Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6576: Under the castle

"How's it going?"

"The army has reached a hundred miles away. It seems that they are not going to negotiate with us. They will just rush in like this. If you look at it this way, this is the style of this guy, and things have always been like this. If you really want to do it with you, I will definitely not talk too much with you." Above the city wall, Jin Tsumura was looking into the distance with a telescope in his hand.

Looking at the dense army on the opposite side, I really couldn't believe that this was the fact that my own eyes saw.

It seems that this war will rise to a very terrifying point in the next period of time.

"I didn't expect that one day we would become enemies with this guy. Although we didn't catch a cold with this guy before, this time things really surprised me. I didn't expect this guy to be crazy. At this level, it seems that he really wants to fight us to the death. But so far I can't find it. Why does he betray the ancestral training?"

"A lot of things are beyond our ability to understand, but the plans here are all proceeding smoothly. Since Calvin made the wrong choice on this matter, what we need to do is quite simple, that is, let This guy realized what a wrong decision he was doing. That's it. For us, it is impossible to solve other problems. I believe this guy will never realize What a serious problem what I'm doing at this time seems to us." Reluctantly shook his head, Sumire Tatsuyu has no intention of continuing to negotiate with this guy.

It can also be certain to a certain extent that things have progressed to the point where they are today, that Calvin has really abandoned everything.

"Let’s pass the order on, let’s prepare for a real event, hope this time the problem is really as simple as we thought, otherwise this time our damage will be very heavy, for a race that is about to enter the Central Plains of the God Realm In terms of being attacked at this critical time, it is obviously not a very sensible behavior." With a bitter smile, Duan Tianyi here was very anxious to arrange these things after saying these things.

He is very clear about what kind of enemy he is facing at this time, and also very clear what kind of difficulty this opponent will bring to himself.

As night fell, the horn of war finally sounded at this moment.

No one would have thought that the final result would be like this. Marshal Cavin didn't even have any discussions, and simply commanded his own army to attack.

And the guards of the magic capital here, although they started to mobilize a long time ago, they are weak after all.

Under the circumstances, the outcome of this war is conceivable.

Calvin's army commander drove straight in. With Li Tian's cooperation, it was like flowing water. It easily penetrated into the entire demon capital, and soon was oppressed into the demon palace.

At the gate of the magic palace, they finally encountered a tricky enemy.

The strong pressure pressed every soldier of the Demon Race, forcing them to kneel on the ground, their bodies trembling, as if the most primitive fear was awakened at this moment.

The war came suddenly.

But it does not mean that these old antiques in the magic capital have no preparations.

"It seems that I was really right this time. According to our previous plan, there is no army from any side that can provide timely support to the magic city. Besides, they have been persuaded by me, and many people are too. I was blocked in the road, as long as their support comes here, we will end the war here, and the final victory is in my hands." Marshal Cavin smiled and said, looking at the one in front of me. The magnificent palace, my heart is really unnaturally excited.

Is this the palace where you will live in the future?

"It seems that at this time, I seem to need to congratulate the following. Marshal Cavin can make his evolution to this point in such a fast time. This is indeed a problem I have never thought of before."

"Of course, your credit is also in this. If you didn't cooperate with the plan this time, it would not have reached this point. You can rest assured that after the plan is completed this time, we promise to release people." It was also at this time that Li Tian's words were heard, but his eyes still looked at a magnificent palace in front of him.

He has been here countless times, but he has never experienced such a feeling of excitement.

It feels like it’s at your fingertips.

Before I came here just to see other people's palaces. Now, I only need to spend a little time on my own, and this place belongs to my own.

Everything up and down the entire Demon Race will become his own, and no one will be able to **** these things from his hands.

"Our attack on the demon was indeed very smooth. In other words, the demon did not even think of fighting us desperately at this time. They only rebelled symbolically, a place of real strong resistance. Still in the magic palace, this is a hard bone. If you are so anxious and happy at this time, I think there may be no chance to defeat the opponent." Li Tian smiled and looked at Cavin next to him.

Indeed, the previous attack on the magic capital looked smooth, but this was only because they made the right choice in this matter.

The scale of the entire Demon Capital is very huge, but the number of defenders in the Demon Capital is not enough. What needs to be done at this critical time is to condense one’s own strength, and first try to focus on the defensive fortifications It consumes Cavin’s troops, and then waits until there is no way to reverse the situation, bring everyone’s army to this place to defend the magic palace.

This is indeed a very correct choice and a very wise decision.

At this time, the decision is made, and there is still a lot of pressure on Cavin here.

"Cavin, I really didn't expect that one day we would really meet in this way. I don't want this. Everyone is a demons, and it is necessary to make things so decided?" Duan Tianyi looked from a distance. Marshal Cavin in front of him stood on the walls of the magic palace, with a helpless smile on his mouth, of course there were some pity in his eyes.

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