Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6503: I refuse?

"It seems that you have really done a lot of hard work on this matter. It is still embarrassing for you to achieve this step, but how do you know that I will really give up like this?" Feng looked at Qi Pan in front of him. There was nothing special about this man, but his tone was so firm, as if he had calculated everything.

"Although your demon race has united under the efforts of Li Tian and you, you also know very well that if we use some means, this alliance will be dissolved quickly, and the price after that is None of you can bear it. This is the reason why it is difficult to get over the water. There is no trust between you. Once a crisis of trust arises, I don’t need to say more. I think you understand it very well.” Qi Pan Smiling, I don't know when a wine gourd appeared in his hand, and he said with a smile while drinking strong alcohol.

Looking at the expression of this guy in front of him, the pressure on Nifeng's body is not small.

Li Tian definitely cannot give up.

In any case, the relationship between this kid and the little witch at this level determines his status in the monster race. It is not simple, especially in Nifeng’s heart. Otherwise, this kid will not be tolerated. He behaves in his own turf, and will not allow Li Tian to trouble him several times, but it is also clear at this time that Qi Pan in front of him is not joking.

This guy is also very serious.

He knows very well what the state of the monster race is at this time. If he seizes this opportunity, he wants to destroy this alliance of the monster race next, it will be a breeze.

Once the alliance has a crack, it will never be restored.

And once they separate, they will inevitably start a war with each other. At that time, the situation in the Northern Cold Land that had settled down will be directly plunged into chaos.

Perhaps this is the situation they want to see very much.

"You are a smart person. I have always believed very firmly that among so many demon kings in the Northern Cold Land, you are the smartest one. You must know the importance of doing things, right?" He smiled and looked at Nifeng in front of him, and asked calmly.

"You have calculated all this, so today I am watching Li Tian and this woman fighting, if we come forward, you will stop us?"

"Of course, of course, there is another reason. We also need Li Tian to enter the hometown of Longyu. After all, the things after this will be done inside the hometown of Longyu." He smiled and looked in front of him. Nifeng.

"What if I refuse?"

"Of course I know that there is such a possibility, but even if it is rejected, it does not make any sense. This kid has been targeted by us a long time ago, just like a chess piece. Although this chess piece is very good, it does not mean We will not destroy this chess piece. If it cannot become something we can use, then it will become the destroyed chess piece in our hands." Qi Pan's eyes suddenly became sharp at this time. This is the naked threat. , If Nifeng here really wants to intervene in this matter, then Li Tianzhen will die here.

Nifeng didn't dare to make a decision too early at this time.

The reason is very simple. They know too little about their enemy. So far they only know that their enemy is a mysterious organization, which is very difficult to deal with.

But they couldn't say how difficult it was to deal with, and they couldn't describe it.

At this moment, squinting at Qi Pan in front of him, this man appeared here, and almost eliminated everything that could happen. Even if it is Nifeng, he can only frown at this time, there is no way. feel.

The opponent is very smart.

"Look, it is certainly not a simple role to be the leader of a monster clan. I know that the Queen will definitely understand us. This matter has nothing to do with your monster clan. Without Li Tian, It’s impossible for you to even know our existence. If that’s the case, you might as well be a blind man again, just as if this matter had never happened."

Nifeng didn't answer, this matter has now reached a fork in the road.

There is no such thing as turning around at this fork in the road.

Once the wrong choice is made, everything will become out of control. At that time, no one can bear the consequences.

"Queen, what should we do now? Li Tian is going to be unable to hold on anymore. If this goes on, it won't take long for him to fail." Seeing that there is nothing from Nifeng, Qu Ting also They started to be anxious. If this goes on, Li Tian is really going to die in front of them. The matter has reached a critical point. How could they choose to wait in such a state?

Although Nifeng heard it, he didn't say anything.

After a long time, she asked: "Will he die?"

"I won't die. We called him over this time just to make him realize what we are going to do. This thing is definitely beneficial to him. I think if Li Tian is really smart, too. We will definitely not refuse to cooperate with us, we all need each other, don't we?" Qi Pan looked at Nifeng in front of him, and when he heard Nifeng's answer, he understood in his heart.

The queen still admits it.

Although he is the leader of this alliance, he is not yet an absolute leader. Many things require voting.

Standing here at this time, he alone can't represent the entire Monster Race. If he decides to miscalculate this time, then everyone under her might become a dog in the water.

This is the last thing Nifeng wants to see.

Since Li Tian wouldn't just die like this, it's better to give in to this matter at this time, this is also the way that there is no way at all at this time.

This Qi Pan looked very difficult, and he didn't dare to fight this guy easily at this time. In case there were other people lying in wait for him, that would be very bad.

Nifeng is very confident in his own strength, but he also has a certain degree of common sense. He is not weak, but even if he is a powerful master, it is impossible to rely on his own strength to compete against a powerful organization. ,

There is only one Qi Pan in front of him, but who knows what will come next?

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