Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6649: Win over

"Of course I know this. I told you before. Don’t trouble me. But if you don’t listen, I have to teach you a little lesson. Of course, this is just a lesson. If I really If you want to hurt her, she is dead now." Turning around and looking at Ziyue behind him, Li Tian said disdainfully, and then sat down on the side.

Although the attitude shown by this kid is really unpleasant, but thinking of the young man’s ability, Long Tianyu here has no choice but to act like nothing has happened.

Who makes people really good at it?

Stepping forward, she slowly lifted Ziyue from the ground, and asked in a low voice, "Is it all right?"

"Don't worry, I can still grasp my own means, and it didn't hurt her foundation. It just taught her a little lesson." He smiled indifferently, looking at the nervousness of the guy in front of him. Looks like Li Tian explained: "I am here this time but I want to cooperate with you. Of course, I don't want the relationship between the two of us to become so complicated, do I?"

"A master like you in Star City will be very interested in you. Is it worth it to come to me and cooperate with you like this? You know I am not the boss of some genuine Star City, I can't just do it casually. I'll help you."

"Because of my relationship with Long San, it is most suitable for me to come here to ask for your help. At least this kind of relationship can make us trust each other. The old gentleman is kind to me, so you can rest assured , I can help you take down the power of the entire Star City. Everything will proceed according to your previous ideas. What I want to know is also very simple, how to get out of here."

"Do you want to leave the spiritual realm?"

"This may be a good place for you, but it's not that simple for me. This kind of place seems to have very good living conditions, but it doesn't make any sense to me." Shrugging his shoulders, Li Tian said indifferently, and then squinted at Long Tianyu in front of him: "You can choose to believe in me, or you can choose to reject me."

"Are you the meteorite that fell from the sky?"

"You can say that."

"You tell me this, don't you really worry about it..."

"I know what you want to say. If my ability is not strong enough, I will naturally be more careful. But at this time in this Star City, I don't think anyone can be my opponent. If that's the case, why should I You also need to care about others. Even if they are anyway, they can't do anything to me. You don't need to be surprised, I'm talking about yours." Li Tian smiled slightly and looked at him.

Long Tianyu is speechless, this kid is really too proud, neither the way of speaking nor the feeling of doing things are very good.

Such young people are hard to control.

Even if he was on his side, it was definitely a tough one to deal with.

"Are you from the God Realm?"

"I know you have a lot of things you want to know now, but what I can tell you is that there are many things that I can’t even know about myself. At this time, even if you ask me, I won’t be able to explain it to you. So the best way is to not know what to do, we don’t ask each other questions, I help you do things, you tell me how to get out of here, it’s that simple.” Seeing this guy want to talk again The way he stopped, Li Tian knew what he was thinking without much thinking.

Long Tianyu did have a lot to ask, but what Li Tian said made him wonder what to say.

"You are so powerful, we don't know anything about your past, so even cooperation is quite passive for us, do you think this is appropriate?"

"Of course it is appropriate. There is no free lunch in this world. People like me help you fight for the position of the city lord, and it is not a problem even to win the rights of the entire Xiling Empire. It is not easy for you to take advantage of this. , Why do you still feel that you are at a disadvantage?" Li Tian chuckled and looked at the somewhat uncomfortable Ziyue. At this time, this woman probably thought that Li Tian's purpose here was to frame them.

But the truth is not like this

The purpose of his coming here this time is really to cooperate with these people, as long as he can find a way to get out of this ghost place, that's enough.

There are indeed some differences between the current situation and what I imagined before, but if the person is a little real, it won't be a big problem to reverse it. ,

"It seems that you are quite confident about yourself. Since it is like this, I think we have nothing to say this time. We can agree to your request, but you should also help us complete our Goal, no matter how difficult the process is, you can't back down, otherwise I will make you never get out of here and become the enemy of the Hilling Empire."

"it is good."

"If there is nothing to do, let's do it today. I'll let someone arrange it and let you live here."

"Forget it, your chamber of commerce is still a place of right and wrong after all. If you have anything, you can come to the Longmen Inn directly to find me."

"You are crazy, you still live in Longmen Inn in this situation?"

"You're the one who defeated all the people in Longmen Inn by your own efforts and sold a phantom crystal?" Ziyue was also unabashedly surprised when he looked at Li Tian's serious appearance. , She had never thought that the madman who had been in the entire Star City before was standing in front of them at this time, and she still looked so fearless.

Is it really this guy?

After doing those things, he would still come to such a place. This kid is really a lunatic.

"They know how good I am and how simple I am. Naturally, they won't regard me as a dangerous person. If they were a dangerous person, who would make a fuss like me?" Li Tian smiled indifferently, waved his hand, and said, "Don’t worry about this. I have my own ideas. You only need to do what I said. Of course, if there is anything. If there is a problem, I will also take the initiative to contact you so that you can first know where the problem is."

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