Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6687: Eight-foot mirror

"It's really a big game. If the veterans were not controlled, there would be no situation like today."

"Really? Even if they can still maintain the original mind, these idiots can't mobilize their strength at all. The gap between them and me on the path of cultivation is still quite huge. Since I am You Demon Emperor, how could they be able to easily contend with these small characters? At the beginning I also knew that I was a dangerous existence in the eyes of many powerful people. If I had to force them to deal with them, it would be impossible. How long will it take for me to become the target of all these people? Instead of that, let me change the way. Since I was unable to rule the gods in that era, I could change the way to let myself have The way to continue to rule the gods after this o"

"This is also the reason why all this happened today. You have planned for so many years and are waiting for such an opportunity. Now this opportunity has finally fallen into your hands. You must be quite happy, right?" Li Tian looked at The ghost emperor in front of him said: "It's a pity, no matter how much you calculate, there is nothing in this world. No one in this world can calculate the way of heaven. Everything you do is eventually known by the way of heaven and wants to complete it. Such a goal is easier said than done. My appearance is your chance and the time for your destruction

"Boy, even if you really have expert advice, although there were a lot of great experts, but after so many years, the entire God Realm has already undergone changes in the sun and the moon, and those experts of the year cannot continue to stay. In this kind of place, do you really naively think that you can deal with me with their little pointers?" You Demon Emperor sneered, then moved his body and said, "Forget it. , Since things have reached the point where they are today, there is nothing to say to you, honestly let me destroy your entire soul, and use your body to challenge the entire God Realm, I will let those who wanted to kill My people know that I am an extremely powerful existence in this world, and no one can truly defeat my o"

When You Demon Emperor spoke, the toughness and confidence revealed in his tone were also very admired by Li Tian. Anyway, this guy was the first demon among the first demons.

From this point alone, the strength of this guy is quite terrifying. It is completely impossible to treat him as a simple opponent with a little simple idea.

In the current situation, if the You Demon Emperor can really defeat Li Tian, ​​it will not take long. It will be a fairly invincible existence in the entire God Realm.

Not only because there are no powerful masters in the God Realm right now, but also because he holds in his hands such Ebon Guards who are constantly growing in their sleep. After so many years, these Ebon Guards may indeed have reached the gods. With the strength of the realm, wouldn’t it be unprofitable to look at the realm of an army of such a large number of masters in the realm of gods?

Who can stop an army like them? If things really come to that time, then there is really no suitable opponent in the entire God Realm.

This is what Li Tian worries the most.

I may be the last barrier in the entire God Realm now. Whether I am willing or unwilling, I have only one choice here today, fighting as much as possible.

If you lose, then the entire God Realm has failed.

And at this time, there will never be anyone who can help Li Tian’s o

"This is the opponent you are facing today. I can help you weaken this guy's soul power as much as possible, but whether you can succeed in the end depends on you. This is a good opportunity. You need to be fast. Entering the realm of gods, so that we can better sweep the entire gods, but the current situation is completely different from our previous imagination. "The voice of Sheng Nahang sounded at this time.

"Yeah, if I fail here today, this guy will soon rule the entire God Realm. When the time comes, sweeping the entire God Realm will be so easy that it can't be easier." Li Tian very Said helplessly o

"So, I will find a way to weaken this guy's power later, and what you have to do is very simple. Find a way to see if you can defeat him. Your soul power has been in the free space for so long. , It also has a very powerful power. Although the opponents you are facing at this time are also quite terrifying, I believe you can still show a lot of powerful power." Tiansheng said.

"That's it. I will try my best to defeat the guy in front of me. I also know that this guy is not a simple opponent, but now we don’t have many chances. If I want to fail here, it won’t take long for the whole God. The world is going to pay the price in this matter. I don’t want to see this situation. Although the God Realm doesn’t let me like it, there are many innocent people in the God Realm. I don’t want to let my own affairs be affected for no reason. To these innocent people o"

"Try it, this is our last chance. If there is no way to stop this guy here today, then it is really hard to find any chance to defeat this guy. Since this guy can become the Devil Emperor, his strength is bound to be It is not to be underestimated. If it weren't for the incident mentioned in the ancient prophecy, I would not go to such a place to ask you for help.

Li Tian didn't speak, and at this time, the surrounding black magic seeds began to howl in tragic pain. They were originally black, but at this time they turned into golden light.

When seeing this scene, even Li Tian couldn’t help but grow his mouth o

This is something I didn't expect at all.

And the Emperor You Demon coldly snorted at this time, and said: "The Eight-foot Mirror? Interesting, really interesting. I didn't expect that Heavenly Sage has been dead for so many years, and now there is still time to take care of other people's affairs , Do you really think that with your eight-foot mirror, you can make this kid fight with me? You still look down on me too much. Lao Tzu is the devil, is it so easy to fail?"

"Really? Then you can try o"

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