Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 665: Find a place

After Li Tian and the others made this decision, then Ouyang Lie arranged two cars with them.

After Li Tian asked the Yuwen family's address, they quickly got into the car, and after the car started with a grunt, it drove away quickly.

In the two cars, but I saw Duguxie and the ghost servant, as well as Old Monster Nage and Chen Qiaozhi all sitting in the car.

It was Chen Qiaozhi who drove.

The place they are going to is the Hui'an District of Jinghai City.

The distance from here to the Hui'an District of Jinghai City is not very far. If there is no traffic jam, it should be about half an hour or so.

Inside the car, but seeing that Li Tian had been dignified and worried since he got on the car.

Old Monster Ge looked at Li Tian's expression, knowing that Li Tian was worried about Tang Xiaolong and Ah Qiu, after all, they still don't know whether Yuwen Huangji had already attacked Tang Xiaolong and Ah Qiu.

It was almost a day since the misunderstanding of the Yuwen family, and no one knew what would happen to Tang Xiaolong and Ah Qiu in the middle of this day.

Therefore, Li Tian is still worried besides worrying about the rest.

He worried that something big would happen to his brothers.

After driving on the road, the car has reached the Hui'an District of Jinghai City.

Hearing from Ouyang Lie, the Yuwen family rented an abandoned basement here.

But what is the basement, Li Tian and the others still don't know.

But Chen Qiaozhi, who was driving, turned his head slightly to look at Li Tian and asked, "Li Tian, ​​do you know the exact address of the Yuwen family?"

Li Tian frowned and shook his head there, saying that he didn't know.

Not only was Chen Qiaozhi a little depressed, he blinked his eyes and glanced at the front place: "That seems a little hard to find."

"It should be near this area, look for it first." Li Tiandao said.

This Hui'an District is not very prosperous, so the streets on both sides seem to be colder, and Li Tian and Chen Qiaozhi just sat in the car and slowly began to search for the basement.

When they were driving the car and wandering to the sides, suddenly Old Monster Ge pointed to the place in front and said, "Hey, look, where is it? The three parked cars look like the Yuwen family. Car."

As Old Monster Ge said so, Li Tian and the brothers in front of them blinked and looked at the place of Old Monster Ge's fingers.

But there really were two luxury cars parked there where he saw Old Monster Nag's fingers.

Bentleymotorslimited, all in pure black, parked there, a total of two.

When Li Tian frowned, he recognized that bentleymotorslimited was a Yuwen family car.

"It's the Yuwen family car." Li Tian exclaimed excitedly.

The Duguxie and the ghost servant in front of them also recognized the two cars.

"Qiaozhi, drive over quickly." Li Tianzai said quickly.

Listening to Li Tian's words, then Chen Qiaozhi quickly turned the car around, and then drove there quickly.

After arriving in front of the two black Bentleys, seeing the brothers quickly jumped out of the car.

The Duguxie and the ghost servant followed Li Tian, ​​and Chen Qiaozhi and Old Monster Ge also ran over.

Li Tian raised his eyes and glanced at the basement in front, but saw that the door of the basement was tightly closed, but it was not locked. Obviously there were people inside.

After looking at the exit of the basement, Li Tian whispered to the brothers: "Go, go in."

As he said, he was the first to walk towards the basement in front, and then reached out and opened the small iron door.

As the small iron door opened, it was not very bright inside, and Du Guxie and the ghost servant followed Li Tian.

After I went in, I saw that there were old furniture piled up inside. It was obvious that this basement had not been occupied for a long time.

Li Tian and the others walked along the basement slowly looking ahead.

Suddenly, when they were looking ahead and walking, they saw two members in black suits standing in front of the aisle.

Take a closer look, aren't the two standing members in suits who belong to the Yuwen family?

But I saw one of them smoking a cigarette in his mouth, while the other was standing upright and motionless.

After seeing the two, Li Tian can now be sure that this place is indeed the den of the Yuwen family, but they don't know if Tang Xiaolong and A Qiu are being held here.

Li Tian winked at the ghost servant in front of him.

But seeing the ghost servant nodded knowingly, and then moved, suddenly the figure disappeared like a ghost.

This fast and spooky posture made Chen Qiaozhi and Old Monster Ge all eyes full of shock, and their mouths almost grew into a zero shape!

But after seeing the ghost servant disappearing like a ghost, he then looked at the two Yuwen family members in front.

Suddenly the Yuwen family member with a cigarette in his mouth felt like a figure flashed around him, he thought he was dazzled? But when he fixed his eyes to look at, the back of his head suddenly hurt, and then he passed out.

The other member of the Yuwen family was shocked when he saw his companion suddenly fell down. When he turned around, he suddenly saw that there was already a scary man wearing a grimace mask beside him. ...

"Ah!" His mouth yelled in surprise. Unfortunately, before the voice came out, he was still held in the middle of his throat. The ghost servant pressed his mouth tightly with a cold hand, and then touched it with the other hand His neck clicked!

The whole neck was sprained by the ghost servant in an instant.

Clean and neat.

After the ghost servant quietly killed the two members of the Yuwen family, Li Tian not only frowned slightly.

After all, the ghost servant was really too heavy, and he even killed people. But he doesn't care so much now, Li Tian only thinks about the safety of his brother.

So at this moment, after the ghost servant killed the two Yuwen family members, Li Tian didn't say much, turned and continued to walk quickly towards the inside aisle.

However, the more you go inside, the more you feel that the space in the basement is very large, and there seems to be a sound of leaking water.

When Li Tian and the others got to the front, they suddenly heard the voice coming from the front, Li Tian quickly motioned to the brothers to stop there.

Then he leaned on the side and moved slowly, raising his eyes to look.

As Li Tian turned his eyes to look, he saw 67 Yuwen family members standing in front of him.

Among them was a man with wolf-like eyes standing there.

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