Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 662: He joined the gate of hell?

Now I can finally know that someone can tell the ending of that night more than 20 years ago. How can they not be excited?

But when the old man Ouyang said slightly, "Ji Wushuang told me before he died that the twenty-odd masters left over from that night, although they surrounded the Cthulhu, they did not kill the Cthulhu... more than that. , The more than twenty masters that night paid an extremely heavy price. Many were stabbed to death by the sword in your elder brother’s hand, and many were seriously injured by your elder brother... and Ji Wushuang was your elder brother back then. Cut off the left arm with a sword..."

"He also said that in the final chaos, no one dared to rush up, no one dared to resist your eldest brother... Later, your eldest brother was also seriously injured because of his body, and he was holding his baby son in his arms... …Had to retire! Ji Wushuang personally told me that if it weren’t for the Cthulhu that night because he was holding his own son in his arms...It is estimated that the more than 20 masters who besieged him that night might have all been killed by the Cthulhu. He said that the Cthulhu at that time was not a human being, but a god, like a murderous **** reborn in hell, killing people when seeing people, killing ghosts when he sees ghosts..."

"So that night Cthulhu was not captured by so many masters...Although he was seriously injured, he still besieged and fled..."

When I heard the old man Ouyang telling this result, the Duguxie and the ghost servant suddenly burst into endless joy in their eyes!

"So Big Brother is not dead!"

"Big Brother really isn't dead!" The ghost servant cried out in a hoarse voice with excitement.

Duguxie also has red eyes. For so many years, although he often warns his elder brother is not dead, he is not dead... But sometimes he is still worried. He understands that the reason why he thinks so is to comfort him, and now he is hearing When the truth was over 20 years ago, Du Guxie certainly had trouble controlling his emotions.

Their eldest brother is really not dead!

"Second brother, I know that no one can kill Big Brother!" The ghost servant exclaimed excitedly.

Duguxie also nodded deeply there, and even his voice began to tremble slightly.

Old man Ouyang also said with satisfaction: "Yes, your eldest brother is indeed not dead!"

"But..." Old Ouyang's words turned, as if he had something to say.

When Duguxie and the ghost servant heard this, they hurriedly asked, "But what?"

"But, I heard Ji Wushuang tell me that that night their masters were only forwards...There were many, many masters lying in ambush... just in case the evil **** escaped... It's a pity that Ji at the time Wushuang no longer knows what happened behind... He was severely injured by the back of his left hand, so he could no longer besiege your eldest brother... But what happened to the later masters and your eldest brother? Well known,"

Hearing that Mr. Ouyang suddenly said this again, Du Guxie and the ghost servant were stunned.

"But you don’t have to worry... I believe your eldest brother will definitely be fine, because don’t forget that he was still holding your young lord back then... if he was really killed, how could your young lord survive? Now? I must have been killed that night in the same way...so the old man thought that your eldest brother must not have died!"


"Big Brother will not die!"

"Brother must be alive."

The ghost servant also said there.

The excitement in Duguxie's heart also calmed down a bit.

They have been searching for the answer for so many years, and now the answer has finally come out, which of course gave them a little comfort in their hearts.

After a long silence, that Duguxie suddenly stared at the old man Ouyang and asked, "Brother Ouyang, have you heard of the organization of Hell Gate?"

"The gate of hell?"

When the old man Ouyang heard these three characters, he was slightly startled, but that Duguxie stared at him with cold eyes.

"The old man has indeed heard of this mysterious organization a long time ago... but it seems to be a very early thing... It seems that it was all more than 20 years ago."

"I don't know how much Brother Ouyang knows about the gate of hell?" Du Guxie continued to ask in a calm voice.

Although the old man Ouyang in front of him wondered why this Duguxie would suddenly ask this, he still said slightly: "As far as the old man knows, this gate of **** seems to be quite mysterious at the time. As for what they are doing, I really don't know. ."

"Brother Ouyang, do you know that the organization that dealt with our eldest brother that night more than 20 years ago was the gate of hell." The cold words suddenly roared out of Duguxie's mouth.


"It turned out to be the gate of **** that dealt with your eldest brother?" Ouyang Wujiang said with a horrified face.

"Yes." Duguxie said word by word.

"Moreover, those masters back then were all swept over by the gate of hell, including the left-handed sword Ji Wushuang you just mentioned." Du Guxie continued.

Old man Ouyang blinked and blinked, as if he couldn't believe it, but when Du Guxie spoke it seriously, it seemed that he should believe it even if he didn't believe it.

"I really didn't expect that the mysterious organization **** gate that dealt with your elder brother more than 20 years ago." Old man Ouyang said with a sigh.

But seeing Duguxie and the ghost servant in front of him suddenly looked at each other.

Just listen to the hoarse voice of the ghost servant saying: "There is something, we want to ask you, and want to hear you tell us the truth."

Listening to the unkind and hoarse words of the ghost servant, the old man Ouyang was taken aback for a moment and said, "Please speak."

"Do you know that your son has joined the gate of hell?"

Suddenly a deadly word came out hoarsely from the ghost servant's mouth.

When the ghost servant in front of him said these words, the whole face of the old man Ouyang suddenly changed.

There was a stunned face...

"What? What did you say?" Old man Ouyang suddenly asked, and when he heard his son, his expression became ugly for a moment.

"I'm talking about your fourth son, Ouyang Longyan!"

"He has already joined the gate of hell!" Hearing only one sentence, he roared out of the ghost servant's mouth again.

When Father Ouyang heard the names of his fourth son, he was stunned for a moment...

"Yan'er, do you say that my Yan'er... joined the gate of hell?" Old man Ouyang muttered in his mouth as if he was stuck.

"Don't you know?" Ghost servant continued to press.

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