Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6531: border

The field of Mozu has always been called a place where the defense is very tight.

Of course, if you have enough strength, you can still pass the battle along the way, but the price that needs to be paid is too great, and the risk of failure is also quite high.

But a normal person would not choose to forcibly break in in this state.

Who doesn’t know how many masters there are on this territory of the Demon Race. Since coming to the Northern Cold Land a long time ago, the Demon Race began to continuously improve the strength of its own race under such very difficult conditions. What is the level of fighting power within the Demon Race? This is still an unexplorable secret for many people.

But don't underestimate the power of this race, this is something that no one can understand.

Such an opponent is like a potential danger to them. Only when they truly realize the terrifying nature of this opponent can they be able to make better room comments.

When Li Tian came to the foot of the mountain, he saw that the water ghost millet appeared beside him.

You don't need to think too much to know what is going on.

"Why do you pretend to be like this?"

"You probably didn't know that there is a method called disguise above disguise." Seeing such a puzzled expression on Li Tian's face, Long Yu here also laughed very proudly, looking at him like a master. He is a little weaker rookie.

"What do you mean?"

"If I pretend to be my true face, once the opponent is a master, then I can easily know what I am like. People like me should be careful, at least. Many people don't know what I look like, so this is the most appropriate way." He explained while smiling.

Seeing such a serious expression on the face of this guy in front of him, Li Tian here nodded without knowing it.

I understand a little bit more or less.

The reason for using the appearance of Shuigui Guzi is only to worry about revealing his identity, and even if his identity is exposed, then it will be because his appearance under the disguise is Shuigui Guzi, so that the demons will only be All the problems have been pushed to Li Tian, ​​but they will not have any doubts about their organization and Longyu.

This can be said to be a very smart method.

Just speaking on this point, all the abilities and methods of this guy in front of him were to surprise Li Tian.

It’s no wonder that no one has been able to know what Long Yu really looks like in the past for so long. They all say Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, but Long Yu is far more cunning than rabbits. He made such a move. Even Li Tian couldn't believe it easily.

"Anyway, let's be more careful now. If there is a real possibility of failure, I will still reduce our loss to the lowest point, but I don't think you have any other ideas. By your side? If you have any other actions or ideas, I can know it for the first time. When that time comes, don’t blame me for being rude to you." He stared at the person in front of him. Li Tian, ​​the tone was more or less threatening.

"My people are still in your hands now. You have grasped my lifeblood. In addition, my requirements for the demons are also very simple. It is not impossible to cooperate with you. It’s so nervous with necessity. I believe that our cooperation will be very happy, and you will really realize what benefits will be brought to you if you cooperate with young people like me." Smiling and looking at Long Yu in front of him, Li Tian also began to follow the portrait above, slowly disguising himself as a demon.

Of course, in this process, Long Yu still made a little adjustment.

He is still a real master of disguise, no matter what aspect it is, Li Tian is definitely not the opponent of Longyu in front of him in terms of disguise. It is still very important to listen to this guy's opinions.

In this way, after they arranged everything, they began to prepare for action.

The goal this time is also very simple. They need to go to the border of the demons within a short time, and then lie that they are the troops of the demons who went abroad to capture Li Tian. Of course, their identities have been arranged before this. Therefore, if the other party is not an idiot, you can easily determine what their identity is. Of course, the doubt about them is also very small.

This disguise method is still very perfect, not only their appearance has been changed, and even some Demon Race equipment, especially some identification certificates can all be obtained.

These are things that can only be found in the soldiers of the real Demon Race, and can appear in their hands at this time, so why it is like this does not require too much thinking.

In order to complete the mission this time, they still don't know how many Demon soldiers Calvin killed. .

Li Tian didn’t feel very terrible when he thought of this. This guy is a very crazy guy. Under a ruling system like the Demon Race, he could still have such an idea to betray the Demon Lord. If it were placed tens of millions of years ago , Surely no one would believe it.

Among so many races in the God Realm, the race that is least likely to betray their superior king is the Demon Race, followed by the Dragon Race.

These two races have absolute trust and absolute obedience to their leaders. They are very united in everything, which is why they can become such a powerful empire.

But now.

As the marshal of a demon clan, Kavin is already above ten thousand people, which is enough to make people enviable.

But it was just such a marshal of the demon clan that was so high that he still had such a thought. No matter why the thought appeared, it still felt a little unbelievable.

Li Tian also couldn't believe that the person he was facing was really a marshal of the demons.

In order to accomplish his goal, he could even kill his own kind. This man is simply a frenzied lunatic. For his own goals, he can do a lot of shameless things.

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