Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 652: misunderstanding

"Who is the man in purple clothes and the old drunkard just now? Why did you come to grab Xuanyuan sword? And martial arts are surprisingly terrifying..."

"If it weren't for Duguxie and the ghost servants by his side, if I brought my brothers today, wouldn't they all die under their hands?"

Thinking of all this, Li Tian showed an unprecedented sense of worry on his face.

Now he suddenly understood how weak he and his brothers were. If he really met such a master, wouldn't he be dead!

What I hate even more is that my hands are "useless", I can't do anything, I can't do anything...

He stood there heartache for a long time, looking at the terrible Yuwen family corpse on the ground, he couldn't help sighing slightly.

Suddenly when he was standing there, a slight moan suddenly came from the Yuwen family body in front.

When Li Tian heard this, he was taken aback.

"There are living people, and there are living people." The driver beside him exclaimed.

Li Tian hurried to the middle of the **** corpses of the Yuwen family.

But I saw one of the men in a suit with scarlet blood on his chest was dying with his mouth open, his eyes blinking faintly.

He is not dead!

When Li Tian saw that another member of the Yuwen family had survived, he quickly helped him up slowly.

"Hello, how are you?" Li Tian asked.

But seeing that the member of the Yuwen family was pierced by a sword in his chest, blood was flowing out of his chest bit by bit, his mouth wanted to say something, but his mouth moved but it was a sentence Say it too.

Li Tian glanced sympathetically at the Yuwen family member on the ground. He knew in his heart that this guy was dead. The sword and sword in his chest pierced his entire heart, although he could still move his mouth at this moment. He's open, but he will die soon.

Looking at the dying guy on the ground, Li Tian could only sigh helplessly at this moment, and he did not have the technique to return to heaven.

"Mr. Li, is he out of help?" asked the member who was driving for Li Tian and the others along the way, blinking.

Li Tian nodded silently.


"Hey, it's pitiful." The driver said sympathetically.

Although Li Tianshou is still holding the dying body of the Yuwen family, the guy obviously can't support it for too long. If you look closely, the pupils in his eyes have begun to shrink and shrink slowly...

Finally his body finally died after violent convulsions.

Li Tian looked at the Yuwen family member who had died in his arms, sighed helplessly, and then prepared to quietly put the body on the ground.

Just as Li Tianzheng was about to put the Yuwen family corpse in his arms back on the ground, suddenly there was the sound of a car coming frantically from the street in front of him.

Li Tian turned his head in surprise, and then saw three fast-coming cars stop at the entrance of the alley with a hiss.

Li Tian blinked and glanced at the car in front of him, and was suddenly slightly astonished.

"A member of the Yuwen family?"

Li Tian suddenly discovered that the car that came was a member of the Yuwen family.

It turned out that after Yuwen Huangji received the call, the caller had a blind tone before he said a word, and Yuwen Huangji felt that something was wrong, so he quickly asked someone to come and support their people.

But just after these Yuwen family members jumped out of the car one by one, they saw their family companions dying tragically in a pool of blood... and also saw Li Tian dragging a dead member of their family in his hands. When, where are all the stunned.

"It's all dead..."

"All are killed!"

The more than 10 members of the Yuwen family who got off the three cars looked at their companions lying in a pool of blood unblinkingly, and then saw Li Tian again, their eyes swelled with blood red killing intent.

"You... you villain, you killed all our brothers!"

Hearing a roar, the Yuwen family member who rushed over suddenly pointed at Li Tian and roared.

Li Tian was stunned for a moment, then looked at the family member who had just died in his hands, quickly let go of his body with both hands, and stood up.

"You misunderstood...I did not kill the people in your family." Li Tian quickly defended.

He never expected that things would change so much, let alone that the Yuwen family would rush to this point.

The driver who was driving for Li Tian and the others, saw that the situation was not right. He hurried to Li Tian’s side. While running, he explained, "Hey, hello, you have misunderstood... the people of your family are really real We did not kill..."

But those reckless Yuwen family members have red eyes at this moment, especially when they see their companions being brutally killed one by one, they can still think calmly at this moment.

"Asshole, I saw you killing our brother with my own eyes. Do you dare to quibble?"

"Yeah, I saw with your own eyes that you were holding our brother's body just now, so you dare to lie..."

"Blood debt and blood, even if we die today, we will fight with you."

Yes, it happened that Li Tian was still holding the body of the dead Yuwen family member in his hand, and it happened to be seen by the Yuwen family member who rushed over.

So Li Tian can only admit that he is unlucky at the moment.

Li Tian looked at these blood-red Yuwen family members and didn't know how to explain it, because even what he explained now was useless.

His only idea now is to leave here quickly! No way, his two arms have been "worn". It is impossible to do it. Besides, Duguxie and Aqiu are chasing the enemy, and he doesn't know when to come back. There is only one beside him. If the members sent by the Ouyang family to drive the car, if the two of them were really besieged by the dozen or so members of the Yuwen family in front of them, they would be out of luck today.

Li Tian glanced at the place behind him, trying to find a chance to leave here first, but the members of the Yuwen family were already red at this time.

All of a sudden, they surrounded them.

"Kill them! Revenge for the brothers!"

"kill him!"


Shocking words screamed from the mouths of the red-eyed members of the Yuwen family. One by one, they pulled out their sharp machetes from their arms, and suddenly surrounded Li Tian and the driving member in a semicircle shape. .

Li Tian was suddenly depressed.

And the member sent by the Ouyang family to drive, stayed there with a face full of fear.

"You misunderstood... We really didn't kill your people."

The driver who was driving was so scared that he almost cried, yelling there.

But no matter what he said, the members of the Yuwen family were still leaning towards them step by step, still roaring: "Kill him..."

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