Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 654: The most direct way

Although the Yuwen family members over there are extremely scared of the ghost servants and the Duguxie who came here, they are also **** men. At this moment, they are not afraid to say: "We saw him kill my family members. Is there a fake?"

"Yes, we saw this kid killing members of our family with our own eyes." Just listen to the humane words of the Yuwen family over there.

"Saw it with my own eyes?" said the ghost servant with an ugly face.

"Are your eyes blind? Did you really see our young master killing your people with your own eyes? A bunch of idiots, I think it's useless to explain to you... If you don't want to die, quickly get out of me one by one. "The ghost servant didn't bother to explain to them, and suddenly said angrily there.

"Killing pays for life is justified. Today our brothers know that we may not be able to deal with you, but even if we die, we have to ask for justice." The members of the Yuwen family said.

"Okay! Since you idiots want to die, then I will fulfill you one by one."

The voice uttered, but the ghost servant suddenly wanted to make a move!

Although the members of the Yuwen family say that, who can not fear death? Who is not afraid of death? At this moment, I couldn't help but take a step back.

Besides, seeing the ghost servant really want to do it, Li Tian quickly persuaded him.

"Ghost, don't do it!"

The ghost servant turned his face abruptly, looked at Li Tiandao and said, "Young master, if these idiots don't give them some color, they will definitely not realize it."

"But if we really do something at them today, the misunderstanding will be really big!" Li Tiangu said in the overall situation.

"Ghost servant, the young master is right, listen to the young master." Duguxie in front of him also said that.

Now that everyone said so, the ghost servant could only snorted and said, "Okay."

"Listen to me, go back and tell Mr. Yuwen, your people weren't killed by us... the people at the gate of **** did it, and I warn you again, if you dare to harass our young master, don't blame me I didn't warn you. By then, not only you, but also the old Yuwen of your family, my ghost servant will pick you up and kill you one by one." Horrible words roared out of the ghost servant's mouth.

Although the members of the Yuwen family have a desperate heart, no one dares to act rashly at this moment.

Because they deeply understand that this ghost servant is definitely not a joke, killing them is simply a matter of effort for the ghost servant.

"Hurry up!" The ghost servant turned the face wearing the grimace mask and suddenly shouted to the members of the Yuwen family.

The members of those families are all there at the moment, you look at me one by one, I look at you.

They can't do it, they really can't do it at all. With the strength of a dozen of them, if they really want to embarrass Li Tian today, they will probably end up dead.

So they can only leave here angrily.

Watching the members of the Yuwen family leave one by one, Li Tian felt worried, not only worried about the taken Xuanyuan Sword, but also worried about his brothers.

"What's going on, has Xuanyuanjian snatched it back?" Li Tian asked, suddenly raising his head to look at the Duguxie and the ghost servant in front of him.

But seeing the two people fell silent for a while.

"Young Master, Xuanyuanjian is lost!" A dull sentence came out of Duguxie's mouth.

The ghost servant stood there with the same ugly expression.

After Li Tian heard the news of Xuanyuanjian's loss, he was stunned. He knew that the two masters that Duguxie and the Ghost Servant were facing were all super masters. If they wanted to chase them, they really were. Extremely difficult.

So he sighed deeply, knowing that the trouble was really getting worse this time.

He never thought that something good that he had expected would suddenly become like this?

What organization is that **** gate?

Who is Ouyang Longyan, the man in purple, and the old drunkard?

Why did they **** Xuanyuan Sword?

All of this is an unsolved mystery to Li Tian!

However, what Li Tian is most worried about now is the misunderstanding between him and the Yuwen family!

If those Yuwen family members just go back and tell Yuwen Huangji that they killed him by not keeping their promises, then Yuwen Huangji will definitely become annoyed by that time. Once Yuwen Huangji still has his brother Tang Xiaolong What if Ah Qiu is a murderer?

This is currently Li Tian's biggest worry.

"Young Master, what's the matter?" The ghost servant in front of him saw Li Tian worrying, and asked not only with concern.

But seeing Li Tian frowned deeply and said: "I am worried that the Yuwen family will misunderstand us more and more."

"Why are you afraid of him? Since they want to misunderstand, let him misunderstand, but if they dare to come and harass you again, I will definitely let them walk in and lie down." The ghost servant said fiercely.

Li Tian smiled bitterly.

Duguxie glared at the ghost servant.

"Young Master is worried about your brother?" Du Guxie asked suddenly.

Li Tian did not expect that the most silent Duguxie in the past would see through his mind, and not only silently nodded there.

"Yes, what I am most worried about now is once Yuwen Huangji misunderstands me, how he will deal with my brother." Li Tian said worriedly.

Duguxie also had an ugly face, because he couldn't say what horrible means that Yuwen Huangji, who became angry and furious, did!

What if Emperor Yuwen really killed Li Tian's brother in a rage?

In the end, the ghost servant came up with a way.

"Young Master, since you are worried about your brother, let's just kill the Yuwen family and save your brother! Anyway, the old man Yuwen has misunderstood us now... If you wait and die, you can only let your brother It's even more dangerous." Ghost servant said.

Listening to the words of the ghost servant, Li Tiangang felt a bit wrong at first, after all, he didn't really have to fight against the Yuwen family.

But after looking back and thinking about it carefully, in fact, the method that Ghost Servant said was the most direct and the most effective method at present.

Because only in this way, Li Tian can guarantee that his brothers are safe and sound. If time is delayed, it will definitely become more and more dangerous for Tang Xiaolong and Ah Qiu.

So after Li Tian thought about it, he suddenly made up his mind and said: "Okay!"

"Just do it!"

"Since the Yuwen family has misunderstood us, it's better to let him misunderstand us. After a while, when the truth comes out, I believe they will understand it naturally."

"Yes! Just do it." Ghost servant said with a smile.

So Li Tian made a preliminary decision to forcefully break into the Yuwen family and return the brothers.

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