Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 6841: Fantasy

"This is also No.1's idea. He knows that he has done so many things this time. If you want to unite with the monster clan, you must have a certificate of nomination. It is the most suitable for him to do all this. What is No.1? I all know, but I didn't say it clearly." No.2 sighed, took No.1 from No.3's hand, and said: "Let's go, let me see what Yaozu thinks."

"Don't have too much hope in advance. The previous Yaozu disappointed me a lot. After all, these guys still have no real civilized and will not understand what is a dangerous situation." Li Tian is also a little helpless on the issue here. Many of his own methods are not so powerful for dealing with monsters. These guys are just like barbarians, and it is impossible to get them to cooperate by simple means.

At least let them know what their choices are like at this time.

This time it must also be like this, and it must be to make the whole monster clan deeply realize that if they don’t cooperate with themselves, they will be wiped out. Only in this way, they can honestly follow. Cooperate by yourself.

But even in this way, it still takes a long way to solve the problem at this time. Li Tian didn't understand the result of this road.

Now that the three of them have made a decision, there will naturally be no procrastination.

On the other side, Nifeng was asked by Li Tian a long time ago to arrange the meeting in advance. The situation on their side is already dangerous enough. I believe that after such a period of preparation, the Ghost Emperor has already done it. Get ready, they don't have the advantage they had before, but they definitely can't give up at this time. The battle still has to fight.

As for the outcome of the battle, this is something that cannot be figured out clearly.

However, this meeting is very important. If you want to really deal with the ghost emperor, you must be fast, and you must not slow down this matter. On the human side, Li Tian also tried to communicate. Accomplishing the goal that he has in mind, all of this depends on how much the things in front of him bring to him, and he himself still hopes to have a little more.

"You have seen it, this thing is nothing more than what the enemy of Li Tian on the human side did. The purpose is to help the ghost emperor and completely disintegrate our alliance in the northern cold land. You think the ghost is doing it. What is the purpose of doing so many things? Is it really just to be happy, just to prove that you are powerful?" Looking at the people in front of him, Ni Feng sneered at this time and asked.

"The Queen's words are wrong. It is not that we people don't want to fight. It's just that after a series of previous battles, our entire demon race in the northern cold land can be said to have been greatly injured. In this situation Next, what we should have done is to retain our own strength and take good care of it for a period of time. It's hard to fight, isn't it?" A demon king stood up and scolded.

Nifeng glanced at him, but only smiled lightly. This smile looked so meaningful that people couldn't realize what the emotions were like.

The Queen sat down at this moment, shook her head, tapped her slender fingers on the table lightly, looked at them, and said, "Everyone is as naive as ever. It is true. Our strength has been weakened. Quite a lot, but what about the other races and other forces in the Northern Cold Land? Didn't they have any wastage in the previous battle?"

"This is different..."

"That is, this kind of thing must not be confused. We are us and they are them. If this kind of thing is to be mixed together, don't we still have to listen to you?"

The demon kings still have their own attitudes as before. This time they have suffered a lot from the alliance, and they have begun to worry about the problems afterwards. In this way, what are they thinking about at this time. It was to escape these wars. Although they knew that they couldn't escape, and knew that this was the war they had to go through, they wanted to retreat whenever they thought of the result.

Perhaps this is their nature. War is definitely not desirable for them, and it can only be a little trouble.

If they really move, they may not be able to keep up.

The Demon Kings in the entire conference hall almost all had this idea. As long as it could prevent the alliance this time, it was enough. The last time Li Tian killed the chicken and cursed the monkey, there was an excuse.

But this time, they won't give Li Tian an excuse. They don't believe that Li Tian will kill them for the alliance.

What's more, their demon kings are united like this this time. As long as Li Tian dares to do this, the situation in the Northern Cold Land will become more subtle. Isn't this human teenager ignorant of this?

"Everyone is really a good plan. At this time, what you are thinking about is the interests of your own race. I really admire such a means. You are amazing. You are really worthy of your title. The pretty powerful Demon King, I didn’t expect, I really didn’t expect that these demon kings in the dignified Northern Cold Land were so weak that they were so cowardly." At this moment, Li Tian swaggered in and squinted. Look at these demon kings here.

A red armor, long hair fluttering, and his face was all mocking at this moment.

He just walked in proudly, and then found a place to sit down and smiled at the demon kings in front of him.

Nifeng smiled at Li Tian who walked in, smiled and nodded, then turned his gaze on these demon kings, and said, "Don’t stop, everyone, what you wanted to say before, you can still Whatever you say, I know you are very unconvinced. Of course this is the case at this time. You have the right to express your opinions. You can talk more."

She looked at the demon kings in front of her, and the demon kings were all embarrassed at this time.

I haven't said before, this guy will come to such a place.

Although I have had confidence before, when I really face the Li Tian in front of him, I still feel a little worried. This is no way. Who makes this guy very difficult for them? of.

Looking at Li Tian in front of him at this time, everyone was a little worried.

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