Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6515: accident

Is there no choice?

Li Tian squinted his eyes and looked at Cavin in front of him. He felt a little uncomfortable at this moment in his heart, thinking that he could handle it easily.

But now it seems that everything is really not as simple as I thought. From now on, this matter is really becoming a little bit more troublesome, and the problem is getting more and more serious. Up.

"As the marshal of the demons, you want to rebel?"

"Is this a weird thing? Isn't such a thing easy to happen in your human world?" Calvin looked relaxed, looked at Taotie, and then at Li Tian, ​​and said: It's normal for things like this to happen in your human world. Why is it that things like this among our demons are abnormal?"

"I really didn't think that behind all these things, there was such a high-ranking Demon Marshal participating. Originally, I thought that this matter might be just a few small characters participating in it, but now I see. If I come here, my opinion on this matter is still too simple. Are you all anxious to destroy the power of the Demon Race?" Looking at the Cavan in front of him, Li Tian also had many incredible thoughts in his mind. .

As a marshal, there is basically no need for power. He is less than tens of thousands of people. Even the elders of the magic city still have to be polite when facing the generals. , Why is such a demon still thinking about rebelling, and in a place where the blood relationship of the demon is so tight, such a thing shouldn't have happened.

"What the devil is thinking in his heart, you and I know well, what human beings are like, I have always remembered in my heart, so many things happened that year made me hate the human race. I personally watched the ordinary people of the Demon Race die in front of me one by one, and one by one could not resist the erosion of nature. How did the Demon Race persist over the years, do you really understand it as a human?" Cavan said here At that time, a very sad expression appeared on his face, and his emotions became a lot more agitated. It seems that it was because of some things that year that this caused so many problems after this.

He would never have thought that a marshal among the demons would become the key connection point for everything this time.

Or, in this series of things, the marshal of the demons, Carvin, actually has an unimaginable role. It can even be said that this person is one of the founders of this organization?

This is not impossible. This organization has not been exposed for so many years in the Northern Cold Land. Whether it is a monster or a dragon in the Northern Cold Land, the understanding of this organization has always been zero. It was an incredible thing in itself. Seeing this guy in front of him at this time, Li Tian was even more aware of the unusualness of this matter.

Except for the fact that the General Marshal in front of him has done tricks on these things, helping this organization to develop slowly in this northern cold land, there is no better reason to explain it. This organization has not been exposed for so many years. For Li Tian, ​​this is simply impossible. No matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to hide in someone else's territory.

"You won’t understand, because you are humans. Everything you think of and everything you do is for your humans. How can you understand your enemies? Just like me, I hate humans. , If it weren't for your very crucial role in this matter, I would have killed you now." Calvin slowly calmed down and restrained his wild emotions just now.

Li Tian looked at the guy in front of him, and he was also thinking secretly in his heart, what kind of identity this person really is, and what kind of role he plays in this organization.

Since it can appear in such a place, it shouldn't be a very simple character.

"You don't need to think about so many questions now. Now you can see what the situation in front of your eyes is like. If I were you, I would not continue to insist on this matter. , You also know very well that you will not have any good results if you insist on this kind of thing, because you and we have always had a gap that cannot be ignored." Taotie saw the silent Li Tian here, I know what the young man in front of me is thinking.

Such problems are relatively easy to guess for them.

"It seems that all of this has been arranged by your superior demon marshal. It is no wonder that their actions have been going on, but your demon race has not discovered at all, and you are even cooperating with their actions. It seems this You arranged everything behind your back?"

"Of course, this matter is a very suitable excuse for me. If I do not seize this opportunity, my future will not have any good results. I am an egoist, although I think I want to make the demons stronger, but I also want to make myself a real master, able to dominate the existence of other people's lives." Calvin sneered, and slowly walked to the door of the room: "Will you? It’s up to you to work with us, but I advise you to think clearly, the life of that water ghost millet will not last long."

After Calvin finished speaking, he slowly entered the room like this.

Li Tian flew into the sky alone, holding the magic wand in his hand tightly, his body couldn't help shaking at this time, because of his fatigue, and of course it was also because of the water ghost Guzi.

It was because of him that Senior would enter such a dangerous place as the Northern Cold Land.

At this time, Shuigui Guzi was in danger. Li Tian was actually the first to bear the brunt of this matter. He had an unavoidable responsibility. If nothing happened at this time, Li Tian in front of him would not be the original Li Tian. .

How could he just watch the man who had a close relationship with his father died in the enemy's hands like this?

He couldn't do it.

I don't want to do such a thing.

No matter what, we must save the water ghost millet today, no matter how heavy the price is.

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