Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 659: Murderous

"I heard that Xuanyuanjian was not lost on Li Tian and Duguxie. Xuanyuanjian was thrown away by Yuwen family members after Li Tian gave the sword to members of Yuwen family! All the Yuwen family sent to respond. People, all were killed, and then the other party snatched Xuanyuan Sword!"

Listening to the people below, Ouyang's face became extremely ugly.

"In this way, the other party is clearly aware of their every move. They dare not **** the sword in front of Duguxie and the ghost servant. When Li Tian and the others handed the sword to the Yuwen family, it seems that the other party has a sophisticated The plan!" Old man Ouyang sighed slightly.

"Hey, the old man thought that after Li Tian returned the sword to the Yuwen family this time, they would be able to resolve their grievances. From the current situation, it seems impossible."


"Not only that, the Yuwen family thought it was Li Tian and others who killed them... Now the Yuwen family must hate Li Tian and the others!" the person below continued.

Father Ouyang frowned deeply, sighed heavily, and slowly raised his eyes to look at Kunlun Fengqingzi on the side.

"Feng Lao, what do you think?"

Feng Qingzi thought for a while and said slowly: "The misfortune has already happened, and now Li Tian and the others, no matter how they explain it, it must be useless... At this moment, I only hope that the Emperor Yuwen will not be arrogant! I hope he can calmly think about this. Things are going around."


"Then Li Tian's two brothers are still in the hands of the Yuwen family. If they really want to think that their people were killed by Li Tian, ​​I'm afraid Li Tian's brothers will be in danger..." Father Ouyang suddenly said .

After he uttered this sentence, I saw him ponder for two seconds, then suddenly raised his head and looked at Ouyang Zhengtian in the hall. They said: "Zhengtian, you are now sending people to look around for the Yuwen family Address...find their location in Jinghai City as soon as possible! Only by finding them as soon as possible, maybe we can stop Yuwen Huangji from doing impulsive things."

"If Yuwen Huangji really attacked Li Tian's brother, the trouble would be really big."

Ouyang Zhengtian in the hall nodded quickly after hearing the old man say this.

"Yes, father, I will do my best to find out the position of Yuwen family in Jinghai City as soon as possible."

After speaking, Ouyang Zhengtian quickly walked out...

Father Ouyang's deep eyes were gleaming, he looked into the distance slightly, without saying a word.

Although Elder Ouyang had already left the mountain, he still lived in the old ancestral hall at the end.

During the time when the old man was in retreat in Ouyang, this old ancestral hall was not guarded at all, only the old man stayed here leisurely.

But now the old man Ouyang is out of the mountain, so Ouyang Zhengtian sent a few bodyguards to guard the outside of the old man's ancestral hall, and it is also convenient for him to serve him.

Inside the old mansion and ancestral hall, there are a few very thick trees that have been standing there for so many years since spring and autumn.

At this moment, the old man Ouyang was sitting quietly inside the ancestral hall.

He sat cross-legged, his eyes closed slightly, and an incense burner was inserted in front of him... A scent of scent slowly came out from inside, and the green smoke entangled like clouds and mist.

This time is usually the time for the old man Ouyang to meditate. In the past, during this time period, the old man never saw guests, and no one would see him. It is still the same now.

But today, when the old man was meditating, suddenly there was a roaring voice outside.

When this sound came, the gate of the house that had been quietly closed was pushed open with a bang.

"Asshole, don't let me pass...be careful my palm hits you!" A hoarse and rough voice came from his mouth.

When I heard this hoarse voice, I knew it was a ghost servant.

I carefully looked at the location of the gate of the house, but saw that the ghost servant wearing a grimace mask rushed in, and behind him was the broken limb Duguxie.

It was the bodyguard of the Ouyang family who blocked them at the door. Although they also knew that the ghost servant and Duguxie were extremely masters, the old man had ordered that when he was meditating, he was determined not to let anyone disturb him. .

So the bodyguards at the moment are still blocking them.

"You can't go in... Our old man is now the time for meditation. If you have something, you can wait for the old man to finish meditating before looking for his old man..." The bodyguards stopped the ghost servants and said Duguxie.

But how could the ghost servant and Duguxie be stopped by these little bodyguards.

But there was a muffled snort in the ghost servant's mouth, and suddenly the sleeve of his right hand was raised, and an invisible force suddenly attacked the bodyguard who stood in front of him...

The bodyguard hadn’t stood still, he only felt a rush of wind, which hit his body severely.

With a bang, the body was thrown out a distance of two meters...

But fortunately, the ghost servant didn't make a ruthless hand, otherwise the bodyguard wouldn't have broken bones.

When one of the bodyguards was thrown into the air as soon as the ghost servant raised his hand, the rest of the bodyguards were still obstructing it... even if they were dead, they would not let Duguxie and the ghost servants enter. Excuse that old man Ouyang meditating.

"If you don't let go, don't blame my ruthless men!" The ghost servant suddenly said angrily!

Just as he uttered this sentence, he saw an old voice suddenly came from the ancestral hall.

"Let them in..."

After this utterance, the bodyguards who had desperately blocked the ghost servants and Duguxie nodded slightly at this moment, and then slowly retreated.

After these bodyguards left, the ghost servant and Duguxie walked in angrily towards the inside of the ancestral hall in front of them.

But seeing that the old man Ouyang, who was sitting there quietly, cross-legged, slowly opened his eyes when he heard the footsteps of two people coming in, and then stood up straight.

"Why did the two come to the old residence with such a strong murderous intent?" said the old man Ouyang, suddenly turning his head to look at the Duguxie and the ghost servant in front of him.

When the ghost servants and Duguxie arrived at the gate of this old house, the old man felt murderous!

A sharp murderous look!

Although the old man Ouyang didn't know what happened to the ghost servant and Duguxie, he could feel that the two of them seemed to be stimulated in some way, otherwise they would not enter his ancestral hall with such a murderous intent. .

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