is the most intuitive feeling for Li Tian, ​​of course, the reason for this feeling is not because it is really an electric shock.

But the moment he entered this range, the powerful aura was suppressed. At this time, it should be just a warning look, just to tell Li Tian to be careful. So simple.

"what happened?"

"Someone noticed us. Just as we guessed before, there should still be a tough guy here." Li Tian carefully observed the surroundings. He didn't know where his opponent was. Hidden in the darkness, you might not be here, but you can look at Li Tian from a distance in some special ways.

"Don’t you think too much? Haven’t you observed it with your divine mind before? The surrounding area is very safe. Make sure that there are no enemies. Now you say that you have been targeted by the enemy. This kind of thing does not matter. It seems impossible to believe it." Canglong also looked at the scene in front of him curiously. From what they saw at this time, they really had no way to judge. Is there really an enemy here?

In other words, this is just Li Tian's own thoughts.

"But no matter what you, I did feel it before. It doesn't matter if I doubt it at this time. The opponent is very powerful. This is something I must take seriously." Li Tian is very cautious. It's almost time to evolve the Red Slash in his hand to the third stage. For such an opponent who doesn't know the details, there is definitely no problem with being careful at this time.

At any time, you must be prepared with both hands.

"Interesting, I thought that this time I came in as a kid who didn't know the heights of the sky. Now it seems to surprise me a little bit, but even this is meaningless. In front of me, a young man of your level has nothing to do The fighting power is nothing. If I want to kill you, I don’t even need any effort. Don’t you think that in this state, I can still stand with me?” When the voice came, they said A strange man also appeared in front of him.

This man's clothes looked like the old Jinyiwei, but the clothes on his body were all pure white, even the sword in his hand was white.

A shining white hair moved with the wind, and his eyes were as deep as the vast sea of ​​stars. Even though he stood in front of Li Tian without any momentum at this time, Li Tian didn’t treat the person in front of him at all. Dare to underestimate the slightest.

Intuition told him that the opponent in front of him was very difficult.

Being able to appear in front of oneself in such a place unconsciously, if only a simple master, it would not leave Li Tian completely defenseless.

This person still took the initiative to give Li Tian’s warning, which is to tell you that this place is my site. If you don’t want to die, you can honestly push out from this site. You can have such a courage, even if you are. Li Tian did not admire either.

"Your Excellency, do we have only such a solution today? Except for fighting, is there no way to change things?" He squinted his eyes and looked at the Bai Yexing in front of him. The aura of the person in front of him was completely In a state of convergence, in such a state, it is not so simple for Li Tian to find out the details of his opponent. He is at a loss at this time.

At this time, I completely didn't know what the opponent's ability in front of me was, and being able to appear in front of me in this way was definitely above me.

"Do you think there is another way to solve this contradiction? You broke into my territory, and naturally you have to pay some price. I put a stone tablet here to tell you people that this place cannot Come in casually, knowing that your purpose of coming here this time is to find some opportunities to make yourself stronger, but I believe you still understand that things like opportunities usually coexist with dangers, you Since you want to find opportunities, you must be prepared to be killed by me." Bai Yexing looked at Li Tian in front of him seriously. He knew Li Tian’s identity, but Li Tian didn’t know Bai Yexing’s identity. The state at this time also seemed to be joking.

"That said, I really shouldn’t have rushed in today. If that’s the case, I would have to bear all the consequences, but it doesn’t matter. I really want to see myself like you. Where is the gap between the level of masters, only when we truly understand the gap between us, we can fight better.” Li Tian said as he directly evolved the Red Slash in his hand. The third stage.

This is also something that can't be helped. If it's just an ordinary opponent, Li Tian can still calm down at this time.

But the opponent in front of him is unfathomable from any perspective, and it is difficult for you to find any weaknesses that can be used by yourself in this guy.

He looked like flaws all over his body, but did he really dare to think that these things were the flaws of Bai Yexing in front of him?

Of course not.

At this time, Li Tian still knew very well that the kind of strong oppressive power he felt at the moment he just stepped into this territory is not something that any person can do.

If the Bai Yexing in front of him was the owner of this territory, then he could only say that the strength of this person had been robbed of outrageous, and even said that he had never thought of it.

Bai Yexing looked at the young man in front of him who was ready to go all out, and asked with a smile: "Before there were many people who wanted to fight with me. They all came to this place by mistake, but then found out that they were not me. All of his opponents begged for mercy and fled. I want to know how long you think you can stay in this state. Do you think you can beat me?"

"There is no absolute thing in this world. Your strength may be higher than mine, but you may not be able to really defeat me. After all, things like miracles will not happen. Maybe today you will lose out. What about this battle?" Li Tian said with a smile, although he said that, but he didn't have such a relaxed feeling in his heart.

The opponent is a strong man in the ancient gods ruins, and it looks like this has been completely separated from the existence of wild animals, monsters and the like.

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